Lesson 24, 25 and 26 – 3 Lessons to Inspire You to Finish 2014 Strong!
3 Lessons for you today to inspire you to finish 2014 Strong!
I am sharing 39 lessons before my 39th Birthday on 3oth November. I am going to be celebrating my birthday in Clontarf Castle at our first ever New You Plan Christmas Party & Workshop! If you haven’t got your ticket yet there are some left and we would just love to see you there!
When this time of year comes around you have 2 choices…..
1.) Get focused to end the year strong and achieve your goals and dreams
2.) Give up on yourself and think it is too late and make excuses about the party season
Today I am sharing 3 lessons with you that I hope will inspire you to FINISH 2014 STRONG!
Lesson 24 “You can’t go back and make a new beginning, but you can start now and create a new ending!”
What where you goals and dreams for 2014?
Every January it is common to set goals for the year. If you didn’t make progress with your weight loss goals, fitness goals and self care goals, then today is the time to commit to putting yourself first, and ending this year strong, feeling confident that you are on the road to a slimmer healthier happier New You!
Whatever happened this year, you can decide today to end the year 1-2 sizes smaller; is your choice, you can’t change what happened January to October, but you can decide to dedicate the last 1.5 months to your health and your body.
Lesson 25 “Take pride in how far you have come, have faith in how far you can go!”
My goal for this year was to be at my healthy BMI for my birthday on 30th November. I am not going to achieve this goal. Life was harder than I expected and I had some really hard challenging times, that made it hard for me to be positive and focus for a while.
I have lost over 4 stone from I had my baby, but really I wanted to lose over 6 stone by now. Sometimes I find myself slipping into thoughts of feeling like a failure, or feeling upset with myself, but then I have to remember that I have still achieved a lot, and I have to feel proud for that. And even more so, I need to believe in myself that I can and I will get to my target weight.
So whatever weight you have lost this year, be proud of what you achieved, even if it is just 5 pounds, and if you still have a way to go, or you are not quite where you want to be yet, then don’t beat yourself up, if you feel your thoughts going that direction, then immediately turn your attention to what you have achieved, and then get that deep inner sense that you have the faith in yourself to see this journey to your healthy target weight.
Don’t forget that you are not going to go far in life if you are feeling down on yourself. Think about when you have achieved your greatest success in life, how where you feeling about yourself at those times? You where feeling happy, positive, proud, and confident. If you want to achieve great things in your weight loss then you need to swap those negative feelings about yourself for positive ones!
It is human to sometimes feel a bit frustrated with ourselves but when those feelings and emotions come in, then we have the choice to replace it with something positive, or dwell on it and let us consume us. Make sure that you are diligent in replacing negative thoughts with positive ones, the more you do this, the easier it will become and the less negative thoughts will come!
Have faith that you can end 2014 strong, even with parties and Christmas, you can do it. If you stick to total food replacement for 6 weeks you could drop 2 sizes… have faith in yourself that you can do it!
Lesson 26 “You can make excuses, or you can have results, but you can’t have both.”
At this time of year there are so many social events to attend, I am going to London this week, then Dublin next week for our New You Plan Christmas Workshop & Party and then December will be here and there will be parties everywhere and Christmas markets!
This is a dangerous time for a dieter, calories, fat and sugar are everywhere!! I hope that your goal is to either maintain your weight loss or to lose weight in December. If this is your goal, then accept the fact that this is going to take some dedication from you. You are going to have to pass on a lot of foods, you are going to have to stick to the plan, or seek out a healthy alternative. If you keep making excuses “Auck sure it is Christmas, if you can’t treat yourself at Christmas when can you treat yourself!” If you say that everytime you are offered cake or pastry then you will easily find yourself up a stone by the end of the month. You do not want to feel that way. It is not worth it. The New You means that you need to start making real changes and making healthy alternative choices.
At our Christmas workshop we have a nutritionist giving a talk to help you out with making these healthy choices.
Don’t forget about our special promotion that is running this week 80 meal sachets for £80! With Free Shipping to UK & Ireland.
[box]Today I would love your comments on HOW DO YOU WANT TO FINISH 2014? What is your plan? How determined are you to finish this year strong? What do you plan on eating in December? [/box]
Have a lovely Day!
Julz xx
I will be finishing December at a much lower weight than I started 2014, I haven’t quite managed to get to my goal that I had wanted at the beginning of January this year as have had an awful year and didn’t start my journey until October, but have achieved so much already that when I started I didn’t think I would ever manage- I am going into 2015 with a positive outlook and a way of achieving my total goal in 2015 no matter what the world throws at me – next year is going to be an amazing journey for me not only health wise but also for my son as I am going to embark on Home Schooling him next year to see how well we do ourselves – its a big challenge and one I never thought I would be able to achieve. This diet has given me the realisation that I can achieve anything if I just put my mind to
Oh wow!!! Kathleen 🙂 Congrats on your weight loss!! I too am going to be doing home educating with my girls! I look forward to sharing both our journies together for healthy living and home education!! Woohoo 🙂 WE CAN DO IT!! XXX
Wow small world – just decided it was best for my son, he struggles with school although he is very bright – have joined a few Home Educating sites and has given me the strength to go for it
Just love these lessons Julie Anne , thank you ! I have been using the plan to lose weight then maintain , then lose a bit more, and so on , for the last year , and it works for me so well . I’m about a stone to goal, but instead of worrying about this now, I use the plan for as much of life as I can , and choose healthily for the times when I want to eat ! This way I have managed . I know , if I need or have to have a day or two off plan , as long as I jump back on , and drink plenty , the scales are happy ! Gone are the days of my self destruct behaviour when I would diet, and feel I had blown it if I detoured off plan ! I will always use new you products as part of my life , they make life easier for me , and are so easy when I’m at work ! The key is to never give up ! Xx
I love all your comments Jasmin, everytime I read your comments I just wish I could hug you!! You truly are amazing and inspiring!! 🙂 xx
This is brilliant. We do need to think about how far we’ve come instead of always focusing on how far we have to go 🙂
I’m 3 stone lighter now than I was in January!
I am going to finish 2014 a stronger person with my head held high. I am so proud of what I have achieved so far, things I never thought I would. I don;t smoke anymore, I am fit and I’ve lost weight. I’ve found myself again. I am no longer just a mother and wife. I have an identity all of my own and I am important enough to own that identity. I will continue through December 100% because it’s easy and although I have nights out planned I am strong enough to say no and stick to plan. It doesn’t bother me what anyone else thinks, what’s important is how I think and feel. That is after all what affects me and my family most.
Thank you so much Julz for these posts. They mean so much to me and I love the focus they bring xx
Brilliant blog as usual. I lost my way this year. Stopped for Christmas and never really got back on it properly. Had a lot of weddings special birthdays stress of moving twice and a renovation. My aim was to be less than I weighed last Christmas and I am nearly there. When I find myself getting a bit down I do as you say and think of how far I have come. That is the beauty of the plan and this group. It is there for us all 24/7. I have learned a lot about my emotional battle with food….but I am looking forward to the workshop as don’t want to let Christmas come and go and me lose my way again. Xxx
Hi Julz,
Great blog thank you! I know what you mean about being proud of your achievements. I have struggled with the plan for months now, keep being on and off and not really losing but maintaining, which is good in principle but not when you have another 9 stone to lose!!! So this time in Oct I said to myself that’s it, enough excuses, I’m fed up with this, I’m off work which normally makes it easier for me, and I know I can do it as I have done it before, what’s stopping me? Only me!! I can’t take the time back but I can certainly be proud at the end of the year of what I have achieved, I can lose up to 2 stone and that’s massive! I haven’t quite managed to get to my Christmas goal but that’s ok, it’s better than sitting there and doing nothing about it! I’ve been 100% now for few weeks and not only do I feel better physically and look slimmer, I feel better mentally too. I’m having good results and the effort is paying off, this month so far I have lost 12lb and still 2 weeks to go. So I’m proud of what I have achieved so far and I’m making no more excuses. I will refeed for Christmas and then will be back in January to continue my journey. Have a great day Julz. xxx 🙂
Great blog Julie Ann, I think we are sometimes very hard on ourselves especially when we loose our way and of course it’s going to happen the best of us at some stage along the journey,
Iv lost my way the past two months and cannot seem to get back on track,,staying with the group gives me a better chance of not throwing in the towel completely, I know I will get back on the wagon at some stage.. I plan to do minimal damage in December,I did it last year and know it’s very possible.
It’s very easy to wallow in the feel sorry for me mode and when lots of things are happening that are tough to contend with, it’s getting the strength to get back on the plan and continue the journey
Now that is in itself a huge achievement that sometimes we don’t give ourselves credit for.. X
Hi Julie Ann, enjoyed the blogs. I have lost a stone and half in six weeks and have 7 lbs to go to target weight. Weigh in is Tuesday for my 7th week so hope to have a few more lbs off. I am going to lose a bit extra beyond my target weight to allow for refeed. I intend having all that completed before refeed for Xmas. My plan then I’d to have two meals a day using New You food and one dinner in evening with plenty of veg and chicken or fish. I don’t eat red meat anyway. This is the way I intend to maintain. I will confine the wine to weekends when maintaining and will weigh weekly and record progress. That is the plan . Enjoy your evening. X
lesson 26, words to live by. That is all.
hi julie i will be ending the year on a high healthier and happier then i have been for a few years all thanks to you and the new you team. it has been an emotional journey made up of great highs and some lows but amazing all the same xx
Hello Julie-Anne, I so love your blogs !
This year has changed my life forever, I am proud of my achievement so far, although when I look in the morror I can scarcely believe it’s me !!!!!! Thank you for helping me to get my life back on track…… I feel healthier and fitter than I have ever felt ! 6!plus stones gone, and 1 to go !!! I have all faith that my goal will be achieved …….. Baby steps ….. Xxxxxx thank you
So Loving these Julie-Ann.
I am determined to loose 1/2 stone in December. As you say, its going to be tough but with this plan & the online / Facebook support I know it is achievable. I just have to think forward about what I really want and decide in advance what I will say yes to and so what I then need to say no to. I have already had people doing the, ‘just on this occasion’ but if I said yes to each of these I would not have achieved the (nearly) 5 stone weight loss that I have. I just need to carry this through to Christmas & the New Year, for a New Me 😉