Down 2.5 pounds this week!*
*Weight loss results may vary. This is not a guarantee
Hi everyone,
Well I weighed on Monday, and I had lost an additional 0.5 pound from my sneaky mid week weigh in!! So that is a total of 2.5 pounds lost last week.
I need to lose another 2 pounds to hit the 5 stone off from November (I did have a break for the month of December and 2 weeks off in March.)
5 stone seems so much doesn’t it. Every stone from here on in will mean more to me though.
For me personally when you are so overweight, each stone doesn’t change how you feel or look that much, sure I have noticed small changes and my clothes sizes have been going down (I am now size 14) but I haven’t been happy with my appearance, and have felt frustrated.
I am starting to feel more like myself again, and getting into the 10 stone bracket will be GOOD. Every stone now will be MASSIVE. Even though I know this, I still have days where I just feel overwhelmed. I have to keep reminding myself that I have come so far, and the alternative to not continuing is staying size 14 and feeling unhappy with myself. I don’t want to feel that way, I want to be happy with how I look and feel and be wearing size 10.
I went to Marks & Spencers yesterday and bought a size 12 top and size 12 trousers. At Easter time I did the same, only I bought size 14 clothes, those clothes fit me fine now and I am very comfortable in them. The size 12s are tight, but I was impressed I could button the size 12 shirt up! The trousers however where a different story and felt 5 sizes too small (eeek). Hopefully the next 2-3 weeks I will be wearing the size 12 shirt, and who knows, but hopefully I will get into the size 12 trousers sometime in the next month or so!!
I have made a big declaration to the Secret Slimmers that I will be walking this month, if you have been reading my blog for a while now, you will know that I keep saying I am going to do this, but I keep giving up.
On Monday I went for a massive walk (well to me it was massive, the biggest walk I have done from before I got pregnant and got SPD). My heart rate was going, and the sweat was breaking on me! So it felt good, and I am going to keep this up! And this time I MEAN IT.
You know sometimes everybody has false starts.
With exercise…
With their diet…
Just because you have a few false starts don’t beat yourself up too much. You don’t actually fail until you give up completely!
May is going to be a big month for me, as I really want to give my diet, my exercise, and the May Challenge 100% of my focus and energy.
If you haven’t signed up for the May Challenge you can do so here. Love to see you there, I am doing a daily video/audio and a task for you to complete to help you to stay focused this month and make it MAGNIFICENT!
Julz xx
PS. If you want to join me on my weight loss journey, just place an order on our website and then request to join secret slimmers and sign up for the may weight loss challenge! Love to have you with me! xx