Keep Calm, Believe in Yourself & Drink Your Water

This is basically my mantra at the moment…

Keep Calm, Believe in Myself and Drink my water.
Starting out on total food replacement can be overwhelming and scary!
It is like standing at the bottom of a very big mountain.
It is really important to calm TF down and not overthink think it.
Take it one day at a time.
Take it one meal at a time.
Just like you would climb a mountain.
You take it one step at a time. If you look to far ahead you will trip and fall, you need to keep your head down and be mindful with each step.
On total food replacement you need to keep your head down and be mindful of each meal. Just take it one meal at a time.

Breathe and believe in yourself.
Breathe in allllll the reasons why this is important to you.
Breathe out alllll the lies and excuses why you doubt can’t do it.
Bring yourself into the thought and feeling – that you Believe you can do it.

Believe you can do it, Believe it is going to OK, Believe that you are going to feel empowered on your journey.
And drink your water!
SIP, SIP, SIP. It really helps!
Julz xox
PS. If you want to join me and thousands others who are creating their 2020 transformation, check out our latest meal deals here.