
#Momentum – Win £100/€129 Worth Of New You Cash Points!
Do you want to be in for the chance of WINNING £100/€129 worth of New You Points added to your account??
Did you know that £100 will get you:
Over 50 individual products
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This Thursday we are focusing on #Momentum –
#Momentum – When you are “in the zone” it is so important not to break your momentum. Stay with it. Protect your ketones if you are in ketosis. Do not lose your momentum! Keep going! 🙂
How many times have you thought that you were invincible? How many times have you though while on plan that you can come off plan and you will be able to get back on straight away?
Personally I know I have, I am such a strong willed person and I though yes I can come off and I will get back on straight away!! It is not as easy as that at all!! I will be honest I struggled, it can ruin your mindset, it is a mistake I wont be making again!! We need to learn from our mistakes. We make mistakes everyday we are only human and things can always get in the way. But that is life! We learn from the good the bad and the ugly!!
In order to be entered into the prize draw to win £100/€129 worth of New you Points all you have to do is watch the video and answer 1 simple question in the comment section below.
1) What lessons have your learnt while on plan?
Remember as long as you answer the above questions in the comment section below ⬇⬇⬇ you will be entered into the prize draw!!!
Good Luck 💜💙💚
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I have learned to drink plenty of fluid more I drink less hungry I feel also don’t eat till lunch time as before fill up on water and pfb and peach drainers and drink my tea and coffee black
I have learned that food is no longer my god in times of stress. I used to live to eat but now I’m eating to live. Also water is so important as when you think you are hungry, you may just be thirsty
I’ve learned hard work, determination, support and loving yourself a little more pays off. I love the person I’m becoming #LoveNewYou
I have learnt to take one day at a time. Instead looking at how much more I need to lose, I am looking at each completed day as an achievement in itself and step closer to my overall goal. I have also learnt however that one bad day does not have to make a bad week .. a positive attitude, the right mind set, support and the correct tools and you can achieve your goals .. oh and a LOT of water!
I have learnt to not rely on the scales but how you feel in your clothes, to keep on the page and to focus, I have done it before and I can do it again xx
I have learnt that I need to focus on the small goals rather than the end of my journey and not to step on the scales every day x
I have learnt that water intake is really important! #skinnyjuice
I have learnt that success on plan is more than the number on the scales! It’s about mindset and looking after yourself.
I’ve learnt that a positive attitude is a powerful tool.
I’ve learnt that food doesn’t have to rule your life! There are other ways to celebrate/treat yourself/indulge that are way healthier and more enjoyable
I’ve learnt to believe in myself a bit more and keep going!!
Ii have learn water is very important part of your diet and I have learn that new you will never judge you no matter what xx
I have learnt I am not ready to come off new you. I don’t have a plan and I know I still can’t control my emotional eating. Still got a way to go yet.
I haven’t started the plan yet but its on its way. What I have learned so far from all the text and facebook posts is THAT I AM NOT ALONE ON THIS JOURNEY… There are so many lovely people who are they for you to talk to and ask questions.
I can’t wait to see the new me when I get started
I have learned that I need to just focus on the day ahead not looking too far ahead…also don’t have a fixed idea of the products you are going to have that day…if you want more bars have more bars!if you slip up don’t worry but don’t write off the whole day/night and carry on eating try and get back on plan straight away with a big drink of water and make the next thing to pass your lips a new you product!
I’ve learned that I have a lot more willpower than I ever realised. I can do this, but didn’t realise before. Why didn’t I try before now??? I’m really enjoying looking after ‘me’. Long may it continue.
I’ve learnt how to deal with stress, anger, bad news and good news by not giving in to the food demons. It only names me feel guilty and worse, I have used meditation, exercise, phoning friends, reading or just drinking my water to distract me from these situations and have been going strong with no blips since starting on January 7th. This will help me maintain for life, I’m never going back xx
I have learned that my relationship with food is difficult. I tend to binge, reward myself for doing good and console myself when feeling not so good. Taking a break from ‘normal’ food has given me time to reflect and realize this. Now I am getting closer to target I am learning to bring balance in. I still binge sometimes, but I am taking control much quicker and it is getting better and better. Losing the final kilo’s and maintaining will be the real challenge, but I am determined to do it, so I will. That’s the confidence that NY has given me! <3
I have learned that only I can change how I think about food and now can get through things good and bad without turning to food and I have learned more water more weight loss and lastly with all the fantastic support From everyone on new you page and staff especially Grant I can finally achieve my fantastic me …. Thank you New You x
I learned to take pride in myself, to change things that need to be changed & to love myself for what & who I am. I’ve learned to look after my health, to eat sensibly, to exercise & to love life again 😀
I’ve learnt that it’s not about how many times you fall, but how many times you rise again. Nobody is perfect, and we all may stumble, but the desire to reach our goal is enough to make us want to continue to try. Remember “Rome wasn’t built in a day”.
I have learned that:
1 I will never be able to eat the way I did before NY if I wish to conquer my excess weight forever
2 I need to really focus on 4 ×4 to be successful
3 I need to drink 3-4 L of water per day for optimum weight loss
4 I will have to learn how to maintain my new figure after I reach goal
5 I need to stop using food as an emotional crutch if I am to be successful
6 I need to love myself no matter what the scales tell me
7 I need to only weigh myself once a week!!
8 I need to learn how to live well nutritionally on a low carb diet in the future with the occasional treat
9 overall I need to take the time for me…and to LOVE ME!
10 OH…and nd I need to build in regular exercise in my daily routine to maintain my healthy weight both now and in the future.
Och, I should be an expert on this plan the amount of times I’ve been on and off! Truth is I get to within a stone of my goal and become complacent. Or life gets in the way so I fall off the bus for weeks or months! It’s not easy and it does require STACKS of willpower but once I’m in the zone I truck on through. 4 products 4 litres of water – it can’t get easier than that! 8 weeks til Benicassim and I’d love to be 2 stone lighter 🙂
I have learned not to kick myself when I make mistakes and not to think oh to hell with it I’ve biped so I’ll carry on and start anew tomorrow. A small blip and put it behind you. I would previously ate my weight in bad stuff before but now I can see the bigger future and make better choices
I’ve learnt to set small goals and not to be so hard on myself
I have learnt that no matter how good I think I am being my little tweaks and changes all add up to either no loss or a gain. I have learnt that losing weight is not just about the numbers on the scales but about inches and fitness both physically and emotionally: following the plan allows me to keep focused and giving it 100% ends in results physically with weight loss and reducing figures on the scales and inches but it also gives me a more positive outlook, increased confidence and self esteem. I have done things I would never have done pre New You Plan: met new friends, travelled alone, spoken up with the confidence people are listening to me and not looking at my size and I plan to do so much more with my life. New you has given that opportunity to me with a high level of support from those that I know and don’t know which is amazing. I have learnt the importance of small goals, small steps and not try and achieve something too big too soon but still recognise the big picture, the end goal is as important!
I have learnt that I have an amazing support network not just from family & friends but from the secret slimmers group.
I have also learnt to look at the non scale victories, whether it’s a drop in clothes size, feeling healthier or glowing from becoming a new me.
I have learnt that no matter how long you have been 100% on plan (over 100 days), you can always slip and blip! Just because you have changed the way you eat and live – doesnt mean those addictions will 100% go away. Which is fine with me, it is healthy to treat yourself from time to time. But I now know I am the one in control. I am back 100% on plan and I will get to my goal. This is now my lifestyle. I can pick it up, put it down, get straight back on it again because I have changed my life. This is me now for the future.
I have learned so much about myself, I’m an emotional eater, I am a mindless eater, blips are swallowed before I realise I’ve even picked them up & I self sabotage, it’s the fear of change I guess. But now that I have learned these things about myself, and I know I never would of without NewYou, I have learned that I can over come them. I guess the greatest thing that I have learned to be aware. Eat consciously, eat when I am hungry, establish times to eat and stick to them. I know this will help me stay in my wonderful new body when I come off TFR & I’ve learned I can do this.
I have learned that in order to maintain after this plan, I need to avoid trigger foods for me. before this plan, I had never really thought about it before.
I have also learned that succeeding on the plan gives a sense of empowerment, which is a feeling I dont think Ive ever really had before.
I have learnt that planning is key. I have learnt that anything is possible with the right mindset. I have learnt to drink a minimum of 4 litres per day, to be kind to myself, to exercise regulalry and to cope without food as a crutch. I have also learnt that its ok to ask for help when its needed and ive learnt to believe in myself. Thank you sooooo much New You for teaching me this x
I have learnt to focus on one day at a time
drink lots of water it helps me focus and do some work each day gardens and if tired rest and start again till my body get used to the changes it,s going through and tell myself I can do this for me
Regards Bernie thanks you