Let’s Name Your NEW YOU for 2020.
If you really want to create a new you in 2020, you need to think of creating a new identity.
Having an alter ego is a good way to think about this.
In your mind you can create a NEW YOU, by creating a new alter ego.
Many sports people and musicians have alter egos. Even Beyonce, created her alter ego Sasha Fierce!
Successful people do this because they know if they want to succeed they need to think and act like the person who will show up as their best.
Think about WHO you want to be in 2020.
- Who do you want to show up us everyday?
- What way do you want to handle challenges and stress?
- How do you want to look after your health and your body?
- What do you want to do to relax and recharge?
- How do you want to dress and style yourself?
- What way do you want to eat?
Get clear on who you want to be, and create a new identity for your new you.
You could even give yourself a name to show how you want to show up in 2020. This new identity could help you to make the changes, and leave the old you behind.
Who were you in 2019? What was 2019 all about for you?
For me, 2019 was all about healing.
I was in a different stage of my life and was taking things easy, taking time to heal, going to therapy and changing a lot of my life.
Now that I am in 2020, I want this new year to have a different feel for me.
I know if I want to feel different, and get different results, that I need to THINK & DO different things.
On reflection I would call the 2019 version of me – Healing Julz
And the 2020 version of me I am going to name – Transformation Julz
What about you? What would you call the 2019 version of you?
And what are you going to call the 2020 version of you?
Naming a version of you for 2019, and a new version for you in 2020, will help you to mentally make the change that you are different now. You are in a new chapter of your life and you are focusing on new characteristics of the next version of you.
If you want to create a BIG TRANSFORMATION, you need to take BIG ACTION.
You need to do something that you have haven’t been doing, so that you can create the results, you haven’t been getting.
For me, that is why I have decided to blog every single day of 2020, because I know that it will be such a major change to my lifestyle, my mindset and my results.
It is part of my new identity, it is who Transformation Julz is. Right now this is UNCOMFORTABLE for me. It is isn’t easy at all. But I am showing up and doing it every single day, because that is who I want to be and I know that it will come easy to me, the more that I show up and do it. It will just become what I do and who I am. Right now it feels awkward and hard.
The Challenges will help me to create the Changes I want in 2020
- Finding the time to write everyday will be a challenge for me.
- It is midnight now and I am writing this because I know I have a busy day with my daughters in London tomorrow. But I want to do this to help me get back into the flow of doing creative work that has been missing for my life. I also want to hold myself publicly accountable, because I have been in the background for a while now.
- Having to come up with something inspiring to say every day will also be a challenge for me.
- I love being creative, and the more I create, the more ideas I have. So I know by making this public commitment to write a blog everyday it will help my creativity come back.
- Writing about transformation can be challenging as I have to be open and transparent, but it will help me on my journey.
- After my pregnancies I wrote about my weight loss journey, and it really helped me to stay accountable and feel inspired. I know it works for me and that is why I want to do it again!
Doing something BIG that causes a shock and disruption in your life is good for transformation.
Me writing everyday is one part of Transformation Julz.But as the name suggests I want to also create a Weight Loss Transformation.
This is why from Tomorrow 3rd January 2020 – I am going to be committed to Total Food Replacement for 12 weeks.
Total Food Replacement creates that BIG CHANGE.
It kills off the old habits, the old thinking, and creates the space for a NEW YOU. It is a total detox in every way, and that is what I want and need to kick start my 2020.
I am excited to embark on this journey.
It wasn’t the right time for “Healing Julz” in 2019 to write blogs or do total food replacement, but for “Transformation Julz” in 2020, the time for change and courage is here.
What do you need to commit to make that big change in 2020?
I would love you to join me on a big weight loss transformation. You can get our NEW YEAR NEW YOU bundles here. We have an amazing online community, with over 8000 people in our customer only facebook group.
Come and join people who are on the same mission as you in 2020, be with people who understand you and will support you, as we all step into a new version of who we want to be in 2020.
The next 12 weeks are going to pass anyway. Let’s make sure we put them to good use and get this new decade off to the best possible start.
Who are you going to show up as in 2020? Name your New You and get committed to doing things differently this year. Challenge yourself, show up and do the work, so that it can become natural to you as the year progresses.
Much Love,
Transformation Julz 😉

I am blogging everyday in 2020, I started a few days early, if you want to catch up on my blogs here are a few that I have written that might help you x
PS. Do you feel fear for 2020 and beyond, do you feel overwhelmed and unsure for what the next decade could bring? Read my blog post here.
PPS. Do you have the bad habit of beating yourself up when you are not perfect on your diet? Read my blog post here.
PPPS. Do you feel you are surrounded by negativity and want to bring more peace into your life in 2020? Read my blog post here.