“Motivation is what gets you started, Habit is what keeps you going” – What are your thoughts on this?

Every Thursday this month we want your thoughts on a weight loss motivation quote. Today’s quote is…
“Motivation is what gets you started, Habit is what keeps you going”
Don’t forget to UPDATE YOUR WEIGHT LOSS RESULTS FOR OUR JUNE WEIGHT LOSS CHALLENGE. You can still register for this, simply CLICK HERE TO REGISER. The leaderboard will be updated TONIGHT.
Don’t forget to tell your friends and family to join us, give them your UNIQUE REFERRAL CODE, you get this in your box and in the bottom of your order confirmation email, for everyone you refer who orders, both of you will get a credit of £5.00 off, plus the person who refers the most people by the end of July will win a hotel city break with vouchers!! SO MY TOP TIP FOR YOU TODAY IS GET REFERRING!!
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“Motivation is what gets you started, Habit is what keeps you going”
So what does this quote mean to you?
What motivated you to get started?
How have you built in the habit to keep going?
We look forward to reading your comments below. Don’t forget we are giving away a FITNESS WRISTBAND on Tuesday, this will help you to track your sleep, steps and other key health information…. what gets measured always improves, so if you are committed to creating your NEW YOU you will want to win this prize. Just take part in our blog tasks everyday for a chance to win!
This is so true but I have to say that it’s the super quick results which keep me focussed and motivated. I’ve had a blippy journey but every time I’ve got my head back in the game, I’ve lost the blip weight within a few days and gone on to lose more by the end of the week. I’m on a mission now for my holiday in July, I am so excited about what I can achieve in just a few weeks on the NY plan 😀 xxx
WOOOHOOO!! I can feel your motivation Yvonne!! It is amazing what a few weeks can do, that is how I feel too!! 🙂 Lets do this!! BOOM! X
my motivation to start was so much pain in my knees and back , then my doctor told me i was in grave danger of becoming diabetic , i spent weeks getting my head in the right place , then made my order . whilst waiting for my first order i got my house in the right place by removing all blippy foods .watching the scales go down keeps me going . i no longer clock watch for ”meal ” time . i eat when i’m hungry , which some days has meant i realise late that i have not had 4 products ! being on week 5 of the plan and lost 48 lbs , NY plan has become habit by focus 24/7 but i no longer obsess about it ( apart from gratitude to all ) ”if you do something for 28 days ,your mind expects it to happen so you never think of doing anything different .so i totally agree with the statement .
‘motivation is what gets you started, habit is what keeps you going ‘.xx
Hi Melody!! AMAZING that you have lost 48 pounds in 5 weeks!! WOW WOW WOW!!
So good to hear your are flying it with ease!! YOU GO GIRL! x
Couldn’t agree more….I am currently keeping myself motivated by thinking about all the lovely clothes I’m going to get back into this summer and how great I’m going to feel in October when I go on holiday!
I have developed a routine/habit in the way I use the plan….I swim for 50 mins every morning, breakfast is at 10am, lunch at 1pm, dinner at 7.30pm and a hot chocolate for supper at 9.30pm. I also drink 2.5 ltrs of still water during the day at work and another 1.5 ltrs of sparkling water during the evening.
CLOTHES!!! A big motivation to me too!! Im dressing in black everyday!
I totally agree with that comment. I had BIG motivation to start the plan in January. I had to lose weight for my hip operation and also for my son’s wedding in September. Once you have been on the plan 3 weeks (aprox) I think it then becomes a habit. Your body and mind have got used to being on the diet and its your mind set that takes over. Of course being in ketosis helps you with the fat burning and you don’t feel so hungry. 🙂
You are going to look amazing at your Sons wedding Val xxx I am so glad you are with us on your journey 🙂 You are a total star xx
My motivation is all of you lovely ladies, i am so grateful for secret slimmers since i placed my first order with New you the support has been immense, and if it wasn’t for all the encouragement and support i don’t know if i would have had enough will power to do this alone. i believe that along with your support and my will power anything is possible! Now seeing my results since i started and seeing my clothes getting looser is making me motivated and want to cary on. i’m looking forward to a slimmer me thanks to New you and you amazing people on here. As much as you have all been my inspiration i want to do the same and inspire you so i won’t let you or myself down… cheers to 100% weeks ahead xxx
<3 We have an amazing community and I am so glad that YOU are part of it!!
I know you will be INSPIRING MANY PEOPLE SOON!! xooxx
Motywatin is the simthing that will help us with our goal in what ever sytuatin once we have that motivating point we are able to achive big this then would become our habit and we be able to do anything 🙂
I agree my motivation is my kids I want to be as healthy as I can be to enjoy our family time so I can play with them, I also want to wear nice clothes, not feel like I can only wear big baggy clothes and hide myself away, and of course to get into my wedding dress.
It has been quite a journey for me so far as my head wasn’t in the right place but I think losing my friend in April reminded me life is short it’s up to me to make it sweet and I know a few short months on new you will help me achieve the weighloss quickly 🙂
Definitely Gill!! I agree KIDS are such a big motivator!!
Life is short… let’s make the most of everyday and not let our weight keep us down and stop us from living the life we really want xxx
The quote tells the story of New You for me. It takes one act to get started and if followed 100% you form new habits and this should help to lose and maintain a weight loss.
So far I am halfway through week 6 and have stuck 100% to plan. At first I said I’d give it a try. I planned to get through 1 day, which I did, then to build on that and not let me efforts go to waste I said to myself I’d finish the week. I had a 11.7lb loss!! I was soooo happy that I was determined not to let the effort go to waste that i commited to finish off the month. To my delight I have lost 25.3lb so far and can’t wait to see where I am by the end of this month.
I have a large family BBQ/Reunion at the end of June so I am going to do a weeks refeed that week not go crazy on the bol stuff and then get straight back on plan to finish off my journey.
I hope to lose 4 stone in total. I already have a plan in my mind for when I get to my target. I will 7lbs to play with as life happens but if I get to my max weight of 11st I will hope back on plan and not let my weight spiral out of control again.
The SS facebook page has been a great tool to keep me going. I can not always get to comment etc but always pop on and read comments and posts to keep me on the straight and narrow!!
It’s official I love NY and SS!!! 🙂 X X X
Day at a time we can achieve anything!! I love your story and I know you are going to succeed!! 🙂
Bring it on!! x
Hi all – my motivation to start the New You Plan was based on the fact that I was becoming very reclusive and withdrawn in myself. I did not enjoy socialising anymore because of my weight and in some ways I felt I was dying (dying inside). I had initially signed up to this plan in 2012 when I was depressed about my weight but I could not even get past day 1. However, I was still a member of Secret Slimmers and got all the updates. The final straw for me was when a friend rang me and asked me to go away with her to the sun in September and my whole body started to shake with the fear. I signed up for the 3 week bundle that night and rang her back and said yes, I will be there on 7th September!. This is week 3 for me and I can actually say I am enjoying the journey. What keeps me motivated and focused is a number of things:
1. Target of 7th September for Sun Holiday
2. Knowing this plan works based on all the success stories I have read on SS
3. Being 100% will get to goal quicker and with the least amount of pain
4. If not now, when? and finally
I have a goal to loose to loose 98lbs (7 stone) and with two weigh ins behind me I am now closer to my dream.
Thank you all on SS for your support and to all at the New You Plan.xx
How have you built in the habit to keep going?
Hi Jen 🙂 Wow I tell you I just love reading your comments, they really strike a cord with me.. I am rooting for you 1000000000000000000% to achieve your goal. You deserve this so much, if there is anything I can do to help you, please let me know!! xoxo
My motivation is my holiday to France on the 5th July. However my cousins are coming from Norway at the end of june. The last time I saw them I said ” The next time you see me I will be a smaller version of myself”. Well I have lost 2st already and hoping for another before they arrive.I can’t wait to see their faces. Xx I have never felt so happy as I am since starting the New You plan. All I can say is THANKSXXXX
You are going to look amazing in France in July!! 🙂 Congrats on losing 2 stone already, I am sure you will have another stone off!! WOW – your cousins will be SHOCKED!!! LOL 🙂 Amazing xxx How motivating!!! xxx
very true, motivation is the key to success in anything in life , with determination to succeed to get what you want out of your life, and this is certainly what i wanted to do!!, once my mum told me to try this plan, i thought why not what have i got to loose, and once i tried it i found the plan easy to follow, and its the only weight loss plan I have stuck and not felt hungry. I agree that you do get into a habit of sticking to the plan eventually and you adjust your life style accordingly. Secret slimmers is the best motivation, i’ve met some lovely new friends through doing the plan, and I do separately message some of the members, and its lovely to hear how they are doing. Also going into a shop trying on smaller sizes is another great motivation, i have set my self milestones on the plan, for example reaching the stone below, or getting into the size down, it helped keep my mind on what i was reaching, a purpose to keep going.
We are so glad you and your mum are with us!! 🙂 You are doing great and thank you!! xxx
Motivation is the key to anything you wish to succeed at, secret slimmers has been great for this, I have met some lovely people, who have kept me motivated. Also loosing the weight and fitting into smaller sizes has helped to boost my confidence and keep me going. Being in the habit in your mind, having those mini goals to focus on , like anything in life you adjust to the situation, and though it is hard to get to ketosis, and get through your first week, you do get used it and before you realise it, the days turn into months.
oops so sorry i thought my post had disappeared so re wrote one again xx
I think both my answers r my children. After my baby girl was born i was not able to play with my 3 year old.o was constantly tired. Tgats why i started. And they keep me goin every day…ok and also nice clothes i can wear now 🙂
🙂 Love this and relate very much xx
I want to be “normal”.. I know I know what is normal ? Right ? I want to be my interpretation of normal. I want to walk into a shop and pick up and size 10-12 and not worry is it going to fit. If I’m blessed with a baby. I want to be a yummy mummy. Not one who looks and dresses like a fat morticia Addams. 😉 that’s my motivation. To not have to think about food or having a nervous break down when we have to go somewhere or someone produces a camera and I want to cry ….
I get ya!! 🙂 We WILL do this! xx
I Had a big decision to make .. Get a life or just give up & sit at home feeling sorry for myself. I found the New You plan & read up on it and this is what Motivated me to get going and change my life around. Im not there yet but am going in the right direction and i can see the light at the end of the tunnel. This group alone gives me motivation to keep going.
<3 Barbara we are so happy you are with us!! That light at the end of the tunnel is SHINING BRIGHT and so are you!!! You will have an amazing summer!! THIS IS YOUR TIME XXX
my motivation for starting the plan was simply that i wasnt living anymore,i felt so down and unhealthy i never really went out and when i did i just wanted to get back home to safety.since starting the plan it has become a habit i never even have to think about anything i just get my packs out and im set up for the day i get my water in throughout the day i am the queen of water lol as my ss buddies have nicknamed me,and whats keeping me going is the fact that since losing over 6 stone im am finally living again i go out all the time catch up with friends i havent seen and my life is amazing now thanks to the new you plan the awesome new you team and of course all my wonderful ss ladies whom i love to bits xx
Oh Pauline!!! Wow 🙂 what a transformation you have already achieved!! I am over the moon that you are part of our amazing community 🙂 WE LOVE YOU xoxoxo
What motivated me to get started was seeing pictures of myself and not liking what I saw, what is keeping me going I am taking a pic each day and slowly but surely seeing the results, I also had a pair of jeans that were too small, could no longer pull them up, I can now pull them up but can’t fasten them and that’s just after two short weeks,
PHOTOS!! EEEEK!! I am hiding from the camera myslef at the moment… but i hope we will all be getting our photos taken at the end of summer 🙂
Great to see the change in 2 short weeks!! THAT IS MOTIVATION!
My motivation was when my size 16 clothes started to get tight on me. My goal now is to get back into size 14 before i go on holidays at the end of June. I’m getting rid of my “big clothes” once I get there so that I can stay motivated to keep the weight off and continue to fit into my clothes 🙂
BOOM!! Dropping jean sizes is amazing 🙂 LOVE IT
My motivation is my 20th Wedding Anniversary at the end of July. I want to be thin and beautiful for my amazing husband! I want him to say wow when I step out in a new size 10 dress. The habits I want to keep is the way I analyse am I really hungry could I wait a little longer for my next shake? I want to carry this on and stop and ask myself am I hungry, could I wait a little longer for my food. I will also have a large glass of water when I think I am hungry, most of the time this satisfies me.
Great Motivation Lucy!! Size 10 dress… wow 🙂 Exciting!
Congrats on 20 years marriage – that is AWESOME xx
That quote is so true… my motivation is to be happy in my own skin, I am trying to develop the habit of running 4 times a week and squatting !! I have made one lifelong habit already that is banana shake or breakfast at 11am .. I just love it, it makes me feel happy !!!!
<3 love <3
My wake up call and motivation was my father getting cancer. The reality that every day is precious and worth living to the full. How can I do that when i couldnt even face the scales? Time for change. Habit takes a few weeks to kick in but the support given here, even with the odd blip, keeps the motivation on track, and stops us from falling. We are not failures any of us, we just want to help each other to get to the good habits and enjoy the fulfillment and happiness that comes with being a healthy and sexy weight!
Love this!! I am so glad you are feeling great and determined to live life to the max!! xx
My motivation to get me started was one day I was out walking the dog and I just looked down and saw the size of my thighs in almost ready to bust jeans. I turned around went straight home, must of spent 15 mins in front of the mirror crying my eyes out wondering how the hell did I manage to get to this size, and at 5ft 2 I was not a pretty sight, my mum passed away in Feb from brain cancer and I guess the weight just piled on from comfort eating and feeling down, it hasn’t been an easy 4 months but that day I got the wake up call I needed to start living my life again and to do something about it. I’m on week 2 and I lost 11lb on my first weigh in, my thighs are looking smaller already, I feel a lot better about myself, and I’ve been getting compliments on how good I’m looking – that’s all the determination I need, with the support of everyone on newyou I will do this.
My motivation to get me started was one day I was out walking the dog and I just looked down and saw the size of my thighs in almost ready to bust jeans. I turned around went straight home, must of spent 15 mins in front of the mirror crying my eyes out wondering how the hell did I manage to get to this size, and at 5ft 2 I was not a pretty sight, my mum passed away in Feb from brain cancer and I guess the weight just piled on from comfort eating and feeling down, it hasn’t been an easy 4 months but that day I got the wake up call I needed to start living my life again and to do something about it. I’m on week 2 and I lost 11lb on my first weigh in, my thighs are looking smaller already, I feel a lot better about myself, and I’ve been getting compliments on how good I’m looking – that’s all the determination I need, with the support of everyone on newyou I will do this.
My motivation is being a Mum who can run around again, without feeling exhausted!
I’ve also got a stash of lovely clothes I cannot wear, and because I loath to by lovely clothes in a big size I don’t want to be, I have been traipsing around in supermarket cheaper versions. I want to be the smart me again!!! It’s not even hard!! the clothes are in the attic waiting for me!!!