Forecast Your Weight Loss Progress for Motivation
When you embark on your weight loss journey it can sometimes feel that your goal is a million miles away. It is important to remember that your weight loss journey is an evolving transformation, and every couple of weeks you will notice exciting changes. You don’t have to wait until you get to your ultimate goal to feel good.
Don’t think that you have to get to your goal before you feel good and look good. That is really not true. Your journey and transformation will reveal many exciting things to you along the way.
One thing that helps to keep me motivated is to forecast my weight loss results over the next month or so.
FREE WEIGHTLOSS TRACKER SPREADSHEET – Perfect for forecasting your weight loss!
The New You Plan has a free weight loss spreadsheet that is a great tool to help you record your weight loss results, but it also is fun to use to forecast your weight loss results in the future.
By typing in your average expected weight loss each week you will be amazed at what you will achieve just by being consistent on your diet and sticking to the plan 100%.
The spreadsheet also calculates your BMI, so you will see how you will move down the BMI categories and approach your healthy target weight.
Get excited as you drop BMI, Stone Brackets & Jean Sizes!
When I started my weight loss journey I was BMI CLASS 3 OBESE- which is the highest, moving to BMI CLASS 2 OBESE, I was so happy just to get to the BMI CLASS 1 OBESE category, and when I entered the OVERWEIGHT category, well I actually felt amazing 🙂 When I get to the HEALTHY category, I will be dancing on the ceiling. 🙂
Things that really motivated me where:-
1.) Moving down the BMI scale
2.) Getting into a new stone bracket
3.) Getting into smaller jeans
Get excited and forward plan so you know when you can expect these milestone to occur. If you know that if you stick to the plan 100% in 2 weeks you could be in a lower BMI class, a lower stone bracket and a size smaller jeans, then that is an exciting thing to hold on to when you feel tempted to break the diet.
Get really clear in your head the mini milestones you are working towards. Forward tracking has really helped me to stay motivated.
Plan some treats and rewards to celebrate your wins!
When I forward track, I always plan rewards and treats. Like a new handbag, or a new pair of shoes, a nice scarf, or a beauty treatment. I usually picked something that wasn’t clothing related, and something that I can enjoy no matter what weight I am.
One thing I have got addicted to is getting Shellac Nails, here is a picture of the first time I got them done, I get them done every few weeks now as I just love how I feel when my nails look so nice! 🙂 My husband loves it when I get them done as I am always in really good mood that day!! Ha ha! 🙂
It is VERY IMPORTANT not to say you will treat yourself to something and then when you achieve the goal, decide not to do afterall. I have done this in the past, and then I usually find I lose motivation, so if you plan a treat, make sure you see it through! Don’t cheat yourself! You want this journey to be exciting and fulfilling so that you enjoy it.
Plan a break in 90 Days time AND BOOK IT NOW!
I also found it helped me to have a weekend break or a holiday planned, something that I could not change the date of, so that meant I had a real focus and date to work towards. It is good to plan a weekend break every 90 days or so. Whatever your budget you should try to do this, especially if you are booking a few months in advance you can usually get cheap rooms in hotels and if you want to fly somewhere easy jet have cheap flights if you book early.
If you always wait until the time is perfect, until you have lost your weight, and until you have money saved, then nothing really happens and you just stay stuck. So get some real goals set, and get something to look forward to booked. Even if it is just a weekend in a travel lodge or premier inn hotel in a town 30 mins away from where you live. Just book it now! Set some goals and get excited!!
[quote]Life is what you make it! Dare to make it magnificent! Plan something exciting to do in 3 months NOW! Don’t wait to the time is right, just do it now![/quote]
Distract Your Mind & Get Motivated NOW By FORECASTING your slimming success with our free spreadsheet!
If you are struggling with your diet, then spend some time forecasting your results, grab a coffee, download the spreadsheet, and start typing in some numbers to forecast your weight loss between now and Easter, Easter is 1st April, so you have 2.5 months. You can achieve so much in 10 weeks or so. You really can, if you just get started, and stay consistent.
Let’s make the first quarter of 2o13 an amazing year!! Let’s get moving and grooving and get excited about EVERY MILESTONE!! Forecast what amazing changes you can achieve in the next few weeks, get excited and get consistent, no nibbling, no cheating, just pure and utter FOCUS on the most important thing in this world YOUR HEALTH & HAPPINESS.
[button link=”http://www.thenewyouplan.com/blog/free-weight-loss-spreadsheet/” color=”pink”]CLICK HERE TO GET THE FREE WEIGHT LOSS SPREADSHEET TRACKER[/button]
What are your mini goals and rewards?? Have you booked any trips away as motivation??
Please share with me in the comments below what you want to achieve next and how you are going to reward yourself.
If you are new to the new you plan and want to find out more about our products and our company then please visit our GETTING STARTED PAGE and watch the video.
I have just forecast my weightloss, and I have to say it was the most motivating exercise I have ever done!
My problem in the past is thinking that I could never be down to a normal weight, but for me to go from “Class II Obese” to “Normal” with the New You plan it will take just 17 weeks!!
Watch this space in May 2013 when my slim self will be rocking it!
Anyone debating whether to try this? Don’t think, just do. Trust me – really helps with the mental attitude, and once you know you can do it, it gets so much easier! 🙂
Woohoo Melissa! Just reading your post MOTIVATED ME!! I can feel your excitement and energy, I am so happy for you! Roll on SUMMER 2013 it is going to be the best yet!!
I hope you are in secret slimmers?? Make sure you join us there and say hi to me 🙂 I will be cheering you on every step of the way hun!!
Well done for following through and completing this exercise and leaving a comment! You are going to kill it 🙂
Julz xoxo
Aww thanks Julz! Yes I am an avid reader of the Secret Slimmers group, it keeps my mind busy when I get a bit peckish 😉
No other diet plan has ever worked for me, but within 3 weeks on the New You (before Xmas) I lost 1.5stone and that has really encouraged me to continue with my goal of a total 6 stone loss.
Must say a massive thank you to everyone at New You and all of the fantastic support – I have a strong feeling that this will change my life 😀
Melissa xxx
Oh I love to read posts like this, it just warms my heart SO MUCH!! Thank you for being part of our community and for sharing the LOVE 🙂
Good luck, you sound like you are a winner and will get to your goal!!!
Woohoo 🙂
Bring on the summer xxxx
Well i had some old Cambridge shakes in the cupboard so while i was waiting for my delivery and i was focused i used them, so i received my pack on Thursday and started the new food for the next 10 days yesterday (friday), I must say I’ve had the porridge, strawberry shake, stew and protein bar for some reason i was starving yesterday and i drank my 2 ltrs of water!!! but its 3.57 am been awake since 1.30 and and feeling shite!!! hungry and a bit heady so i’m having a cuppa and a mooch on hear to keep me going, after going shopping for the family and having New Food in the house from our New Food Storing opening local!!! its so temping to have a scone!!!!…..
But i’m not I’ve just got 9 days to go and i’d of been on it 12 days so far 4.5lbs off and and now 14lbs to go, 1 can do it i can otherwise I’ve got to start all again!!!! NO NO NO I’m not going to start it again ever!!!
Can i exercise on the plan???
Well early hours rant over!!!!
ive just forecast my weightloss a totally achievable 2 stone in 12 weeks loaing 2.3lbs per week. im actually hoping to lose a few lbs more but this is my baseline!
really motivating!
i was 10 12 – now i just had some cheese cake – wy – i dont really know – just feeling e to get back into ketosis – tips please – maybe 2 packs over the weekend if i can?fed up but i will have to get back into ketosos – tips please