Diet Mindset

Inspiring Changes in Just 7 Days – please comment!

It is amazing how life can change
in an instant isn’t it?
I am sure you might have experienced
a time when a switch was just flicked –
in your mind and all of a sudden you decided…
“Right, that’s it, no more!!!! I am going on my diet!”
And in an instant you changed…
This week so many people have started
their New You diet and it has been an
amazing experience for me to see how
many people have totally changed in
just ONE WEEK.
Now I am NOT just talking weight loss
results, and there have been some
AMAZING weight loss results already
recorded on our January Weight
Some results are Lisa 10 Pounds off,
Maurice 18 pounds off, Lisa000 9 pounds
down, Michelle 8 pounds gone and
- Mood
- Confidence
- Happiness
- Self Belief
- New Excitement for 2012
People are INSPIRED! Holidays are being
booked, swimming costumes are being
picked, wedding dresses are being fitted
into, promises of before and after photos
are being made…. in just one week how
people on new you diet are thinking has
totally changed.
When you do TFR for one week you do
much more than lose pounds, you really
prove to yourself that you have SELF
DISCIPLINE, and this is YOU putting
YOU first. By committing to stick to the
plan so that you can achieve your goals,
so you can lose weight and get healthy,
so you can look good this spring and
When YOU put YOU FIRST and stick to
the plan 100% this will boost your self
esteem no end, you will feel so good,
so proud, and so excited for what more
you can achieve.
The mood and morale in our New You
Secret Slimmers group on Facebook is
EXTRAORDINARY. It is so inspiring to
have so many people all cheering each
other on, sharing the highs and lows,
and being there for each other. Every
one is saying how much harder it would
be if they were not part of the group.
If you want to join CLICK HERE
What change do you want to see in the next 7 days??
- Do you want to feel your trousers looser?
- Do you want to feel confident you can get to your goal?
- Do you want to feel proud?
- Do you want to feel excited about what you can achieve?
- Do you want to feel healthy and detoxed?
- Do you want to believe in yourself?
- Do you want to see those scales go down?
- Do you want to be in the January Weight Loss Challenge and kicking ass?
****How you feel in 7 days time depends on what you do TODAY****.
So if you are already on new you diet – MAKE SURE YOU STAY ON COURSE.
Don’t let your guard down because you got through one week and
you are feeling good, you need to stay focused every day, remember
it takes 21 days to change a habit. So be aware of being 100% and
next week you will be feeling A-MAZ-ING and you will be really
seeing and feeling massive changes in your clothes.
INFACT – if you are on new you diet and you are just finishing 1
week then PLEASE LEAVE A COMMENT BELOW and share the changes you FEEL
have happened to you in the last 7 days!
[box type=”note”]Please leave a comment and share your inspiring changes!![/box]
If you are NOT on New You Diet yet – then FLICK THAT SWITCH!
It only takes an instant to flick that switch and decide to make the
change to take action and get started. Next week you will be SO
GLAD that you did.
We would LOVE to have you onboard with us…
Order now.
Weight Loss Challenge.
Blog & Motivation Articles.
Secret Slimmers Group.
Facebook Page.
If you have any questions, please email back and let us know,
we will be more than happy to help you make
Hope to hear from you!!
Lots of Love,
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Feeling fantastic at the end of week 1. The diet is lovely and so easy to incorporate into my lifestyle. I feel like it would be ridiculous of me to go backwards now after rhis initial loss. I’m really looking forward to shopping for slim clothes when I reach Goall!! For anyone considering this diet its worth a try once you see the lbs drop off you’ll be hooked. I’m finding the online dorum on facebook really grwat. Lovely bunch of peo0le all with the same goal.
Woohoo!! I am so glad you are feeling fantastic Triny!! That is brilliant. Great to have you onboard with us and I look forward to sharing this amazing transformation with you! Julz xx
I have bn on the new you diet for 9 days now I lost 8lb in the first week hoping for 3-4 next wk at least. I feel more confident much more assertive, more confident and my clothes are already looser.. The support in the secret slimmers group in inspiring and amazing I believe I had stuck to the diet for 9 days due to the support and kind words of the other people in this group as I feel in also doing it for those of you looking for inspiration and support to start your new you diet.. Everyone is doing an amazing job
Hey Michelle! Great that your confidence is on the up and clothes sizes are going down! NICE 🙂 The support of the Secret Slimmers is great and you are an amazing contributor to that group. Thank you!! Keep going, I would love you to get to your goal and celebrate with an amazing summer! 🙂 Love Julz xx
I’m in my first week, day 5, it’s tough but the rewards are tenfold. I feel if I have the discipline to break the bad habits of a life time I will be much happier.
I love the detox nature of this plan the key for me will be learning enough about good food and a good diet that I can keep my weight stable after the loss. It’s a worry but I know that including a sport, club or gym activity, even yoga really will be my saving grace.
Bring on week two!!!! Good luck everyone 🙂
Woohoo ShellyHQ you are doing really well!! It is a great feeling to detox and get rid of that bloated feeling and start to feel the small changes in your mind and body! Watch out for the exciting plans of new you this year for a whole new plan!! 🙂
Good luck for week two and thank you for sharing your inspiring changes in week one!! 🙂
Much Love
Julie-Ann xox
been on the plan 1week now
weighing this morning lb9 off. me is a happy bunny
so glad i found this sight the people are so careing
& so supporting every one amazing !!!!
Hi Linda! So lovely to have you with us, and I am delighted you are going well and feeling and seeing the results already!
The New You community really is amazing, I feel so blessed to have such a lovely community of supportive people here.
Thank you for joining us and I wish you every success on your journey. If you ever need anything please let us know.
Much Love,
Julz xx
I lost an amazing 12lbs in my first week but surprisingly this is just a small part of how drastically I have changed in 7 short days!
I am doing New You because in April 2011 I had a baby and have been struggling since to shift the weight I put on. Now if we are honest we know what to do to loose weight – I am very aware of what I should have been doing so my issue was keeping my motivation constant and not just throwing my hands up and giving in the minute things got tough. This is what I love about New You – this is 100% commitment diet. By taking away the option of ‘having a bad day’ then getting back to it I am consistently aware that if I stray I could ruin all my hard work!
By the end of my first week I was wearing clothes that hadn’t fitted since I was a few months pregnant, my skin and hair are glowing (I assume due to the amount of water I am drinking) and my zest for life is through the roof!!!
After my first baby I also did Lipotrim and although it worked I definitely did not enjoy the products or the process anywhere near as much. The New You Secret Slimmers group is invaluable and a random meal bar is a proper treat!
So basically in 7 days I have gone from being a frumpy mummy who looks like she has had a baby to a positive, confident (nearly yummy) mummy who is feeling like herself again!!
Thank you New You, I cannot recommend this diet more!! xoxox