“If it doesn’t challenge you, it doesn’t change you!” How does this quote relate to your weight loss journey?
Every Thursday this month we have loved your thoughts on a weight loss motivation quote that we have shared. Today’s quote is…
“If it doesn’t challenge you, it doesn’t change you!”
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“If it doesn’t challenge you, it doesn’t change you!”
We look forward to reading your comments below. Don’t forget we are giving away a MINI IPAD on our for FINAL JUNE PRIZE DRAW! Just take part in our blog tasks everyday for a chance to win!
I seen this quote somewhere just as I started new you… Definitely true before new you I’d try lose weight but I was changing much & just kidding myself :/I knew I had to make a big change & a big push to lose all the weight that crept up on me the last few years xx
And you are doing so so so so well 🙂 WOOHOO!!!
I think for me it means that the journey will be hard at times but it’s the hard work that gives you the results you want. If it was easy then no-one in the world would ever be overweight … it’s the challenges you will face, overcome and (most importantly) LEARN FROM that will form the path on your journey to your New You, and keep you on that path for the future 🙂
Onwards and downwards … xxx
I love this …. such a great way of looking at it 🙂 xx
Absolutely true but there is always the saying the more you want something the more trouble its worth but the secret slimmers are a god send and I wouldn’t be without them they can lift you when your down or share when your up x
They really are….. 24/7 support and its not often you find people thinking how you are and able to help 🙂 xxx
each days for me is a challenge but with the work I reep the rewards as i’m on my first weigh in this morning with 8Lb off so its definitely changing me for the better 🙂
WOOHOOO!!! Defo a great reward!! well done xox
Every single day is a challenge to me ….. But the longer I go , and the constant help and support from everyone at New You ss helps to keep me at it !! NOTHING , and I repeat NOTHING at all tastes as good as being slimmer and healthier feels !
Nothing worth having comes easy and you appreciate it so much more when you know you’ve worked hard for it. Even when I have a blip, instantly I feel guilt and anger towards myself for doing so and it pushes me to try harder to lose the weight and battle the blips. Every day is a challenge, but a good one in the long run. This challenge is going to change my life not just my figure 🙂
Thats a great way to look at it! Work hard for it and appreciate it so much more 🙂 xx
Ok, so I must admit, I think there is real truth in this quote.
Honestly, I can’t really say that this diet is challenging all the time but there are times when you are tested.
Like I have previously mentioned, I was having a difficult beginning to the beginning of this week and was getting a little disheartened but the challenge was to keep going and not be effected by small little things along the road.
For example, the other day, I went to my grandmother (who I have mentioned in other posts). She is the worst feeder, if you don’t eat while in her house, in her mind there is something wrong with you. So, I am not exaggerating when I say, food, very tempting food, was shoved under my nose and that is not metaphorically, she ACTUALLY shoved it under my nose and told me to smell it (what would be a problem food for me). CHALLENGE ACCEPTED: I said ‘No thank you!’ not once, but THREE times. Now, I know that ideally we should avoid these scenarios but I cannot avoid my poor 82 year old grandmother, so there will be a challenge every time I go there.
This (almost daily) challenge is certainly changing me and it is most certainly for the better.
This, however, I seem to face a little challenge everyday and I think that is where all of us need to be strong. Temptation crosses our path on a daily basis, be that cooking dinners for kids/family, stopping in a shop for petrol or something as simple as spotting something in the fridge/cupboard that makes that little devil on our shoulders say ‘Go On’ but we can drown that voice with an ice cold glass of water and a walk… (even if like today it is raining :-() WE CAN FACE EVERY CHALLENGE WITH THE RIGHT ATTITUDE AND LET IT CHANGE US FOR THE BETTER!!!
(loving these challenges by the way, they are so motivating and inspiring!)
If it doesn’t challenge you, it doesn’t change you!”
I see the journey to a new me as one of the most rewarding things I will do in my life. It is important for the mind, body and soul to be challenged. I had lost direction in my life over the last 5 years and had become reclusive and depressed. Accepting the challenge to create a new you not only changes how you look, but it changes how you feel and makes you a stronger person who is more capable of dealing with the challenges that life throws at you sometimes. It is not always easy but it is so rewarding xx
You really did accept it and I am soooo excited for you to WIN!!
It was just easier…before. Food was always a chore to prepare. Mainly because I’d have to cook 2 separate dinners every day as it was. One especially for my autistic son who only eats “white food” and another for the rest of us. The thoughts of having to cook a 3rd just for me seemed so challenging and tiring. BUT changes needed to be made. No matter how tired I was or how easy it would’ve been just to keep going the way I was I needed to stop, to challenge myself and make those changes in my life.
No more takeaways no more crappy foods no more rubbish.
I now have successfully implemented those changes and for the better of not just me, but my whole family. I still make 2 dinners when I’m not on a vlcd, one for asd son and one for the rest of us. I just don’t eat the carbs that are prepared and the rest of the family still enjoy the healthy side too.
At the moment I’m on this specific plan so 3 meals are prepared but seriously, I’d hardly call the prep for my new you meals “work” or a chore lol they are a pleasure to make and devour!
So we have all benefitted from this in our day to day lives. We are healthier!
The challenges and changes I’ve gone through with food have turned out to be the best thing I’ve ever done! And if I can do it, anyone can 🙂
Such a positive way of thinking…. no questions asked you did what was best for you all 🙂 xxx
Love this quote because it’s so true.. nothing that comes easy will get you to your goal not only in weightloss bit everything in life. But it’s the end of any challenge where you feel most happiest at what you’ve achieved. Someone handing you something for doing nothing for it is nice but there’s NO better feeling then knowing you’ve worked hard to achieving something and working hard to get there YOURSELF. I’m so in the zone and not far off goal so dying to feel I’ve challenged myself and gotten the best reward ever…. a NEW FAB ME that I LOVE 🙂
that is so true..for me every day is a challenge and every day im changing..:)
Yayyyyy love it!!! Goooooo Youuuuu XOXOXO
this quote has very real place in my weightloss journey as it did challenge me everyday but it also changed me for the better,i wasnt living before you new except for my kids,i was loney depressed and overweight had no purpose in life,saw myself as a failure as my marriage broke up nothing to do with me but due to cheater who shall remain nameless ,now i am living again through new eyes and slimmer and its blooming fantastic therefore it has challenged and changed me thanks for everything new you i know im like a broken record but THANK YOU X
You have won so many challenges in this journey Pauline and we can see you are about to win soooo many more!!! we are all soooooo proud 🙂 xxxxx
Joining The New you plan was a challenge for me, thinking how was I going to manage TFR when I have 2 girls aged 5 & 3. Still cooking their dinner and dinner for my husband, making packed lunches etc, yet I’m 1 week in and I have risen to the challenge and one thing that has changed already is that I now know I don’t have to taste all of my cooking, as I have used the same recipes I always do, (mind challenge no 1!)I know it will taste the same as always, why to I have to keep nibbling it, I don’t! And (mid challenge no 2) I don’t need to finish off what they don’t eat, I have chickens, they will appreciate it more than my waistline!!! 100% nailed it TFR, and broken some of my all time terrible eating habits. Mind challenge no 3 here I come….!!!
hahaha I love this…. such positive mind set…. you are going to SMASH IT! xox
I’ve done diets. I’ve tried them, I’ve stuck to them for a while and then stopped. I’ve done this and still been angry at myself and upset at the world for being overweight and hating how I looked. The problem? I always wanted it to be easy. The moment things took a turn for the difficult is when I would throw in the towel. Now I realise that no one is going to lose the weight for me, there’s never going to be a little pill I can take and all the weight is gone. I’m going to have to put the effort in and face the challenge. I’m so happy I’ve realised this now and stopped trying to find the easy out as now is the time I feel I can and I will succeed. That’s exactly what that quote means to me! x
You win when you don’t give up 🙂 LOVE IT 🙂
This really rings true.. The things you really want in life is never easy.. But the harder the journey the more you enjoy your destination..
For me.. What is getting me through.. And what will ensure I get to my final destination is enjoying the journey.. Take pleasure from all the little positives on the way.. Clothes getting loser.. Moving to that size smaller.. Being able to walk up the stairs at work without being out of breath.. All the little compliments.. I may have a long journey ahead.. But each step on the way is one step closer 🙂 xx
Enjoying it and looking at the good is so important 🙂 xxx
I have tried diets before and I think that because they were not strict enough therefore challenging enough, I kept failing. It was much easier to slightly cheat on other plans, whereas here on this plan it is much harder and makes you think twice about it!! I also always seem to rise to a challenge, as the saying goes and so I think it helps with our motivation as well!!!
You needed more discipline 🙂 You are doing sooo well xxx
to me its all about retraining and challenging your previous way of thinking .
If there’s no challenge in the change then your mindset wont acknowledge any changes.
with the NY plan , its challenging my whole concept of food i.e using food as a reward , . so by challenging those ideas , which is really tough , my mind accepts the changes i am making in my habits .
portion size was always an issue for me and when i first started the plan , i couldn’t see how i would get through the day on the portion size of all the products but now i some times wonder how i’ll eat it all .
Love it Melody 🙂 Great way of looking at it 🙂
every day is a challenge ! I fight the inner fattie constantly the one that says oh those new you wafers are lovely eat another ha ha the one that tells me you have run far enough you can stop now or walk back !! I am here to change myself physically and mentally so no inner fattie go away 1 wafer is more than enough I need to learn portion control and I will keep running so I can like my body and be as fit and healthy as I can. Having fought back through a breast cancer scare then had to go through treatment for cervical cancer I know I can do anything if I put my mind to it,I know its mind over matter and everyday I tell myself I am lucky to be alive and to be able change myself. I won’t abuse my body any more.
Keep fighting and you will keep winning 🙂 🙂 🙂
Ok guys! Since week 3 I started walking, a 30 minute flat circuit! Then I progressed to an hour quite quickly, then started adding in hills, and really working hard and now I’ve started jogging, like a snail! But jogging all the same! You have to constantly move the goal posts and keep
Pushing forward!
Pushing forward … woohooo 🙂 you are doing sooooo well xoxox
Everyone will face a challenge at some time in their lives.
Us SS are facing ours Now!!!! The more we embrace this challenge to more we’ll see results.
We are lucky that we have each other to support, encourage and advise when we feel low. Think of those who may be facing their challenges alone.
So let’s grab this challenge by the %#%# and show it that we can change, we want to change and we will change FOREVER.
The more we embrace this challenge to more we’ll see results. – Love it 🙂 SOOOOOOOOOO TRUE xoox
Personally for me this phrase means that nothing comes easy if its good for you, and we need to learn something from accomplishing the means to the end. I know having a quick fix weightloss gives me short satisfaction, but not learning how I got to this position and why I pile it back on is my problem. If its too easy, its no challange, if I dont gain anything from it I dnt change, Im still stuck in that rut. Newyou has changed me because am involved, in my changes now xx and I am the one gaining knowledge. X
If its too easy, its no challenge – this is soooo true… accept the challenge and make the changes 🙂
I have been using a varient of this quotation since I started the plan, “nothing worth it is ever easy” is what I live by. If It was easy I would have lost weight years ago, I would have also put it back on and lost it 10 times over. We need to struggle to have something to think back on when times get tough again, it’s a mental kick in the bum for us to keep going and to keep us thinking about our end goal.
Yes it is …. love the way you see this 🙂 xx
its about learning to be strong in life and believing you can change your life and anything is achievable if you just try and believe you can do it! I have been through difficult times, but this for me was an achievement, you need to see it as an opportunity for a successful ending! changing the way I was thinking was important in my new you journey, setting my mind set to achieve the possible! so i do agree if you don’t do these things you don’t know , so you do need to challenge yourself in order to change yourself !
so you do need to challenge yourself in order to change yourself – Love it Carys 🙂 Such positive thoughts xxx
It means to me it’s going to be difficult but worth it…If it wasn’t hard we’d never learn…It reminds me of the quote a calm sea never made a skilled sailor!!! If we aren’t challenged we don’t question what we are doing or rather what we need to change…I challenge myself in situations every day the plan helps me to meet those challenges xxx
Challenge is something I have struggled with all my life… I have tried over the years to challenge myself buying clothes a size smaller, trying endless diets and making unacheiveable targets in too small time scales so I give up and fall back into old habits… But times 10! 5 stone later put on I am challenged with deciding I am going to travel the world… A whole new challenge for me of wearing clothes lile shorts and tops, swim wear and having to be changing in front of people is hostels and beaches. So the challenge nearly put me off the opportunity of a life time.
So I am accepting the challenge that although it will be hard… I need to change… I want to change my mind, my body, my opinion of myself… So here I go accepting the 21 day challenge… And I can see change!
I am embracing change now and pushing myself further… Running, wearing gym gear, wearing fitted clothes… And I am loving the changes!!
Thank god for challenge or I would never change!
Bring it on!!
Becks xx
Thank god for challenge or I would never change! – WOOHOOOOOOOO …. You are really taking on the challenge 🙂
Life is a challenge , each day is a challenge not every day do I feel I have achieved something,
but when I’m on The New You Plan, each day I feel I have achieved something, as each week goes by I can feel a change for the better and I want to challenge myself more and more .
Nothing good comes easy but challenge makes me feel fantastic .
Yes they do 🙂 woohoooo xxxxx
“if it doesn’t challenge you it doesn’t change you” I think this quote means completely different things for everyone but what I take from this is that everything worth having is a challenge…. If u want to see change expect challenges. You can’t always get what u want by waiting for life to come to you. If u want to get to your goal weight then you are going to be constantly faced with challenges! Be it nights out, social occasions, a bad day.. many of us find this challenging as I wud usually turn to food as a comfort (comfort? The biggest lie we tell ourselves)…. Overcome the challenge and you will see changes !!!! <3 <3 and as I go into my 3rd week on NY it's soooo worth it x
Overcome the challenge and you will see changes – LOVE LOVE LOVE IT 🙂 🙂
This quote is so true for me as we all have challenges every day with family, work etc then our own feelings and emotions that we have to deal with. I find I have really learned a lot about my coping skills on this journey and how I eat through all my life disasters/ celebrations etc.
I have challenged myself and it has changed how I think as I now chat about how I feel and am open about my feelings, ss has given me the confidence to help me with that, I challenged myself by making my photos public on ss, a few months ago I couldn’t even be in a photo. Now I have a skin care routine and get my hair trimmed regularly and indeed my eyebrows waxed because I am worth it! It has,taken a ling time for this and it’s been bumpy and I do have a,way to go but I believe I can do it now. I know there will be more challenges but I shall work through them and embrace the new me I am grown/shrinking into
You are winning already 🙂 🙂
If battling the food demons in my head was easy I’d be a skinny mummy. But that’s where they are, in my head, not in the fridge. That’s just food. It’s the little hungry monster in my head, telling me I need to eat all that is bad for me. Ignoring that and making the right choice was impossible until I discovered new you. Every time I cook for my family, every packed lunch I make for the kids, ever left over bit of grub, I hear that little hungry monster telling me one bite won’t hurt. That’s my challenge. Ignoring it, having the will power to change and to not give in. New you helps me change the way I think of food. It has helped me stop grazing and start eating. It does challenge me & I have changed.
This is so true!!!!!
In many ways the New You Plan is the easiest to follow plan I’ve ever encountered. It’s so simple, 4 ( delish) products every day, 4 litres of water and POW!!!!! Amazing weight loss, but it’s not been as easy as that for me. I’ve had a lot of day one’s a lot of day 3’s it’s been a real challenge for me, but I haven’t given up. I weigh less than when I started, and no matter how many day 1’s I end up having, at least I’m heading in the right direction.
With every good day, I’m just that bit closer to where I’m designed to be. I’m constantly great full the SS who get me through each day, just knowing I can pop on here, and everyone’s in the same boat makes the day bearable…. And then when ketosis arrives, it’s just south easier, the hunger disappears and I feel like I can run this race to the very end. I will get there, with a better awareness of how strong I really am. The change is subtle, but we can be proud of the mini achievements, as well as the longer term big changes! Hang on in there everyone, together we are stronger!!!
Never giving up is taking up the challenge!! WOOOHOO! XXX
It’s means for me in order to accomplish greatness within myself I must be willing to fail and get up no mTter what my thoughts are telling me. This quote provides insight to success for me bc in order to get it right. You have to get a few things wrong.