How To Be True To YOU <3
When you are true to yourself; you love yourself and love your life
Be yourself; set goals that your heart desires.
The most magnificent person you will ever be is YOU.
Don’t try to be anyone else but you.
Listen to what your heart wants and take action on YOUR DREAMS.
What do you really want?
Do you dream of being slim, healthy, confident, energised?
Are you taking positive action towards your dreams?
Stop comparing yourself to others… Start comparing your daily actions to your own dreams.
We are not here to compare ourselves to others; we are here to compare our daily actions to what is most important to us.
If we are not taking action on what our heart desires, we are automatically not going to feel good about ourselves.
If we don’t feel good about ourselves – this is a feedback system to let us know that we are not being true to ourselves.
Weight loss starts from within; it starts from the inside.
Write down everyday what is most important to you and take action that is you being true to your heart’s desires.
The more you take action that is true to what you want the better you will feel about yourself and your life!
If you want to be slim and healthy this summer – then commit to your heart’s desires and take action every single day.
A month is such a short space of time but so much is achievable!
What can you achieve in 1 month?
Happiness that you are taking action towards your dreams
Self-esteem as you are strong and following through with willpower
Confidence with the results of dropping inches and 1 stone +
Energy with the ketogenic buzz and your new zest for life!
Health – dropping 1 stone can improve many health indicators!
Mobility & fitness – less weight = more movement and flexibility!
Stylish clothes – you can wear those jeans & tops and feel great!
Inspiration to those around you to improve their health too
You can take action on what your heart desires and reap all the benefits of being true to you.
Or you can continue to NOT take action on what you really want, keep feeling stuck, and keep feeling bad about yourself.
I know it can be overwhelming and hard to start when you don’t feel good about yourself right now.
The only way that confidence can come, is by you committing to be true to you and follow through on heart’s desires no matter what.
Julz xox
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