MOTIVATION MONDAY: 5 TFR facts to keep you motivated!
Benefit 1
Stress free dieting! What I mean by this is the actual preparation of the food. In conventional calorie restricted diets there is always the worry that you may not have got it right in terms of balancing the food types to get the best nutrition at the right calorie count. With our plan you know that you are getting 100% of your nutritional needs while still nailing the calorie count and it is a simple as opening the amazing packaging and serving!
Benefit 2
With The New You Plan products another complex task is also taken care of, this is the ketosis side of the plan. To try and get it right with conventional foods can be a nightmare. Too many carbs and sugars mean that you are never going to achieve the blissful state of ketosis. Too few sugars and carbs and it becomes unhealthy. With meal replacements the combination of these is calculated to the milligram so you can kick back and focus on your mindset and goals.
Benefit 3:
Time! When I was on TFR one of the things I loved most was the free time. Our products are so quick and simple to make that you will find you have loads more time to spend on you and your life. I appreciate that many people doing the plan will still have to make meals for others, but even the meals you have just for you in between you sill find that there is so much more you will be doing when you were normally thinking of food.
Benefit 4:
Meal planning… with us you pick all your meals at the point where you purchase them either on the phone or via the website. Once they are delivered to your door it then means just picking something from your order. It can be really tough especially when you are trying to eat healthy to get it all nailed down. There is no complicated food lists when popping down to the supermarket or standing in front of the fridge thinking of what you need to make your meal – it is all there for you. One less stress!
Benefit 5:
One word ketosis! As mentioned in point 2 our plan is designed to put your body safely into this state. The reason I have split this into two points is because the plan does the one thing – put you into ketosis. While ketosis is a benefit in itself. Imagine an amazing sense of well being that brings with it rapid weight loss and all the time you are not hungry. This is the holy grail of dieting and once achieved you will become unstoppable. You will have bundles of energy and feel like you are on top of the world, while you literally watch the weight fall off!
Today’s task:
Answer these simple questions, would the facts mentioned help spur you on and keep you motivated on plan. Secondly what have I missed? Share your TFR benefits for your place in the final prize draw on Wednesday!!!
Don’t Forget the finale Leaderboard update tomorrow!

Keep an eye out the new challenge will be up shortly
Don’t Miss:
The BOOM Bundle
BOOM TFR for just £29.99 per week
This epic bundle gives the most value for money of ANY OFFER EVER!!!! The bundle lasts 10 weeks and gives a special level of support through a closed group on Facebook that is going to ensure that this Christmas is unlike any other you have ever had!! Imagine being 3 jean sizes or more down!!! You may have to rethink your outfit for the Christmas party
Here is just a taste of what you can expect from the bundle:
Exclusive access to our Private Facebook Group to ensure extra commitment
FREE Blender Bottle (worth £5.99)
FREE BMI Body Measure Tape (worth £5.99)
All for just £29.99 per Week
<<<Order Here>>>
Thanks for reading and good luck with a 100% week.
Kind regards
all of the above have kept me motivated during my journey everything you need arrives beautifully packed and ready for you to start your new you.you dont need to be weighing measuring and all the boring stuff that other diets need so that makes this plan fab,one thing that really kept me on track was the fantastic support of secret slimmers made great friends during this and the new you team are fantastic support too always on hand to help and advise love new you it has changed my life for the better x
The fact that i do not need to plan meals, go food shopping and i hate cooking. So all in all this works fine for me. That sure motivates me for a fact.
Not having to worry about what to prepare for my meals is wonderful. Stress free. And yes, all of the above have motivated me. I’m happy, and the diet is working wonderfully. Dawn x
All of the benefits apply…
also I find having products that taste great like the shakes and bars are great when going out and about with friends and family. I dont feel .ike a freak in Costa on a Saturday…they just provide an americano and NY takes care of the rest. Yummy !!
All of the above are massive benefits but not having to think about food is the biggest benefit to me. I don’t spend the day thinking’what am I going to have for my next meal’ I don’t have to trudge around the supermarket trying to avoid being tempted by blippy food. When it’s meal time I just go to my cupboard and have whatever I fancy at that particular moment. It’s all done for me, my biggest task is boiling the kettle or emptying a tray of ice! I find I no longer obsess over food, I’m full, I have loads of energy, loads of free time. In a nutshell it takes the complication out of dieting, no calorie counting either! I wish I had discovered TFR years ago, it has totally transformed my life 🙂
What’s motivating me is that I’m finally starting to feel lean and fit. I’ve been stuck at the same weight for a year until I started new you and it helped me to break the plateau I was stuck on.
Also I have some really bad eating habits- purely emotional binge eating that I developed since giving up smoking. I’ve really had to start looking at this behaviour honestly as it’s destroying my mood and my body. The new plan has motivated me to keep going although I’ve had a few mishaps, I’m retraining my thinking so hopefully by the time I’ve reached my goal weight, I’ll have developed a healthier attitude towards food and nutrition!
I love it all! The group is so responsive and supportive, the meals are so handy and really help me focus as I’m not weighing a cooking for hours to prepare, I’m
Noticing my taste buds change as the days go on and hopefully my addiction to bad foods will be broken by the end! Love it!! I also love the leader boards and weight loss challenges, they really help me focus on my journey xxxx
I totally agree with all you have said Grant. When I began this diet in July I didnt quiet believe that it would work. Discovering that it does is enough to motivate me. After years of failed diets – the new you plan is a blessing. After the first couple of weeks I was hooked – seeing those scales move was unreal as I had tried so hard over about ten years with no results.
With New You, as you said all you need to do is take your products and eat them- It really is that simple. Theres no point counting , portion control etc- theres no excuses – its a case of ‘it does exactly what it says on the tin’!! A huge plus is how tasty the food is – especially the bars and wafers. To me – New You is not a diet – its a way of life. Personally this plan has made me happy again. I sleep better, my pcos is almost non existent, I have more energy, ive a new wardrobe but most important I AM HAPPY. People say health is better than wealth – so what more motivation do you need? I am healthy and I am happy. I am never going back to that pre New You place. When I began this plan I read a comment where somebody had said – ‘my only regret is that I did not start years ago’. I totally agree. I think you should have New You brocheures in every doctors clinic in the country. People say there is no such thing as a happy pill- but OMG do New You 100% have the ingredients!! xx
You can never have too much information, all of the above is highly motivating when starting on this journey which lwpeys gave it is very daunting.
Lots of diets and gimmicks out there that state similar and do not work, to be highly motivated by the staff and the other slimmers on the group is a huge part I believe of a lot of the success stories..
Stress free, dieting made easy.. All that’s needed is a big dollop of willpower!! Self belief and your on a winner x