ME LAST SUMMER! I was around 14 stone in this photo, I had lost 1 stone 10 pounds. Now I weigh 10st 10 pounds.
*Weight loss results may vary. This is not a guarantee.
I am on a mission to create RAPID WEIGHT LOSS over the next 10 short weeks! I am REALLY IN THE ZONE at the moment, but it wasn’t always like that for me, as over the last year or so, I have found it harder than before to get my mindset focused to lose weight, and in today’s blog post I am going to give you an AMAZING MINDSET EXERCISE that I have used to fire me up! I know if you do it, you will be in the zone with me!
I am totally blown away at the amazing response to my first come back blog, if you missed it click here to catch up. The main reason that I am writing this series of blog post over the next 10 weeks, as I aim to get to my target weight of 8 stone 10 (BMI 23) is because I want to help people who are struggling with their weight to break free, get to their healthy weight, enjoy Christmas and step in 2016 feeling AMAZING!!
I am feeling so strong and focused right now, that I KNOW that I am going to get to my goal, and that if I am going to do it, then I might as well take as many people with me as I can, so I can share this amazing exciting transformation with you! My BIG DREAM is to take 2,000 people with me on this journey, I hope you will be one of them!
The first thing I want you to do is get clear on what you can achieve between now and Christmas.
Let’s say you have a lot of weight to lose and you want to do the plan for 10 weeks with me. 10 Weeks on TOTAL FOOD REPLACEMENT creates RAPID WEIGHT LOSS THAT IS LIFE CHANGING!
What size are you now? And with Rapid Weight Loss – what size could you be in 10 weeks?
The following table will give you a guide of what you can achieve IF you stick to the New You Plan Total Food Replacement plan for 10 weeks. Results may vary but after helping over 20,000 people to lose weight, I know that these results are pretty standard.
Size 28 – you can be a Size 22-24 in 10 short weeks
Size 26 – you can be a Size 20-22 in 10 short weeks
Size 24 – you can be a Size 18-20 in 10 short weeks
Size 22 – you can be a Size 16-18 in 10 short weeks
Size 20 – you can be a Size 14-16 in 10 short weeks
Size 18 – you can be a Size 12-14 in 10 short weeks
Size 16 – you can be a Size 10-12 in 10 short weeks
Size 14 – you can be a Size 8-10 in 10 short weeks
Size 12 – you can be a Size 6-8 in 10 short weeks
How AMAZING would it feel for you to achieve this result in the next 10 weeks?
The great thing about following the plan is that you do not have to exercise to get these results, you can exercise if you want to, but it is not necessary. You do not have to do a big grocery shop every week, cook meals from fresh, you will not be hungry, or tired, you will have lots of energy and lots of time. You will have time away from conventional food to clear your palette, and reset your body, to break the bad food and drink addictions and have time to re-evaluate your relationship with food and plan and how you are going to eat differently when you get to your target weight in 10 weeks time. It is an amazing experience, very empowering an exciting.
By the way I have created an amazing offer, 10 WEEKS POPULAR PACK – it works out at only £26.70 a week, with free UK & Irish shipping and you get FREE GIFTS worth an incredible £314.92. I am sure that you spend a lot more than £26.70 on food and drink at the moment, so not only can you change your life in the next 10 weeks, you can even save money while you do it!
ME 🙂 Last week! x
I really need you to take a moment and really think about how it would feel for you to be slimmer & healthier size at Christmas time, and how this would literally change your whole experience of Christmas. I have created a special exercise that will help you, do not skip this. If you really want to get in the zone and feel that you are unstoppable and that you are on A MISSION. Then you need to do the exercises that I am going to give you!
I have stated that this blog series is especially for people who are struggling and feeling in a rut and overwhelmed with their weight. I know how horrible that can feel, and I have experienced this feeling a lot over the last year. Thankfully I have overcome it, and that is why I am writing this blog series because I really don’t want anyone to feel that way.
The quality of our lives is related to the EMOTIONS that we experience on a daily basis. If he have great happy positive emotions, then we will have an amazing quality of life. If we have emotions that are clouded with sadness, shame, frustration and overwhelm that we experience on a daily basis, then it makes sense that we will not be experiencing a high quality of life.
When you have a weight problem it plays a big part on how you feel and the emotions that you experience in life.
For today’s MISSION MINDSET TASK I really want you to focus on YOUR EMOTIONS…. The Good, The Bad and The UGLY!
Losing weight really changes how you experience daily life. This exercise has been designed for people who are really struggling with their weight and the emotions of being overweight. If you want to be happy, you need to experience, happy emotions and have positive happy empowering thoughts. Please make sure that you complete this exercise. Don’t just read it. DO IT. Print off the document, and fill it in. It is time that you INVESTED TIME INTO YOU. You have neglected yourself for too long, I want you to be with me on this amazing journey, but you need to take part and get fully engaged with the exercises so that you can feel like I do now… UNSTOPPABLE AND IN THE ZONE!
Get a cup of tea or coffee.
I want you to really get deep into this exercise, and experience the negative and the positive emotions in your heart, really go to that place of pain and pleasure.
How do you want to feel??
What emotions do you want to experience every day?
What do you want your internal dialogue to be?
Please know that you have the power to choose how you feel.
You can choose overwhelm and failure, or you can choose empowerment and success. Get clear on both scenarios, and I hope this is the catalyst for you ignite a passion in your heart and soul, to choose a healthy, happy, New You.
I am going to share with you some examples of emotions that you might experience daily through a common event, we are going to review how your experience of every day things changes with your weight.
In the first instance I am giving examples of the rush of negative emotions and internal thoughts that come flooding over you because you are overweight , unhealthy and feeling low about your appearance (and these are emotions that I have personally felt). Then we are going to look at how those emotions can change in just 10 weeks, and how we can experience the same daily event, but this time have a new exciting experience of joy, happiness, excitement and pride!
Daily Life Event
Emotions Experienced Now at your current weight
Emotions you will Experience when you are at your healthy target weight
Date: SEPTEMBER 2015
Date: NOVEMBER 2015
Receiving an invitation to a wedding
Panic. Worry. Shame. Frustration. Dreading meeting people I have not seen for a few years and what they will think of my size.
Woohoo! Oh the Excitement! What will I wear! I cannot wait to go shopping! I cannot wait to see my old friends! This is going to be so much fun!
Being a Mother or Father
I wish I could go down the slide at the park with my kids. I wish I could go swimming with my kids. I feel sad that I am not a good role model for healthy living to my kids.
Weeeeeeeee!! I love taking part in all the activities with my children! It is so much fun and we are creating so many special memories together. I am so proud and happy that I am setting a good example to them.
Getting a family photo taken
Oh No. I hate getting my photo taken. I have no photos of me anywhere in my house. I hope they do not tag me in this photo on Facebook, I will be mortified. I look so fat. I feel so sad and ashamed. I really don’t want to feel like this anymore. 🙁
CHEEEESE! 🙂 Oh this is great! I cannot wait to see this photo! All that hard work and dedication was worth it, to feel like this! I feel like a million dollars! I love my new outfit, I look so slim and healthy and I have had SO many compliments from my family members! Life is amazing! I am on cloud 9! 🙂
Going Clothes Shopping
I don’t want to spend money on clothes that are this big. I am just going to wear old clothes. Trying on clothes in a changing room is my idea of hell, it makes me feel so down about myself.
OMG!! Clothes shopping has never been so much fun! I can pick ANYTHING up and it just looks perfect for me! Why did I not do this sooner? I am so glad I lost weight, I finally ALIVE! I cannot wait to go out this weekend wearing my new outfit.
If you really want to experience the positive emotions of life, then please take the time to go to that place and really FEEL what it will be like. I have created a template for you to fill in that you can tailor exactly to your life and the daily events that make up your day, so that you can really analyse how your life will be different on an emotional level when you do 10 short weeks on the plan.
10 weeks is not a long time. In the scale of your life, it is a tiny tiny amount of time, but what you can achieve in 10 weeks, and how this can dramatically improve how you experience life on a daily basis is unreal!
The 10 weeks is going to pass anyway, so we might as well put it good use. You will NEVER REGRET committing to improving your health and emotions. You can experience life on a whole new level in 10 weeks time, or you can be experiencing it just as you are today… filled with overwhelm and frustration.
I know that you are reading this blog post because you want to find the inspiration to take action and make your dreams come true. To achieve a healthy weight, to be a happy person, to love life, to stop hiding away and watching from the side lines, so that you can fully engage in life and enjoy every moment, and to be a good example to your children, or to have the confidence to get out and find true love. Whatever your reasons for losing weight, it will be a decision that you will never regret.
The best way for you to find that switch inside you, that will flick to MISSION ON – is to spend time doing the MISSION MINDSET tasks that I am going to keep sharing with you.
Print it off and fill it in. Please do leave me a comment below, just to let me know that the blog is helping you, that the worksheet helped you, anything at all, that will show me that you are going to do this with me.
I really hope that get something from this exercise, be really honest with yourself, the more brutal you are with the truth, the better.
Please aim to write as much as you can. No one is going to read this so be really honest with yourself about how you feel now and about how you will feel when you are at your target weight. The more honest you are, the more descriptive you are with your words, the bigger impact that it will have on you, and the easier you will find it to get in the zone and get to your healthy weight with joy and ease. Please invest in yourself, you deserve to give yourself this time to complete this exercise.
Please aim to fill in at least 8 life areas on your worksheet, the more you can do the better. The more clear you are on how losing weight will impact your daily life and emotions, the easier it will be for you to be motivated and WANT to do this. The clearer you are about how you want to experience life, the more chance you will have that you will make that experience your reality.
You really do get to choose how you experience life.
Just get clear on what you want and feel the emotions that come with it.
10 short weeks can change EVERYTHING. You can do this!! I am here with you every step of the way. More worksheets and blogs are coming to help you with every stage.
Love Julz xx
PS. Don’t forget if you are looking to buy meals from our website, the BEST DEALS are in the COUNTDOWN TO CHRISTMAS section. You get tonnes of free gifts, plus my daily motivation videos, direct to your inbox every single morning. Plus we have great personal coaching options, if you need that 1-2-1 accountability.
Well done beautiful lady what’s fantastic blog I am definitely going to print off the worksheet I love your courage and determination to put the hard times behind you,oh and by the way you look amazing xxxx
Loving your 7 day kick start& blogs Julz. If I’m having a ‘tough’ moment I just go online& refresh 🙂 ur a star, great plan& food is yummy. I’m on day 5, proud of my 100% commitment. Good luck girlie, we WILL do this. One of my friends signed up today, excited for my New Me 🙂 xxxx
Woohoo!! Im buzzing you are with us! Is your friend Ciara? If so that is awesome that you can do this together! 🙂 I am here for you if you need anything just let me know!! We will all be stunning for Christmas 🙂 xxx love ya
Love the blog Julie-Ann not back on the plan to 28th but doing my best to maintain,will be joining you for the Xmas countdown ?xx
Woohoo Janet 🙂 Great to hear from you hun! xx
Well done beautiful lady what’s fantastic blog I am definitely going to print off the worksheet I love your courage and determination to put the hard times behind you,oh and by the way you look amazing xxxx
Thank you sooooooooo much Pauline!! Love ya x
Love ur blog posts julz, they keep me motivated to stay on track. Will defo be printing the pages off!! Xxx
Please do!! let me know how you get on with it Stephanie xx
Hi Julz really good stuff. I really appreciate your blog.
Love and thanks.
Thank you!! I appreciate your comment and support! If I can help you in anyway please let me know <3 x
Loving your 7 day kick start& blogs Julz. If I’m having a ‘tough’ moment I just go online& refresh 🙂 ur a star, great plan& food is yummy. I’m on day 5, proud of my 100% commitment. Good luck girlie, we WILL do this. One of my friends signed up today, excited for my New Me 🙂 xxxx
Woohoo!! Im buzzing you are with us! Is your friend Ciara? If so that is awesome that you can do this together! 🙂 I am here for you if you need anything just let me know!! We will all be stunning for Christmas 🙂 xxx love ya
Hi ya
Day 2 and going well today. Love this blog.
Have lost 6 stone in the past with meal replacements and gained it all. So already thinking of how i will maintain. Im thinking 5-2 for life after.