Julz 2020 Daily Blog

February Love Theme: Creativity

Opening up your creativity is a great way to improve how you feel and to get your mind interested in new hobbies.
A lot of time we hear customers say they do not really have any hobbies. Getting hobbies is a great way to create an inspired life that keeps your body and mind healthy.
I love this quote;
Find 3 hobbies you love.
1 to make you money,
1 to keep you in shape,
and 1 to be creative.

What do you love that gives you the opportunity to be creative?
If you an double that up with something that keeps in you shape; like dancing OR double it up with something that makes you extra money; like arts & crafts.
Creating a new you is all about building a life you love. Being creative is a big part of living an inspired life. What can start to do to get more creativity into your life?