Do your words and actions match when you say you believe your health & self care is important?
Today I will be travelling home from our trip to London to bring in 2020. We have had an amazing time. We watched the fireworks display on new years eve and last night we went to see Wicked the Hit Musical, and the girls loved it!
I am really keen to get started on my 2020 transformation and will be starting plan today. I am so ready to kick start this year and this decade as I mean to continue! Which means my primary focus is my health and self care.
It is not good how many of us think that putting ourselves first and making our own health and wellbeing a priority is selfish.
I used to logically know that it was not selfish, but time and time again my actions did not match up. In the past my good intentions of looking after myself would fall down my list of priorities, and the “busyness of my life” would take over and become more important, leaving me feeling deflated and burned out.
Can you relate to this?
Real self love and self care is a big commitment. It is speaking up, and saying.. “Unfortunately that does not suit me, as I already have plans.”
Those plans can simply be whatever self care we planned for that day, whether it be a walk, a bath, an early night, sticking to our diet, drinking water, doing yoga, going for a swim, or whatever it is we want to do to look after ourselves.
2019 I got much better at reminding myself that my self care is non negotiable and that I have to treat my appointments with myself as important meetings that cannot be rescheduled at the drop of the hat.
I urge you to make this commitment to yourself for this decade. That YOU matter.
Plan your self care every week or month in advance, and let life fit in to your plans.
I would love you to join me on my 2020 transformation mission!
In our secret slimmers group on Facebook we have over 8000 customers who are focused on making 2020 a year of great health and transformation. I would LOVE you to come and join us.
Capturing your weight loss journey is a great way to stay accountable. We are encouraging all our customers to post daily in our group to share their day.
Your daily post can share anything from photos, videos, your thoughts, tips or recipes. Each week we will pick one winner to win a one week new you meal bundle.
I would love to see you taking part! It is a great way to stay motivated and your daily updates can inspire others too.
Are you ready to make a big change in 2020?
To find out more about how to take part in our daily blog challenge read our blog post here.
You can join our secret slimmers group on Facebook here.
And check out our special NEW YEAR, NEW YOU BUNDLES with massive discounts and free gifts here.
Julz xox