*Results may vary. This is not a guarantee
Are you Optimistic?
Are you ready to take the first
step? The Right Mindset makes
all the difference!
‘OPTIMIST – Someone who figures that taking a step backward after taking a step forward is not a disaster, its more like a cha- cha’
You are all geared up to embark on your weight loss journey with TheNewYouPlan. You know you will lose weight fast and you feel excited and motivated. Its important that you also have the right mindset throughout your journey to get the best experience and maximum results!
The way you choose to look at things has such a huge impact on your life! I saw this awesome quote and it inspired me to write this blog –
It’s a great way to look at setbacks in general. If things tend to start going wrong we tend to start to lose our drive and throw in the towel. The same is true for dieting!! If you ‘blip’ its not the end of the world, get straight back into the plan and you WILL succeed. The main thing is not to give up!
Optimism v Pessimism
So if you are embarking on your weightloss journey thinking –
– What if it doesn’t work
– What if I don’t succeed
– What if I don’t like the meals
– I always fail at diets
– What if I feel hungry
– This is going to be hard
Instead of thinking –
– This is really going to work
– Cant wait to get to my target
– There is so much choice cant wait to try everything
– This is my time to succeed
– This will be easy peasy
Which person is more likely to get to their goal weight?? Obviously the optimistic person.
What we believe we create. If you want to succeed, BELIEVE in yourself and you are halfway there!
Having a brighter outlook can change your whole day! Even just to smile a bit more, to think happy thoughts, to look for the good in a situation. When you feel negativity creeping in, flip it around and turn it into a positive. This small change in your thinking really will affect your mood and your chances of success!
You need to take care of your body AND your mind!
Where does worrying, stressing and carrying around negativity get you??? NOWHERE!!
You will talk yourself out of anything that could be a good decision for you due to the ‘What if’s’
Set yourself up for success and de-stress by taking some time each day to have some chill out time! Even just 5 mins to yourself where you can relax, clear your mind and repeat some positive mantras to yourself. If you do this often enough you will start to really believe in your own ability!!
Here are some examples –
– I approve of myself and feel great about myself
– I weigh [insert your healthy weight]
– Every day I am getting slimmer and fitter
– I lose weight so easily
– I am dedicated to following my weight loss plan
– I am strong in body and mind
Give it a go and see how your outlook changes! It really works
“In order to succeed, your desire for success should be greater than your fear of failure” – Bill Cosby
We would LOVE to hear your ways of setting yourself up for success and how you tackle negative thinking. Please comment below!
Love Lisa xxx
Feeling optimistic now?? Why not join our Challenges…. We currently have two Challenges running!!
August is our Slimming Crush – clear that Belly Jelly challenge, we also have starting at the same time our Christmas weight loss challenge. We hope that both off these will provide the blast off you need to keep you motivated and on track and we hope to see all of you in both the challenges Lets use the different end dates as mile stones to keep us fully focused and on track on our journey. We will outline the ideas behind the challenges below to show where we hope to be going over the next couple of months. The change starts here and we urge you to take a look forward and say hello to the NEW YOU!!! To find out more or to sign up for our Challenges click here NOW!!!
LOVE THIS – applies to every aspect of one’s life too. What you think about manifests itself 🙂
I personally believe that all the other diets didnt work for me because NONE of them worked on my mindset as much as New You did.
So a MASSIVE THANK YOU to this excellent plan, the amazing staff and all of the wonderful SSers 😉 xxxxx
Thank you for your lovely comment Melissa 🙂 So glad you are doing so well!! It def is the key to success to believe in the process and believe in yourself xxxx
Optimism is the third ingredient in this life changing diet 1) New You Products, 2) fat burning liquid I.e. water!!! & 3) optimism. Positive affirmations are the best present I can give myself….and they’re free! Stick post-its up on your mirrors and leave surprise notes in drawers for positive reinforcement during each day!