Lesson 27 “Decide what you want and GO FOR IT!”
Lesson 27 “Decide what you want and GO FOR IT!”
One thing I have found in life is that the more clearer you are on what you want, the more chances you have of actually get. The more confident you are about something, the more likely it will happen.
This is probably my all time favourite quote, it is from Henry David Thoreou…
I think this quote is amazing! 🙂
Here is why….
1.) You need to get clear on what you want YOUR NEW YOU TO BE!
How can you go confidently towards something if you do not know what you really want in life? In your weight loss journey this would be what style and size of clothes you want to wear when you get to your goal. What activities do you want to be doing everyday? How are you going to keep fit? Do you want to go to the gym? Have a personal trainer? Go swimming? Go to yoga? Go to cross fit? You need to get clear on what you want your new you to be!
2.) Be confident, positive and happy TODAY! Enjoy the Journey!
All we have is TODAY. So be happy TODAY, no matter what size you are, or where you are, that does not matter, all that matters is that you are going in the right direction and that you are LOVING TODAY for what it is and for all the blessings that it brings you! Live with an attitude of gratitude! Love losing weight! Celebrate every pound! Love forming new healthy positive inspiring habits! Love saying goodbye to the things that are holding you back! Enjoy this amazing transformation process TODAY!
3.) Visualise yourself going about your life in the way you really want to live it!
Every. Single. Day. Visualise!! On the bus, in the waiting room, in bed, in the bath! Just create a vision of you living life on your terms, looking the way you want to look, being healthy, active, energised, buzzing for life! Spending time with the people you choose to spend time with, going to the places you want to go to, doing the things you want to do!! Imagine yourself at your slim healthy target weight, wearing the clothes you want to wear and going about life the way you want to live it!
Do this 🙂 And not only will you enjoy life TODAY, BUT EVERYDAY, and a year from now you will look back and think WOW!! How did I get here? It has been so flipping easy!
Losing weight is easy if you CHOOSE it to be!
What do you choose? The easy path to a slim healthy new you, or staying stuck with excuses that are keeping you a prisoner of your own frustrations and overwhelm. It doesn’t have to be that way…. you choose!

Hi Julz,
Great blog thank you as always! I have it clear in my head now of where I want to be, I’m getting married next year and I want to be slim and look good. I have worked it out that I won’t quite reach my goal by the time the wedding comes but you know what, that’s ok, as I will be size 10/12 and that will do me, I know that I will still look good in a dress. I try to be happy everyday, they say being happy is a choice, not just something that happens to us, so that I count my blessings every day and I started writing down every day in a not book 3 things that I have achieved that day and 3 positive things which made me happy, I have done that for a month now and it’s amazing to look back on it and think that wow, I’m so lucky to have all those people and things in my life. I try to visualise myself every day looking slim, in nice clothes, exercising, being fit, it does really help, however, you must not just think it and dream about it, you must make it happen and work towards it. Have a great day Julz. xxx 🙂
Great blog and love the quote. I have a clear vision in my head of where I am going and how I am going to maintain when I get there. Meanwhile I am enjoying the journey and appreciate what I have got right now -counting my Blessings while at same time not tolerating any excuses from myself or temptations from others which would result in me straying away in wrong direction. Have a great day and thanks again for the blog. X
Oh meant to say I got tired reading some comments on one of your ads on Facebook. They were from people who have not done the diet or who have reverted to old habits when finished so I decided to provide info to them to hopefully influence them to give it a go. I thought perhaps coming from a New Yiu Plan dieter would help them cheers
I totally agree with visualisation. I know what I want to be like, look like, feel like… When I stop visualising that – I go wrong. And this is not just about my weight, it is the same for work, the kind of marketeer I want to be, the kind of wife, friend, daughter and colleague I want to be. Such a good lesson. Thank you
It took me a couple of years to get my life on track and during that time I put on more & more weight. I was too busy looking back at what had happened. I am now looking forward. Thanks to New You I am making positive decisions and can start to see a good happy enjoyable life ahead of me.
Thank you so much Julie-Ann for helping me turn my life around I could not have done this without your help or from the great team you have at New You xxxxx
Another great blog Julie-Ann, my new you is becoming clearer and clearer now my mind is realising I can actually do this – have so much to look forward to next year and can’t wait for it all to begin
Great blog as usual love the quote…YES I have SURPASSED my WILDEST dreams….when I started NY…I thought IF I could just lose a COUPLE of stones…wow ..wouldn’t that be amazing….then very quickly saw the results that this dream was possible…so I moved the goal posts…dream got bigger…thought…hmm….going from a 26/28 maybe I could get to a 20….how AMAZING would that be….and with the plan I achieved that and so much more….then I thought HELL YEAH….lets go for a size 16/18…and here we are …size 16…and 7st lighter thinking….hmmmmmm what about a 14…watch this space. xxx
Hello dear Julie Anne!
Well, what can I say ……. I am that girl one year on and looking back at how I was , and never wanting yo go back there ! Every day I visualise my old self and my new self, and it is a whole new way of thinking for me ……. Positive and exciting ! New. You has totally changed my life ! Size 22/24 to a comfy size 12 skinny jeans !!!! What can I say .my vision is long term ! I will always use new you products in my life to help me carry on managing my weight !
Thank you xxxxxxxxx