The New You Plan Employee of the Month January 2016
1) When did you join the Team?
ANSWER: February 2014
2) What is it you love most about the new you plan?
ANSWER: I love how I have a hand in changing peoples lives. Being able to log on and see the success stories from everyone on the diet. It really is rewarding to know I have had an input on this change
3) What does your average day in the office look like?
ANSWER: I start the day by opening the dispatch area, I would print all orders for the team, making sure all packs leave meeting our high standards, I will also complete reports on all stock and work with suppliers to plan orders, we would also discuss new products and new ideas we can bring to the company.
4) What’s the #1 most played song on your iPod?
ANSWER: Justin Bieber – Sorry ( I could not pick one so Grant picked this for me!)
5) What is one of your favorite quotes?
ANSWER: One advantage of talking to yourself is that you know at least somebody’s listening.
6) What’s your favorite indoor/outdoor activity?
ANSWER: Playing any sports, love to play golf in summer at weekends!
7) What chore do you absolutely hate doing?
ANSWER: Dishes!!
8) What is your favorite form of exercise?
ANSWER: Playing Any sports, or running in the local park
9) If you could witness any event past, present or future, what would it be?
ANSWER: I would love to have been in Barcelona in 1999 when Manchester united won the champions league
10) What is your favourite football team?
ANSWER: Manchester united
??Some words to Conor from the Team:??
Congratulations on achieving employee of the month.? Thank you for being such a dedicated member of staff, You are always smiling and your smile is so infectious. Such an achievement to get employee of the month and very well deserved. You are a shining star with The New You Plan and I am thankful for your help and commitment to the company.
Conor you are our go to guy, if we ever need anything ordered or need info you are always there. You really are such a great help ?
A really good guy, a pleasure to work with, respectful and well mannered. Conor is really good natured with a great sense of fun. He will go far in life. ? Conor I am sooooo happy to be working alongside you ???
Thank you for always being there buddy, you really are an amazing member of the team and I know that there have been many days that I would have been lost without you. It has been great to see you do so well and rise to every challenge. I know you have a very bright future!
Well done Conor!!