Mindset Monday: How to turn a negative diet mindset into a positive dieting mindset
At the new you plan we are committed to helping you create your NEW YOU and turning a negative diet mindset into a positive one.
Losing weight is probably more about what you THINK than anything else!Β If we can get our head in the right place, our body will follow!
On the 1st June we provided you with a FREE JUNE PLANNER – if you haven’t got this yet CLICK HERE TO DOWNLOAD IT
Part of the planner was focused on setting some MINDSET goals, most people FAIL ON THE DIET BECAUSE OF A NEGATIVE DIETING MINDSET.Β It is easy to be your own worst enemy by talking yourself out of sticking to the plan and being 100%.Β You need to be your own champion, be your own best friend, and when you feel these negative thoughts coming into play, you need to be able to turn them around so you can remain strong and positive.
This TOTAL FOOD REPLACEMENT diet is really a head diet.Β Even if you start out positive, it is common for a negative diet mindset to appear at some point. Take some time to prevent yourself from failing when the negative diet mindset appears by reading this blog post and doing today’s task!
In the first 21 days a negative diet mindset can come up when you are breaking those bad habits of opening the fridge every evening, or having a wee something with your cup of tea.Β Your head is going to keep telling you that you cannot do this, get real with your answers ahead and donβt be your own worst enemy this month.
NEGATIVE DIET MINDSET – Do any of these seem familiar to you?
How do you turn it into a POSITIVE DIETING MINDSET?
I canβt do this > You CAN DO THIS.Β There is nothing in this that is outside your skill base.Β Make a shake, drink it.Β Open a meal bar, eat it.Β It is actually very simple to do.Β If your head is in the right place and you are focused and determined.
I need to eat to feel better > The first few days / first week can be challenging at times.Β Recognise this in advance.Β Know that you are more than likely going to feel this way.Β Make sure you have your products regulary and donβt leave it too long in between.Β Drink your water, have a bath, go for a walk.Β You can feel better loads of ways, you do not need food to feel better.Β Listen to your favourite music, or do something else that will make you feel better.
This is too hard for me > This is hard.Β This is short term pain, for long term gain.Β Living life feeling overweight and not fitting into your clothes is HARD.Β Choose your hard.
I am always going to be fat, whatβs the point > You will always be fat if you keep doing what you are doing and donβt make change.Β If change doesnβt challenge you, it wonβt change you.Β You want to change your weight, it is going to challenge you.Β Love the challenge!! Bring it on!
Sure life is for living, im not doing this diet anymore > LIE LIE LIE!! This is total BS!! Donβt even let yourself entertain this thought.Β This is absolute rubbish.Β Donβt live to eat. Eat to Live.Β Make it your personal mission to live a life that is fulfilling that does not require you to eat to make you feel like you enjoy your life.Β This is not a LONG TERM thing.Β Food is not going anywhere.Β You can enjoy plenty of healthy meals when you get to your target.Β Settle yourself on your dedication to the meal replacements until you get to your goal, and then you can REALLY LIVE THE LIFE YOU WANTβ¦. And not have to settle for a life that you let your weight dedicate what you do and where you go.
Whatβs the point of doing this diet if I am going to be miserable > So why did you start the diet?? Was it not because you felt miserable in the first place?Β After the first week or so when you have completed your detox from carbs and junk food you will feel better than you have felt in months / years.Β Every customer says the same thing, that they FEEL AMAZING on the plan.Β So fight through those early days and you will be rewarded.Β Or give up and feel miserable anywaysβ¦ like you did before you started the plan.Β Your choice! J
I am just going to do healthy eating, I canβt do this > Great, do that! But my guess is you TRIED THAT BEFORE YOU TRIED MEAL REPLACEMENTS? And obviously if you bought meal replacements then that did not work for you!! Losing weight is HARD.Β If you have a lot to lose, losing 1 or 2 pounds a week (with those weeks where you stay the same or put on pound or 2 on inbetween) it can be one of the most demoralising things to even contemplate.Β This diet is strict. But give it 100% and you will get 100% resultsβ¦ then when you get to your goal weight you can follow a healthy eating plan to maintain, and not to lose weight, which will be much easier for you to do.
Win a slendertone belt in tomorrow’s prize draw!
One comment today will win a trio of our top selling water flavourings worth Β£13.49
Mango & Passionfruit, Raspberry Crush & Pink Lemonade
I look forward to reading your comments, and helping anyone who needs helped!
Julz xxx
It took me such a long time to start NY plan , i’d seen the adverts over and over again and kept making excuses , main one being – i can’t afford it . I was then told how my weight was affecting my health , and the pain i was in was unbearable .I spoke to my doctors and they finally agreed to me starting the plan .I stop any negative thoughts by thinking of the pain , discomfort and breathlessness i had pre plan . I have stopped socialising due to my weight and have become a recluse , hiding behind a huge coat IF i HAD to go out to the shops .I wasn’t going to tell anyone i’m on the plan , and then my son and grandchildren came for a visit .My son kept telling how proud he was that I was doing something about my unhappiness so I think of that too when the doubts and gremlins start speaking to me .only i ate myself this weight and only i can change it .my daily mantra is ” I want this new me , i can have the new me ” and the cliche ” nothing tastes as good as slimmer feels ”. i am at the stage now where some days ( ! ) i dont even think about blippy food .xx
You near have me crying here Melody and I am like a stone….. Such a lovely story to read! I am loving that you are so much in your life and you deserve so much happiness xoxoxoxoxoxoxox
Beautiful story Melody! And such a lovely thing for your son and grandson to say… that would be added motivation.. I am sorry you had to go through so much pain but the fact that you acknowledged it and are doing something about it now is great! Can’t wait to hear more about your journey <3 x
The future is bright for you Melody π So good you are taking action to get your life on the path you want to be on!
The saying… MOTION DRIVES EMOTION… is so true… when we are DOING SOMETHING then we FEEL BETTER about ourselves, when we are on the MOVE we feel ENERGY.
Thank you for sharing your story so far with us, I am so glad you are with us, we are blessed to share this journey with you xxx
Always had too many excuses but they were easy to create when I just spent my life looking after other people’s needs first and not looking after myself. I got so caught up making sure everybody is happy and healthy that I totally forgot about myself but I didn’t understand it at the time because everyone was happy and nobody realised how I was just falling into a vicious circle, not able to help myself.
Not getting any kind of support from your nearest and dearest is also hard. Listening to constant critisizing and being called names didn’t help neither just added more to the misery.
So yes, the years are going by and I just said to myself… What’s the point…?!
Until I woke up one day, asking myself if I really wanted to live the rest of my life like this . I don’t want to wake up one day, 75 years old, looking back on my life, thinking what a waste it’s been!
Everyone should make the most of it and discover new things , exciting things.
Women get so caught up in everyday life, doing so much, going through a lot of physical, emotional, hormonal changes and we should really mind ourselves and not to forget how to look after ourselves.
I want to enjoy life to the fullest, meet new people, laugh out loud and just be happy!
This plan and support is all I need to guide and help me through! Thank you !
“I want to enjoy life to the fullest, meet new people, laugh out loud and just be happy!”
It is all just a few months away too, you are on the right road. I totally know what you mean about getting caught up making sure everyone else is happy.
We need to remember to make time for ourselves. I am glad you are making that time now xx
I have lost three stone on the plan and gone from a 20/22 to a 12/14. I’m still focussed on losing the last two stone and I love how I look in my clothes. I am however very negative about how I look without clothes. I go on holiday in august and I’m giving myself a hard time about how I will look in a swimsuit. I need to remember that when I started this it was for my kids to have a fit and healthy mum enjoying the holiday with them and not watching from the sidelines because I am too heavy to reaaly enjoy it. Well I’ve achieved that!! I’m already fitter and healthier than I’ve ever been and my kids are so proud of me. I’m never gonna have the body of an 18 year old. I’ve had five kids and I’m 44 but I’m making the most of what I’ve got. So no more negative body image thoughts. I’m looking forward to whizzing down those waterslides with my kids and loving every minute of it. Thanks New You for changing my life !!
Awww that’s brilliant!!!!! 20-22 to 12-14 WOWWW how long did it take you? I am currently 20-22 and on Day 5.. would love to be in your position now <3 x
WOWWWW! 20-22 to 12-14. that’s amazing!!!!!! how long did it take you? I am currently a size 20-22 and am dying to be a 14-16 π x
HI Melony, if you are aiming to lose another couple of stone you will see a massive difference in your body still.
I think as women we are bombarded with photos of perfect bodies, but we need to remember that our body is the most precious thing we have and that we should feel proud of it… especially as it has given you 5 kids. I know after my 2 pregnancies that my body is completely different now… we just have to celebrate it and make the most of what we have got…
This prayer comes to mind…
God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change,
The courage to change the things I can,
And wisdom to know the difference.
<3 xxx
I am currently on Day 5 and I feel great! It just clicked with me last Thursday and I thought “what are you doing?” I am 27 years old and I am just wasting my life feeling miserable and unhealthy. So I completely changed my attitude .. I used to say “if I get to day 8” or “hopefully I do the full X weeks” now I don’t allow myself to say that. Everything even if I’m “talking” to myself in my own mind it’s all WHEN, I WILL, I AM.. it’s so important to be positive.. I don’t allow myself to think negative now.. I am doing this and I will achieve my goals… only think I can’t decide ELLIE & JULIE maybe ye could help me with is that I am doing this for 4 weeks until I go on holidays in July but should I continue doing this while on holidays in Berlin? What is everyone’s thoughts on this? As you say in above post saying that “live is for living (in relation to food)” is a lie eat to live.. not live to eat.. so should food really matter when on holidays.. will that really make my holiday any better? Need advice on that thanks <3 xxx
Hi Patricia, so good to see you being so strong and positive, this is YOUR time to shine! I really want you to do this and get into the zone. Wouldnt it be great if this year, 2014 was the year that you broke free from feeling “miserable and unhealthy”. By Christmas time you WILL BE a different person, just take it day at a time and don’t let yourself dwell on negative thoughts. It is important to keep focused on your WHY…. keep looking at it and stay positive.
I think as you find it hard to get in the zone you would be better to stay on the plan when you are away… it is VERY HARD to refeed while on holiday. So you are better just to stick to the plan… maybe have a salad and protein the odd occassion while away.
This time is an INVESTMENT into your future and the more you build up your willpower by doing the things you think you cannot do, the stronger you will become in the process. xxx
good luck sweetie xx
I regularly have negative thoughts and I believe that they only got worse after I was diagnosed with MS. Its hard to stay positive in life when it is filled with such uncertainty and I dont know what the future will hold. It makes it hard to plan as I never know when my MS monster will rear its ugly head! That said I really beleive that I need to lose the weight to be happier and also more importantly to be healthier. Surely I owe myself that and need to fight my MS with everything I have and being overweight holds me back from fighting 100%. I am determined to lose the weight but sometimes I do think; why bother, you already have MS you may as well enjoy yourself while you can! There is no point even trying you wont make it.
But I see people here that make it each day and keep fighting and giving 100% and it really does motivate me to try even harder and stick with it! The New You crowd really are an insirational crowd and the kindest most understandng people I have met in a long time! Thanks guys and I hope that we all reach our goals!
Hi Rosa,
LOVE THIS >>> I really beleive that I need to lose the weight to be happier and also more importantly to be healthier. Surely I owe myself that and need to fight my MS with everything I have.
We all only have one life, we all don’t know what the future holds, all we have is NOW! Our health is our wealth. I am not very informed on MS but I do know that one of our success stories Briony has MS and she is still maintaining with us.
I interviewed Briony in March 2013 im sure you will get some inspiration listening to this http://www.thenewyouplan.com/blog/interview-brionys-transformation-from-size-22-to-size-14/
Health issues are a bit of a vicious circle, then can cause us to put on the weight, they make it hard to lose the weight, but the one thing that will help ease our health problems is losing weight. I know this with my broken ankle and pelvic pain. I know when I get the weight off me it will be easier for me to walk.
Just take it day at a time hun π You will do this, and enjoy every minute!! Feel empowered! xx
You are dead right Julz and I will certainly watch that interview as I am sure it will help loads! 22-14 is an amazing achievement!! I was wearing a size 20 and so have a similar journey to make as I need to get down to 10-12 as I am short! I really think I can do it with New You and as you say, one day at a time!
R xx
So lovely to know that you are really in a good place to make this change! I am delighted for you Rosa π 2014 is going to be a life changing year for you!! xxx
When you have a lot of weight to loose it is easy to get negative about the amount of time it is going to take you to get to goal and how long you will need to deprive yourself of food and social occassions. When I have this negative thought I ask myself – 1. Am I on the right plan for me to get to go in the quickest possible way – Answer Yes 2. If I dont stay on the plan, how much more weight will I put on during this time – Answer too much 3. When is the right time – the right time is now. This helps me stay positive and keep me on track to reach my goal.
The other negative thought which ties in with the one above is negative self image – when I look in the mirror I go seriously – How did you get yourself in this mess! I then say to myself you are where you are – you can either feel sorry for yourself or do something positive about it. The one thing I love the most about the New You Plan is that 7 days on this plan being 100% can make a huge difference to your body. That is the thought I hold when I have a negative self image.
One last thing I try to do is enjoy the journey and the transformation. I try to visualize what I might look like in 2 weeks time. I dont think too far ahead as I find that daunting. Just one day at time and one day becomes 2 days etc.
I love mindset Monday. Have a great week everyone.
I love this idea of just visualising 2 months away! It is great as the little changes we notice along the way are so motivating! π We can think oh I need to loose 5 stone and it is going to take 5 months or so…. but it is important to remember that we will be celebrating our transformation every day as we notice all those little changes π
You are doing amazing Jennifer, I will be celebrating with you when you get to your goal π BIG LOVE TO YOU! xx
I have negative thoughts all day everyday. It’s part of why I’m so overweight. I’m such an emotional eater, I try to motivate myself into doing something about my weight and think of all the reasons why I hate the size I am, usually then I just end up feelin so crap about myself I run to the nearest bit of food and binge eat- comfort eat to make me feel better or just distract me from my thoughts. Instead this just makes me feel even worse and the cycle continues.. Well it stops today !!
Today marks day 1 , the first day on the plan, the first day of a happier and healthier me as the first day where instead of attacking myself mentally about these negative thoughts I am going to write them down and make it into a positive. Just a few of the negative thoughts I battle with daily: I’m 25 years old , I should feel young and fun but instead I hide away – be as unsocial as possible as I am so embarrassed of what size I’ve become. I haven’t worn a sleeveless top without a long sleeve cardigan in about 9 years – even in the gorgeous weather. I question why my husband would want to be with me because I can’t even stand the way I look. I question why anyone would want to be friend with me- would they not be too embarrassed to be seen with someone so big. I do my hair and my makeup and avoid looking at the rest of me in the mirror- maybe if I don’t look it isn’t really that bad??! We’ll it is- I’ve just taking my Before photos and instead of what is usually do- run to food because I’m annoyed – I’m taking charge. I’m using this as my motivation- do I really want to look like those photos and hate myself? Do I want chocolate or takeaways more than I want to look and feel fantastic – no I don’t. I am going to do this- I can do this. I will be wearing those short sleeve tops and I will be holding my husband ‘s hand out in public knowing he is proud to call me his wife. I will be the young happy mum to my 2 amazing children that I know I can be. And yes there are some tears flowing down my face but not with upset or negativity but with happiness and pride that I’m finally doing something for me. Wishing everyone the greatest success in their futures π we can do this, we are doing this π xxx (ps sorry for the long essay but i needed this- thank you)
>>>>> LOVE THIS >>>>> Today marks day 1 , the first day on the plan, the first day of a happier and healthier me! π
A journey of a thousand miles starts with a single step!!
CONGRATULATIONS FOR TAKING THE STEP TOWARDS YOUR NEW YOU!! There are going to be amazing highs and lows ahead of you on this transformation… give it your all and you will have the most incredible empowering transformation of your life!! You will soon believe in yourself more than you ever believed possible!!
I am so excited that you have chosen us to share your journey with, I hope that you will be regular on our blog and secret slimmers where I can support you and cheer you on! π
>>>> so lovely >>>> I am going to do this- I can do this. I will be wearing those short sleeve tops and I will be holding my husband βs hand out in public knowing he is proud to call me his wife. <<<http://www.thenewyouplan.com/blog/day-18-new-you-plan-weight-loss-challenge-create-your-vision-board-this-weekend/
I am so glad you are with us!! hope you have an amazing week and make sure you are in secret slimmers getting full support from our inspiring community!!
Ah Laura – what a post. You know you are in the right place now and everything is possible. Good luck on your first day and your first week. Use all the tools available to you and stay positive. You will get there. Jen x
Thanks Jen π I feel a weight has been lifted just writing that π
You will do this Laura!! x
I suffer all the time from negative feelings, thoughts, emotions. It is very very difficult to counteract when you don’t feel well or happy most of the time. That’s not just because of weight.
I think sometimes the negative thoughts get channelled into the slow weightloss for me on NY as that is a focus at the moment. I get very disheartened when all these people lose so much more in just a few days or weeks when it takes me over a month to achieve that level of loss. I’m losing no faster than on a conventional diet.
But I need, but I honestly don’t know how, to concentrate more on the positives. I didn’t have a good day overall yesterday but did have two people I hadn’t seen for a little while comment on how much weight I’d lost :). Not being bundled up in layers helps a lot too at this time of year although I still need to cover up my horrible arms.
It isn’t something you can just snap out of, it definitely takes time and I need to understand starting point but one that is doable at this point.
Hi Alison π
I just want to give you a big hug and say that you are in the right place and you are doing really well!!
As the saying goes… It doesnt matter how slow you go, you are beating everyone who is just lying on the couch!
Here are some of my top tips for you to keep positive π
1.) Every week treat yourself to something nice, a new makeup, a pamper bath, a hair colour… something that will reaffirm your commitment to looking and feeling good about yourself.
2.) Don’t compare your journey to someone elses… this is never a good thing to do. Just focus on your own journey, and aim to be a little bit better every day.
3.) Fist pump and celebrate every time you have a 100% day and go to bed thinking YESS!! I did it π I am closer to where I want to be!! Feel proud and happy for making the changes and having the discipline to be where you want to be!
4.) Count your blessings! It is so true that the more you appreciate what you have and what you are achieving the more good things you have to appreciate and celebrate!
5.) Go on a negativity detox… for 1 week promise yourself that as soon as you think a negative thought you will automatically replace it with a positive one… don’t let yourself dwell on any thoughts that do not support and encourage you! Do this for one week and see how different you feel π
6.) Track your habits… losing weight is only one part of the puzzle, use the habit checker in our monthly planner and get focused on building in habits that make you happy and support your committment to a new healthy lifestyle. π
7.) What makes you happy? List 3 things that you LOVE TO DO! Things that make you truly happy! Do you have any hobbies?? Would you like to learn something new?? I am currently learning photography! What hobbies do you have that satisfy your soul?? How do you like to relax? Make sure you are clear on what you love… and do more of what you love… then you will be happy π
PLEASE DO GIVE THIS TIPS A GO! I am sure you will really feel better for it π
i hated myself before i started new you my husband left myself and my kids when they are only 7 and 10 my excuse was always i cant afford to lose weight i need to look after my kids first ,putting food on the table for them always came first having mo maintenance didnt help and i felt better able to hide from the world when i was overweight,i stayed at home for the first 3 or 4 years getting bigger and bigger,mosr unhappy and unhealthy,my car accident made me realise i needed to look after myself and get better for my kids sake,i made the lifechanging decision to purchase a new you box and my life has never been better,i love myself and my life now my kids have a happier healthire mam my mam and dad have their daughter back an i have shown my ex and food they can no longer control my life i have taken it back and my god i am going to live it now thanks new you xx
WOOOHOOO π Oh Pauline I LOVE LOVE LOVE your attitude :)You are so inspiring!! I really hope we have the opportunity to meet some day :)xx
Thank you for taking part and sharing your success with us every day… it really is appreciated π xx
I have to admit I am guilty of using all of the above excuses at one time or another and just this weekend I used the ‘life’s too short one’ when I decided to ‘be sociable’ and have a drink! And then I hated myself the next day for being weak!
I’ve done a similar diet to this about 5 years ago and I lost 7 stone because I stuck to it 100% so I know what being slim, fit and healthy feels like and there is no other feeling like it.
So no more excuses, here’s to a 100% commitment and no more excuses!!!!
It is funny how the life is too short one usually makes us regret it π
Glad you are back on track hun π
Hi Julie ann :), My problem that i cannot seem to get over is, i go to bed every night after being 100 per cent all day, no temptation , no blips, 100 per cent focused.
i seem to sleep for 2-3 hours every night and then i wake up STARVING!! this is really getting me down, sometimes i am still half asleep when i find myself at the fridge or in the cupboard looking for unmentionables π
for this reason i cannot seem to get past day 3, so therefore cannot get into ketosis π Please help if you can, or if you have any tips on how to overcome this problem, as it seems to be a constant sabotage for me
Hi Caroline… until you get into ketosis i would take an extra pack for supper, like a hot soup or a hot chocolate… something filling… make it with extra water so it fills you up more…
When you go to sleep make sure that you are thoughts are of feeling proud for having a 100% day, before you go to sleep spend time creating a visualisation of you at your goal… what will you be doing? where will you go? what will you wear? who will you be with? how will you feel?
Get really focused in your mind on WHY you are doing this before you go to sleep, so that when you fall asleep you will be sleeping in a state of positivity on why you are doing this…
If you do wake up in the middle of the night then go back to your visualisation and imagine you at your goal… close your eyes and feel relaxed and happy that you are on the right path π
You can do this!!!
I talk myself in and out of the plan ten times a day I really do. Sometimes i think I’m fine being bigger my husband loves me. I will have that cake. Then I catch a glimpse of myself and I walk away open the cupboard and have my shake. The truth is. I like the plan the bad part of my mind doesn’t really want me to be happy. That depressed part likes to rear it’s ugly head and self destruct. I’ve realised it likes me to be miserable because wallowing is so much more conducive to a depressive mindset. I’ve made myself a promise this is the last summer I’m gonna be bigger. The last summer I’m going to be ashamed of myself so EVERY time I think I’m ok being fat. I remind myself. I hate it…
Great to read that you have made that promise to yourself.
It really is amazing what a few months on the plan can do, this can totally transform your life, your health, your body, your clothes, your confidence, your outlook on life… EVERYTHING π
Remember that you are worth it… keep a diary… get a vision board… keep doing our tasks every day on the blog to keep you focused!!
We are here for you 100% π You can do this xx
I used to have nothing but negative thoughts, before starting the plan! 5 months in and I have hardly any!
Except for last week! Had had a really bad week at work and for the first time really felt I could blip!
When I got home however I caught sight of myself in the mirror and how far I’ve come and I thought, you know what, look at yourself! I looked at my before photos, looked at how far I’d really come and how I didn’t make it anywhere near this far ever before! I also chatted with SS as I do constantly and read the page and it really helped me get over it and continue!
It would have been so easy to call for my old faithful takeaway and worry about it the next day, which is what I used to do, but then I realised, that’s just not me anymore!
I was very proud of myself and so grateful for the SS support system xx
So proud of you Dawn, you are like a NEW YOU ROCK STAR π Thank you so much for sharing your journey with us π I know you will do really well at maintenance as you have your head in the right place!
We are using your video in today’s blog post on creative cooking tips π
I have been fine on the plan until this weekend and then seemed to lose the plot totally and feel resentful that I could only have packs. What was that all about ended up having an extra bar on Saturday and having an extra half yesterday so my scales have not moved since Friday purely my own doing. Why do we get these feelings like we do not deserve to be slim there is nothing worse than self sabotage. I am getting close to target and can’t understand my thought processes as this is not the first time I have got close then screwed it up and ended up heavier than ever. HELP!!!
HI May, this is like an upper limit thing happening… you need to really work on it… one of the best ways is simply having affirmations that you say while you for a daily walk, do the dishes or whatever… the more you can believe that you deserve to be and can be slim the easier it will be for you to get there..
I deserve to be slim and healthy, and I am doing it, today and every day!
Living a healthy slim life is the one I want and deserve!
Every day in every way I am getting healthier and slimmer π
Get something that resonates with you and keep saying it when you are doing a repetive task.
Also write in journal when you get these feelings… why?? really have a conversation with yourself and talk yourself around…
The more time you spend on your mindset and overcoming this upper limit that is stopping you from getting to your goal the easier it will be to break through and then you can live your life on a whole new level believing and enjoying life at your goal healthy weight with ease!! xxx
Starting the New You Diet Plan has been a big milestone in my life. One of the best decisions I have ever made ! I have completely changed my mind set in the last 5-6 months.
The end of last year 2013 I was at my lowest ebb. 18 stone 10 pounds just after Christmas, unable to walk further than a few yards with the aid of a walking stick, unable to stand still for more than 10 seconds without being in a tremendous amount of pain due to severe Osteo Arthritis in both my hips, my right hip being the worst. I was told by the hospital that I really needed a hip replacement as my right hip was totally knackered ( the consultant’s words not mine) But they would not operate until I lost at least 5 stone in weight so that my BMI was a lot lower around 30-31. Apparently there is a great risk of infection when having a major operation such as hip replacement whilst you are very overweight.
Since I was diagnosed with the Osteo Arthritis in 2011 it had got gradually worse. I also suffer with Osteoporosis which meant that the arthritis got worse far quicker due to the bones thinning in my hip.
I had tried dieting , and could write a book on what to eat and what not to eat. The only problem was I couldn’t do any exercise because of my lack of mobility. In July 2013 I had a cortisone injection in my hip under anaesthetic to see if it would help the pain. It helped for 2 weeks then it came back worse than it had been before.
So by the end of 2013 I was at the end of my tether, and couldn’t see an end to being in constant pain. I am taking 50g of Morphine twice a day for the pain, but it only takes the edge off the pain. I was on a total downer and felt miserable all the time.
I never went out as I couldn’t walk far, I had a mobility scooter but didn’t like using it as I felt more like 85 instead of 55.
So at the beginning of 2014 I saw the advert for New You and thought I might as well give it a try. What interested me was the fact that I could do the diet plan and I didn’t need to exercise to lose the weight, so thought it was well worth having a go !
I don’t think I could have got any lower in my mental well being, I was more or less housebound, couldn’t walk further than a few yards without being in a tremendous amount of pain, and I couldn’t stand still for more than a few seconds either. It had put a big strain on my relationship with my partner as he felt helpless, and he felt guilty going out when I couldn’t really go out with him.
The only place I ever went was to Asda to get a bit of shopping, I have a car so could drive there, then could walk with the aid of the shopping trolley just to get a few bits, or to the Post Office. I couldn’t go down the pub for a drink, or walk in to Ashton for a meal, or go shopping with my daughter and granddaughter. I had nothing to look forward to but more of the same. Safe to say my mind set was in a very bad place !
One of the worst moments I remember was when My partner & myself went away for a weekend last September as a “treat” and we borrowed a wheelchair so that I could get around with him pushing me. We were in a park near to where we were staying, and a guy & his girlfriend walked by us. As they went past I heard him say “It must be great being pushed around like that” I was astounded that someone should say that. My partner turned back and had a few words with him.
I also remember another occasion when we were at the airport going on holiday. Again I was in a wheelchair waiting to board the plane, and there were a queue of people also waiting to board. One guy made a comment about me being allowed on the aircraft before he was, saying “So that’s all it takes to get on the plane quicker, just tell them you need a wheelchair”
I have had quite a few occasions since I have had this awful arthritis, accompanied by being overweight, where people have been very insensitive, and perhaps forgot that I had feelings.
You can imagine by the start of this year that I felt I was at my lowest.
So it was with trepidation that I started my journey on the New You plan on the 7th January 2014. In the first week I lost 10 pounds in weight, followed by 4 pounds the following week. I couldn’t believe it I had lost a stone in 2 weeks WITH NO EXERCISE either. I thought it would be hard eating a lot less, and having total food replacement instead of my normal meals ( which consisted of a lot of takeaways, carbohydrates, unhealthy foods)
I was pleasantly surprised that after the first 3-5 days I started not to feel hungry once I was in ketosis, was having 4 tfr a day ,and lots of sparkling water. Of course it helped that I lost a stone in 2 weeks. My mind set started to improve I started to dare to hope that there was a light at the end of the tunnel. I went to see the consultant at the hospital and told him about the plan , and advised him I intended to lose 4 stone by the time I came to visit him again. I don’t think he believed me but he was impressed by my obvious determination, nothing was going to stop me !
Looking back once I started to lose the weight my determination to continue & succeed soared. After losing the 1st stone in weight and telling the consultant that I was definitely going to have my hip operation this year, there was no holding me back !
I had something that I had not had in the last few years. I HAD HOPE ! This hope has kept me positive through the up’s & down’s over the last 5 months.
Even when I had to come off the plan back in March when I had to go in to hospital for a minor operation, and I had to stay off the plan for 5 weeks. This did not deter me, ok I felt frustrated that it was going to take me that bit longer. But I always kept my mind set positive, and as soon as the doctor said my wound was healed and I could go back on the plan, I did do. The good thing was my eating habits had already changed, having kept to a healthy eating plan in the 5 weeks, when I went back on the plan I had not put on any weight, in fact I had lost more weight and had gone down from 16 stone 2 pounds before the operation, to 15 stone 7 pounds when I started back on the plan again.
So in that 5 weeks I had done my first refeed , and mostly stuck to protein and green veg or salad. Along with the porridge which I love, and other healthy foods. Yes I did blip a few times I am not going to lie. However it didn’t stop me or deter me from my goal to lose the weight.
So in April after 5 weeks I went back on the plan and am still on it now. To date I have lost 5 stone now , and have another 2 stone 10 pounds to lose to get to goal.
I have kept my mind set positive by setting myself mini goals & rewards along the way. I look at this experience as a journey not a diet. I have little rewards a long the way to keep me going. A new pair of jeans in a smaller size, a dress bought for my son’s wedding in September that I need to fit in to, a shopping trip last weekend where I managed to walk around the shops and didn’t need to be pushed around. Now I have lost 5 stone in weight I am not in as much pain as I was in January, so am able to do a bit more.
People see me differently now, because I see myself differently. I am getting my confidence back, I am more cheerful, I have hope, I know I will succeed. I hope to be at my target weight of 11 stone by September. I will have my hip replacement in October, and then there will be no stopping me…. The World is mine for the taking, and I can assure you I will not be staying in much. I will be out and about, walking the dogs, shopping, going to see my daughter & granddaughter, seeing friends,and going swimming.
In short I have not given up at 55, I don’t feel 85 any more, more like 45, and after the hip replacement that will be 40, lolol π π π
Oh Val π I love your story so much as I can resonate with it… I have been out in a wheelchair many times in the last year with my broken ankle and pelvic issues it was the only way i could leave the house… we will both be dancing together some time soon i hope π
I love the last paragraph of your story…
People see me differently now, because I see myself differently. I am getting my confidence back, I am more cheerful, I have hope, I know I will succeed. I hope to be at my target weight of 11 stone by September. I will have my hip replacement in October, and then there will be no stopping meβ¦. The World is mine for the taking, and I can assure you I will not be staying in much. I will be out and about, walking the dogs, shopping, going to see my daughter & granddaughter, seeing friends,and going swimming.
In short I have not given up at 55, I donβt feel 85 any more, more like 45, and after the hip replacement that will be 40, lolol π π π
Negative thoughts I sometimes have, is just looking at the end result and where I want to get too and how long it may take. In the past it always seemed so difficult, made the usual excuses, I can’t do it right now due to other commitments rather than just saying I’m starting tomorrow, no excuses. It’s my fourth weigh in tomorrow, now I only feel excitement when I get on the scales and not dread. If I start to think oh I still have 3 and a half stone to lose i get out a denim skirt that I was wearing four weeks ago and was tight! I slip that back on without even undoing the buttons and watch it slip down and go woohoo!!
AMAZING π look what you have achieved already and what an amazing way to put those negative thoughts away by trying on that skirt π every couple of weeks that pass you will notice something incredible!! just image how big that skirt will be when you get to your goal!! that will be a fun photo to take π wooohooo xxx
I always had the same negative, that I dont put me first. Especially, being a single mom, doing everything myself, bills, mortgage, school uniforms I cud go on. I felt that I just trodded along not feeling good. I use to read ny alot but never allowing myself anything, then I thought I buy rubbish food, clothes Inever wear, I want to feel good new you has made me eat healthy, feel good, fit into lots of clothes i already had. My health issues have improved I have learnt having these things and interest in myself has helped my family. I have one negative. I should of done it long ago π
Oh Frances π I love that wee end line – I have one negative. I should of done it long ago π
I am so delighted that you are with us and that life is looking good for you! It is amazing what you can achieve when you just change your priorities and put your health and happiness first π
Buzzing for you hun!! xxx
My negative thoughts happen a lot. I find myself thinking that I’m the one who wont stick to it, I read all the SS comments every day to try hard to keep myself focussed, that’s the only way I’m going to win this battle!!
Now I’m focussed on wearing my old clothes when me and Hubby head to London in November! Its achievable. I know it!!