New Year New You Thought for Thursday | VLCD Mindset
Thought For Thursday:
Our greatest weakness lies in giving up.
The most certain way to succeed is always to try just one more time.

The Quote
Today I picked a quote by Thomas A. Edison which is ‘Our greatest weakness lies in giving up. The most certain way to succeed is always to try just one more time.’ The interpretation of this quote is fairly straight forward when applied to the context of our VLCD (Very Low Calorie Diet) – this is to get the diet mindset. On Tuesday I asked you for the reasons why you wanted this VLCD program to work for you. I stressed the importance of being honest with yourself in the reasons for this as facing some harsh truths is for me often the best way to confront a problem. This bring us to:
The reasons for today’s topic:
From having done the VLCD diet and having interviewed many others that have confronted their weight issues and won, there is a recurring trend that echoes through all our stories alike. That is that success does not come in one lump sum! Success is gained by repeating the correct actions over and over again, while also working to minimize the number of times the wrong action is taken. If your correct actions outweigh the negative the end result will be a positive outcome!
I have not written this blog to dull the irritation of breaking a diet but hopefully to catch you at a weak moment when you intend to give up and make you realise it is never too late to take the right action. If you have ever had a day where you wake up and before the morning is over you have broken your diet, then this is for you. I have been there and the feeling is – the damage is done so I may as well enjoy the rest of my day.
The reality is you are going to do more harm by carrying on in the manner and you will be far less likely to pick up again in the morning if you have already accepted one excuse.
The conclusion | success on a VLCD program:
If you fall down take no time in picking yourself up. Things are going to happen and they will control you if you let them but The most certain way to succeed is always to try just one more time!
I would love to hear some of your experiences in this area. How you felt at the time and how you dealt with your demons to stay on track!
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Good luck and thanks for reading.
Kind regards
Thank you
You are welcome Jan, Glad you enjoyed it 🙂
Hi Grant, the way i’ve dealt with the times that I have blipped is to say to myself that this is a journey for me and if I stumble, pick myself up and keep going, because if I keep going I will reach the finish line eventually.
Hi Davinia, I hope you had an awesome Christmas and New Year. Well done for staying on track this year 🙂 I really love this and you will get there.
I saw a funny quote that this reminded me of that applies quite aptly to me, the quote was ‘even if you fall on your face you are still moving forward.’ this is such a small string of words but there is so much that can be taken from it aside from the sheer comedy.
hi grant so far ive been 100% on plan when ever i think of breaking it i sit myself down and ask what do you want more that little bisciut or to be healthy and slim again and guess what the answer always is slim please x
Fantastic Pauline, you have done so well already – I cant wait to see what you can achieve this year! Good luck and here is to many more days at 100%
You have really hit the nail on the head. If I falter and break my diet I do through in the towel and say well I might as well have the day off now and I probably do eat as much as possible as “I’m not on the diet that day”. Previously when I have broken my diet I have felt depressed and really cheesed off with myself which turns into a vicious circle. EAT – BEAT MSELF UP – EAT SOMEMORE and the circle continues. I do feel like I am becoming a stronger person as a result of being on the plan. I am in control of my choices. Take this morning for instance, two teenage girls in a strop over going to school “as nobody else is going to be in”. This is as a result of an unauthorised trip from the school which I wouldn’t allow mine to go on. After temper and tantrums this morning I would have turned to the goodies tin and probably emptied the contents into my gob. Not today. After I had them all out to school I sat with my porridge and cup of tea. They will not break me and I will not break my diet. I am strong and I am no longer an emotional eater.
I am glad to hear it hit the right chord with you Tonia and I am thrilled to hear that you have nailed the mindset. I am sure if you could deal with this then you can take on anything life throws at you. Thank you so much for the support! I look forward to hearing your updates 🙂
I started back on plan on Monday and have blipped Monday and Tuesday (tut tut!!) They were both tiny blips that I did absent mindedly but I didn’t let it ruin my intentions to stay on plan. I’ve shrugged them off because I’m only human and I knew it may take a few days to get completely back on plan 100% after Christmas. I was 100% yesterday and I will be 100% until Monday when I weigh in. I’m pleased that I didn’t allow my blips to stop me getting back on track and turn into a binge so I’m proud of myself for that reason 🙂 x
Woohoo Clare, that is what I like to hear. If you do not let the mistakes pull you down then you will become unstoppable! You have every reason to be proud 🙂 Good luck, I know your perseverance is going to pay off!
Loved this Grant. I suppose I have been lucky. I am so committed to the plan and as you probably remember made that promise to my friend Katie that I WOULD succeed. I had the PLANNED BLIPS for the wedding and did exactly what you said. Next day straight back on the plan. It’s not that I don’t get cravings, yes I do, but I tend to have an extra product or snack, feel this is the best option. Went a bit crazy over Christmas, but not as bad as I thought I would. Being on the plan really changes the foods that you want to eat and I have LOST the taste for red wine lol….which used to be something I really enjoyed .This is round 2 for me weigh in tomorrow I am hoping to have lost at least the 6lbs I put on over the holidays….quite a lot coming up socially, but will take each day/meal at a time. Not so manic now understand it is a journey not a race, we all lose weight at different speeds, and not to compare yourself with anyone else….each pound off adds up to stones and for me thats nearly 6….won’t be long now. Love this plan and NY and my fellow SS’ers the support and encouragement is amazing. 😀 😀 😀
Thank you so much for the support Anne and you are right I remember how committed you are and I cant wait to do our interview 😉 6 stone is so so impressive and we are all so proud of you. Christmas can be a tough time but you have totally nailed it 🙂 Good luck for 2014
Thanks for the blogs I’ve found them inspiring. Thankfully, I’ve stuck to the plan, my biggest failure is having 2 snacks when I’ve been low. Being pretty immobile & in constant pain it’s hard to find a distraction. I’ve thought of having no snacks in the house, but then I might get some of my old treats & I don’t want to go back there.
You are welcome Mandy and I appreciate the support from you 🙂 It sounds like you are doing a great job to me so keep it up and you will get there! Good luck and if there is anything we can do let us know!
A wonderful blog Grant,
For me I have followed the plan 100% because I decided at the start I had to make the change , and make it a Life change not just a temporary one ..
This week I have gone back onto TFR for a couple of weeks to lose the pounds I gained from Christmas & my Birthday , and a little bit more. I feel that I am in control for the first time in my life .
Its so true this is not a race but a journey , a journey where we can decide when we reach our destination .
Thank you for all your inspirational blogs 🙂
You have done such and amazing job Oonagh and I feel blessed to have been a part of it. Good luck for this year and thank you so much for the support. I meant to say I hope you had an amazing birthday!