From failure to inspiration in 6 weeks…*
*Weight loss results may vary. This is not a guarantee
Check out this amazing story of how one of our secret slimmers has transformed her body and her mindset in 6 weeks and she is now inspiring other people to do the same!
I love this quote…
It is easy for people to see a successful person and just see the success and not think about the struggle behind it.
In our amazing Secret Slimmers group I love to see how people evolve and transform, I was just reading through some of the posts in there and felt so proud of one of our secret slimmers and wanted to share this with you.
This lady joined us 6 weeks ago, and she posted that she was making one of her meals in the first week, and the top came off the pepper and all fell into her meal, and she was upset and decided to have a cheese sandwich instead. I remember replying to her post in the hope that she could get back on track.
Last night I was reading a post from someone else on their first week who was struggling to stay 100%, and she was being encouraged by the very lady who 6 weeks ago fell off the wagon over some pepper… Now 6 weeks later she has lost 29 pounds (that is over 2 stone) she is looking amazing (she has posted pictures in our secret group!) and she is such a rock to other people. She shows so much compassion to other people and really inspires and encourages other people.
6 weeks ago when she ate that Cheese sandwich she could have said – “I am a failure” and given up on herself, but she didn’t… she didn’t quit, she got back on the saddle, and stayed strong. Now she is an inspiration to other people.
[quote]”You CAN do this! and no need to be sorry at all..i won’t lie and say it will be easy but it WILL be soo worth it..i have lost 2stone in 6 weeks and my confidence is growing daily!something i never had before and never imagined i could lose that weight in that amount of time..[/quote]
I am so looking forward to this lady getting to her goal! 🙂 I will be celebrating that day!! Woohoo!!
Look, if you are failing, struggling, and stumbling to get started with your diet, then you must remember that you are not failure if you do not quit.
You need to surround yourself with people who believe in your dreams, people who understand your struggles, and that is why I cannot recommend our Secret Slimmers group enough!! There are 300 people in this group who will lift you, encourage you, and inspire you to keep going and never quit.
6 weeks is not a long time.
But 6 weeks can change SO MUCH.
In 6 weeks you could be 2 clothes down, smaller waist, healthier body, slimmer face, more confidence, more self esteem, feeling fitter, more energy, more positive, improved quality of life, better relationships, better social life, nicer clothes, better love life, and hundreds more amazing reasons!go
If you want to find out more about new you please visit our getting started page or just jump over to our online shop and place your order. The 100 Bundle is our most popular package, you can choose any 100 products of your choice, and this will give you enough meals for 4-5 weeks. Once you order you also get a free booklet in your diet box, you get a free gift worth £47 which is an online video coaching series with downloadable worksheets, and you get access into our secret slimmers which is invaluable resource to help you go from a failure to an inspiration in a few weeks.
Always remember – IF THEY CAN DO IT, YOU CAN DO IT. And we are here to help you! x

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Can u put me on to secret slimmers
Hi Ursula!! Can you please send a friend request here so we can add you http://www.facebook.com/newyouplan – looking forward to having you with us hun!! xxx