
#Mellow – Win A Jo Malone Set Worth £70
Be in for the chance of WINNING a Jo Malone Set Worth £70
Just Answer the simple Question Down below 😀 😀
This Friday we are going to be focusing on #Mellow
#Mellow – Your mindset to your New You journey will be more enjoyable and more successful if you can stay mellow. Accept the journey for what it is. Enjoy the journey for what it is. Don’t worry about what other people think or say. This is your journey, your life, breathe in…. and connect with your mission and stay mellow 🙂
For example – Yesterday Julie-Ann treated me (Tasha) to a full body Massage – it was AMAZING this really helped me to relax and after that my head was totally clear and my brain was able to function properly!! It is AMAZING the difference in your mind when you are relaxed, you are able to get so much more done!!
If a massage is not for you then there are other things such as:
Go for a nice long walk
Read a Book
Learn something new
Meet up with Friends
Have a bath
Just spend some time on you and keep yourself #Mellow
All you have to do is Watch the Video and Answer the the Question below:
1) What do you do to relax and stay #Mellow?
Remember as long as you answer the above questions in the comment section below ⬇⬇⬇ you will be entered into the prize draw!!!
Good Luck 💜💙💚
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I use one of the adult colouring books 🙈😂😂
I love these but often I like to scribble and go out side the lines …..it’s great to rebel at times 😂
I do Yoga
My way to relax would being going for big long walk and then lovely hot bath off course wen my child’s in bed 😂😃😃😍
I go for an off road walk away from cars, with nature all around me. The breeze blowing through my hair listening to my mp3 player and singing where no one can hear me. Now that’s heaven.
I have found a wonderful technique to help me to stay mellow when I get stressed out about something or if I am feeling nervous before doing something eg having to get up and speak in front of others .
It’s so easy ,you don’t need to strip off and it can be done anywhere
Take your thumb and fingers of your right hand and put in an inverted C
Place this hand on wrist of opposite hand and gently move up your little finger ,then each finger
Keep your strokes nice and slow and gentle and repeat 4 to 6 times …..feel the tension leave your body .
Repeat with opposite hand .l
With some practise you will get the hang of it
This technique is discreet you can do it anywhere and at any time and it’s free .
Mellow out 😊
I love getting a relaxing facial done.
I have a bath to relax, with some bubbles, candles and a comedy show on the iPad!
I absolutely love curling up with a book, reading is a passion of mine. I love being transported to a whole other time and place!
To stay #mellow I work on my #makeup class lesson plans! It’s a new venture for me and something I wouldn’t have had the #mindset or confidence to do before starting my new you journey 😘
I walk round Craigavon lakes with my main man Mario the chihuahua 🐶 love taking pics of the water and the swans…my snapchat story’s always full of them 😀 it’s the most peaceful place on earth
I love a walk in the park. It’s Heavenly lovely trees birds singing and smell of wild garlic. Beautiful flowers growing in clusters along the way. A beautiful fresh breeze.Its Heaven.xx
take a walk by the sea… with the dog…
I’ve started my swimming & walking this is the start of a very long journey for me I’m fed up of being told I’m useless & fat & unatractive 😓 plus I’m going to be a Nan in 4 months so I’ve got something to live for 👶🏻🍼
My #mellow time is when I go out walking. It’s amazing how it just clears your head, earphones in, music on and funny looks from people who pass by that don’t appreciate the sound of me singing at a level that only dogs can hear 😁
In the mornings I do a few stretches before getting out of bed, in the evening I listen to relaxing music and if possible during the day I like to read.
Going to the gym helps me stay #mellow. I cannot tell you how much less stressed I am since I started my New You and fitness journey! I also like to walk, get out in the fresh air, spend time with my kids, there are so many things! Writing in my journal is also something I do when my head is whizzing and not making much sense, definitely #mellow once I’ve downloaded it all! Thanks to New You I have learnt how to do all these things x
The best thing to mellow me is the headspace meditation app. I love how calm and free I feel afterwards. Every night I self meditate without the app by just concentrating on breathing and counting each breath in and out to ten then repeat and before I know it I’m at ease, my mind shuts off from all the craziness of the day and I’m asleep in no time xx
I go for a walk to clear my head 👍🏻
I like to colour
A stroll along the beach.
I glitter glasses and bottles and make frames. Using my creative side is very enjoyable and makes the time pass quickly! Cxxx
To help me relax I use meditation, I was having trouble sleeping as my mind didn’t ever seem to switch off even though I was exhausted from running around after my very hyper 3 year old all day long lol. A friend recommended meditation & suggested the Jack Kornfield DVD which has been a life changer. #mellow
I go for a long hot bubble bath and some meditation.
Listening to relaxing music also helps
I craft!
Cards, scrapbook, cork boards, photography, jars, candles, you name it! 😊
I walk my dog in the countryside – I find it makes me feel more positive about my journey! I also browse the internet to look at clothes I would like to wear in the future relaxes me .
Hi I relax by coffee with friends , meditation and chilling in the bath 😙
I like to relax in a nice bath with my oils, and candles, go on Pinterest and Facebook lol and go see my family xx
My #Mellow time is in the evening, when I curl up in the chair with the headphones and my favourite Leonard Cohen playlist… the cat usually hops up into my lap and his purring lulls me off into a lovely calm space. #Megamellow !!
I’ve just finished my first week on plan and I’m most proud of not emotional eating. I have done this by staying mellow… Get up make a coffee, sit outside and watch my bunny rabbits play while I have my breakfast and fill in my journal for the day. After a huge family row this week I was able to come home upset but focused knowing that I had made a plan for myself that morning and no one was going to ruin it. By taking a couple of half hour breaks from my busy life to re group and re focus I’ve managed to be the most mellow I’ve ever been. Thank you new you for reminding me that I’m important too and showing me how to empower myself! Xxxxx
I will have a bath and read my kindle while in there… At the moment I’m reading the game of thrones series… Love it xx
To keep myself #mellow I go for a walk up the hills beside me the views are amazing and can sit and watch the world go by 🙂
To stay #mellow I have a sweary colouring in book.. Think of the cause of my stress pick a appropriate swear and get colouring. I’m also really lucky to live in a city that’s a Stones throw from beautiful countryside so just a wee drive in the car there is always a beautiful spot to contemplate life x
To stay mellow, which with two small kids and a hectic job as an A&E nurse…I love to people watch. Sitting with a coffee in a coffee shop and watching the world go by is my favourite pastime. I love wondering what people are up to, where they’re going and who they’re meeting. It’s a little piece of calm for me…😊😊
Bath for me …… However i’m normally joined by a 4 and nearly 2 year old
I have started to go for hot stone massages, so relaxing help me chill out, stay focused & in the zone ❤️
I relax on a long walk with me 3 dogs. Totally turn off and watch the dogs having so much fun with new smells. X
To keepm me #mellow i practise some midfulness. breathe… 10 mins of meditation followed by a lovely bubbly bath. #bliss Xxx
My no 1 #mellow time is in the evening when I retire to bed. I absolutely love to meditate!! It took me a little while to get into this fully at the start, but now I am flying ☺ and have really noticed daily changes in my overall # mellowness and #motivation 💓💖💗💞💕💟
My #mellow time is walking by the sea with my friend and my dog or just my dog when my friend’s away. We stop for coffee and doggie treats at the Loughshore Cafe and chill out before the return journey to the car at Hazelbank. I’m walking fast for exercise but it’s all so chill out and soul nourishing with the sound of the water lapping as we walk and the view is ever-changing but always spectacular. ♡♡
while I would love to say I go for a walk or I have a hot stone massage which are two things I absolutely enjoy, I never have the time. I usually sit down to relax and write lists (shopping / menu planning / things to do) which calms and organises my mind and sets me up for the following days.
Time with friends keeps me mellow
I love to go and have a reflexology session, it is so relaxing, I would love to try a massage but at the moment I would be too embarrassed … Maybe I will try this when I am further into my new you journey 👗
I go for a stroll on the beach with my doggies!
What do I do to feel mellow? If I had answered this question two days ago the answer would have been soo different to my answer today. I’m on day 2 of the New You Plan and can honestly say that the Scrumptious DArk Chocolate Truffa Bar is my new guilt free “go to” when I’m looking for that “Mellow” moment. 😀
I like to potter in the garden , appreciate the beauty of things that grow without being self conscious .
#Mellow. This feeling is now brought about by a totally different thing now that I’m on day2 of New You Plan. Now I can honestly say that my guilt free mellow moment is definitely when I have a scrumptious Dark Chocolate Truffa Bar. Feels like I’m in one of those chocolate ads on TV.
Praying is my mellow.
Music and walking.
To stay relaxed I like to watch some Walking Dead on TV 😛
I love to watch comedy films to mellow out, like Naked Gun and Beverly Hills Billies. Laughing makes me happy 🙂
My way to stay #mellow is to workon my mood book. An old scrap book and I cut and paste pictures that make me think. Could be a nice hairstyle, makeup or dress or even just a lovely picture. Makes me feel like a child and full of hope and possibilities. It helps me to clarify what I want.
I love to listen to music whilst colouring in my adult colouring books 🙂
I count my blessings.
I love to do the big things like massage, swimming, aqua fit but I also like the quick things that instantly make me feel better. Top of the list is cuddle by children and my husband. This instantly refocuses me to know what is important in life. The other thing I love to do if I’m stressed, anxious or come in from a difficult day at work – strike and cuddle my chocolate Labrador. I look into his eyes and talk to him. He accepts me and loves me back. It’s the simple things….
Grrrrr predictive text. Of course I don’t strike my dog I stroke him
I like to find somewhere quiet, sit comfortably with some tea and a book and just read and spend time by myself to re-centre and relax!
In order to stay #mellow, I breathe in, take a second, focus on what I am trying to achieve and then allow all my muscles to relax. This little Mellow Mantra is what I have always done to ensure I am focused and generally mentally well.
The way I stay mellow……to give myself and others quality times. Just bumbling, having massages, shopping. We all have hectic lifestyles and catching your breath is essential to regather your thoughts and feelings. I’ve only been on the plan a week and I’m shocked at how quick the results are forming. I’ve already got more energy to focus on things that are important to me in life. This is a great start to feeling mellow and chilled.
Chocolate used to mellow me out…..that’s changed 🙂
I like going for a walk or have a hot bath. I also like watching boxsets on netflix. I cosy into bed early with my tablet and i just forget the world.
In order to relax and have my mellow time, when I put the baby to bed, I change the bedlinen on my bed, have a shower and get into clean PJs and jump into bed. That smell of freshly clean linen makes me relax and sleepy. Pure bliss 🙂
I have rediscovered cross stitch! I love the funny and clever puns and I do small ones to get a great sense of achievement in a small space of time, it’s relaxing and rewarding.
I love to colour in too…and also spending time at the stables with my horse…he’s kept me on the straight and narrow throughout a lot in the last 2 years and my weight loss journey is just one of them xx
I have found walking helps to keep my mood balanced. I never really went for walks before starting NY. There was one weekend that I didn’t go out walking and my mood bottomed out and I was an emotional mess. So now I make the effort to walk every day. 🤗
I like to go for long walk ,feel good about it :)fresh air and ear phone helps me relax and clear my mind,of course going to spa is a treat and very mellowing but not always can afford so yes long walk:)
I like to take the dog out on a one walk just me and her makes me feel so much better
My way to relax is crafting. I feel I’m Turing something old and ugly or plain and boring into something creative and beautiful. Ironically what this diet does to us on the outside.. i feel horrible but work on myself to feel amazing and gain confidence in myself and enjoy clothes shopping. So crafting helps me relax. I love seeing the change in a piece of furniture when I paint it but really the piece itself is what adds character and makes it so much better then buying it new. I see myself as an old piece of furniture I’m simple upcycling 🙂 I took painting classes and sewing classes and I love it. It’s my escape
To relax at the moment I am so into adult colouring ! It keeps my hands busy !!!
Great for de stressing and relaxing xx
I am a “potterer”. I tend to do small things that I enjoy such as read a book, watch a film, chat with friends etc. Since joining New You I have become more interested in pampering myself so a face pack or painting my nails is also a way for me to relax especially after a brain draining day. My go to hobby though is crochet: it is nice to see things come out of something I do, that give pleasure to others, that has such a variety of colour, texture and shape, it stops me nibbling as my hands are kept busy and I have to keep them clean when I do it. As it usually works up quickly it motivates me to keep going and funnily enough it adds to my movement each day so my fitbit logs it as “steps”….amazing!
I love to curl up in front of a good movie with a cat on my lap. Action, blood and guts, sci fi, anything that it far from reality 🙂
I love taking a nice hot Radox bubble bath with some music on. And I love curling up with a good book. I don’t get to either too often but trying to fit it more these days to look after #me #mellow
My mellow me time is to listen to the waves at the beach. Adult colouring help also. But being by the sea is my number one, if I need time out or an escape I head to tankerton slops by myself. My cosy spot
To relax and stay mellow I now meditate daily. It’s amazing what 10-15 minutes a day can do of meditation. I didn’t know how to meditate initially, but I used some tools to learn how from the experts. I also do adult colouring during my lunch break at work whilst enjoying my NY shake. These daily regimes really chill me out and the pressures of the day just wash away and I’m refreshed. Love New You! Love, Chyna xx
A lovely long hot bath enjoying a good book and a glass of berry blast water 😘
I like to relax by either reading a good book, meditating or watching beauty bloggers videos on YouTube 😉
Candles, flowers, clean space and a good book. Works wonders for me x