Day 9 – WOW Wednesday – Weigh Ins & Wow’s!
Woohoo! It is Day 9 of our Summer Holiday Transformation Challenge! Today is Wednesday and our theme for today is WOW WEDNESDAY! You can join the challenge at any time that suits you, we would love to have you taking part and joining in with the daily tasks.
[box type=”info” size=”large”]To sign up for the challenge CLICK HERE.[/box]
Our challenge has a daily theme…
Monday – Motivation Monday
Tuesday – Team Tips Tuesday (+ Prize Draw!)
Wednesday – WOW Wednesday
Thursday – Thought for Thursday
Friday – Focus Friday
Saturday – Summary Saturday
Sunday – Set for Success Sunday
Every day Julie-Ann will send a video postcard, a blog post, and give a daily task. Everyone who completes the daily task has a chance of having their name added to the weekly prize draw.) The first prize draw took place yesterday (Tuesday 14th May) Congratulations to Tracey Quinn Reese for winning!! Woohoo! 🙂 You can be in with a chance to win next Tuesday by taking part in today’s task!
Today Julie-Ann is sending a video postcard from Geneva in Switzerland. The theme for today is WOW WEDNESDAY!
The leaderboard will be updated TONIGHT – so make sure that you add your weight loss to our weigh in thread. Just scroll to the very last comment on the page and enter in your weekly weigh in result. Lisa will be updating the board tonight. CLICK HERE TO UPDATE YOUR RESULT.
It is great to see so many people losing weight with the weekly weigh in results, although sometimes the BEST RESULTS are our NON- SCALE VICTORIES, those little things we notice that make this journey soooo exciting!
It can be easy to feel overwhelmed at the start of your weight loss journey, but when you start to realise the small little differences to your clothes, your wedding ring, your face, so many little differences, just make the journey so much more exciting. We do not have to wait to get to our ultimate goal to have those little WOW MOMENTS, that spur is on and keep us motivated.
[box type=”download” size=”large”]So today I want you to share your WOW moments, that you have had in the last 7 days! What are your non-scale victories that have made you SMILE & SAY WOW! The best comments today will go into our next prize draw![/box]
Here are some of our favourite weigh in comments from the last week! 🙂
Hetti Says:
Week 2 …1lb…super max focus back on for week 3. Bring it on 🙂
kelly.t. Says:
Week 1 weigh in (Thursday 9th May) lost 11lbs. My first ever week on the plan, really pleased 😮 )
Bernadette Says:
Down 7 pounds this week ( week one ) 🙂 🙂 🙂
Hip! Hip!
Bring it on !!!!! Them’s fighting words !!!!!
Dee Says:
Week 1 completed, 6lbs down happy days 🙂 Even after 2 blips. Thank u new you x
Tracy Thomson Says:
2lbs down. Not a great loss but still a loss. Only 14lbs to go and that’s my target. Come on! I can do this 🙂 Have a great week everyone x
Hollie Millar Says:
Woohoo – 9lbs down, I’m delighted! Sorry for the late update! x
myriam j lavery Says:
thank you for giving me back my life 1/3 the way there hope to be down to 12 stone 2 pounds by june 20 i know i can do it myriam j lavery
Louise Mc Says:
Is this where to post my week one weight loss?
I lost 6 pounds this week and I am thrilled I tell ya! Gonna smash it next week too………xxxx
Monika Ring Says:
Hi Guys,
First week of the challenge and I lost 6lb, very happy with that so bring on week 2. Hope you are having a great weekend. Love. xxx 🙂
AdeleB Says:
Week 2 of the NY plan, 12lb down, delighted! One third of the way already! (well nearly 🙂 ).
Week 1 of the challenge, 3lb down 🙂 , roll on summer!!
[box type=”download” size=”large”]So today I want you to share your WOW moments, that you have had in the last 7 days! What are your non-scale victories that have made you SMILE & SAY WOW! The best comments today will go into our next prize draw![/box]
Wow my clothes feel loose and I can now walk down the road without being out of breath
Hi Julz and everyone,
My big non-scale victories in the last week were:
I have lost an inch of my waist and my trousers are now loser again
My bra is lots more comfortable and I can easily do it up now
My tire round the middle has gotten smaller
I can feel my hip bones more
I can now almost fit into my size smaller clothes
Just imagine what an achievement you can make in just one week!!!
Love. xxx 🙂
WOW WOW WOW!!! That is a lot of WOW’S in one week Monika!! LOVE IT <3 XX
Wow i have dropped 2 dress sizes and def having to take back my new size 14 jeans and swop them for a size 12 really has to be my biggest wow moment so far… xxx
SIZE 12 🙂 AMAZE!! Well done hun xx
My WOW Moment this week was when i tryed on a pair of jeans i havent worn in bout 3 years and they were too BIG i had a smile from ear to ear on my face …Such an awesome feeling and even better motivation 🙂
WOOHOO!! Bring it on! Skinnt jeans dreams coming your reality xx
I seem to have “WOW Moments” nearly every day with one thing or another. Since last week I have lost 1 inch off my boobs, 1 inch off my stomach (under my boobs) 1 inch off my waist, 1 inch off my bum and 1/2 an inch off my bingo wings 😉 Aswell as 5lb for this weeks weigh in, I only have 5 lb to go until my 4 stone mark!!! 😀 Eeeeek!!!……The little Wow moments are the things I have mentioned in my blog, plus today i felt my collar bones for the first time in years, I cant see them very well just yet but they are defo on their way 😉 Also I went to the doctors and noticed my bum fitted snug in the chair where as usually I am bursting out of it and always end up with bruises on my thighs :(…….All these little wow moments do make me smile and they confirm to me on a daily basis that choosing New You was the best decision I have ever made in my life!!! 😀 Ps….Today marks 5 weeks…The longest time I have ever done TFR 100% So proud 🙂 xxx
Well done Sarah, I think you are doing so well!
You should be proud of your journey, hugs n kisses
Having my boyfriend put his arms around me and say WOW not only do you look skinnier but you feel it too and my nannys 80th this weekend zipped up a dress that wasn’t fitting 40 days ago and it was loose.
Oh its nice hugging someone when there is less of you! I know that feeling 🙂 xx
lost 6lbs happy with that…..
BOOM!! 🙂 That is awesome x
My wow’s for the past week are:
Loosing inches from hips, thighs, calf’s, chest and my arms!
I’ve surprised myself at how much I can cope with when it comes to heavy exercise!
I have to use my daughters spare shoelaces to keep my jeans up (going to need to visit a shop for a different size soon) 🙂
I can see n feel my bones and I feel super sexy!
Which puts a huge smile on my face!
Once again thank you New You !
I’m looking forward to my weighin tmw!
yay!! well done you!! so many amazing differences going on for you 🙂 what an exciting time for you xxx
Got down to 12st 9lbs. Lighter than when i got married 14 years ago. Very Very happy.
WOW! That is a big WOW indeed 🙂 Well done xx 🙂
My 11 yr old daughter being able to put her arms the whole way round me and give me a cuddle, and her telling me how proud she is of me ♥ ♥ ♥
My biggest WOW moment actually happened today!
I used to shy away from any camera (sometimes I even try to avoid the CCTV!) but today I got got filmed for a video workshop that will go to thousands of people!
The video is constantly me and 1 other person talking, and she has to use me to demonstrate techniques on so there are constant BODY SHOTS of me in various poses.
This would have normally terrified the *&^&*&%&^$*^ out of me, but I put on a nice outfit and was super confident and nailed it!
The old fat me would have ran miles at even the thought of this, but today… WOW.
Other amazing WOWS in the last 7 days:
– I have gone from not getting size 20 trousers past my knees, and this week dug out my “skinny” size 16s… and they are BAGGY!! BAGGY!!!!!!
– I have started wondering around the house this week in front of my partner NAKED (and giving him a little shimmy n’ shake sometimes too!)
I feel like a different person. Or actually, I feel like the real ME again. xxxxxx
WOOHOO!! GO MELISSA!! You wee rock star!! I am loving all your posts everyday, you are just giving this your all and I love it xxx
Couldn’t do it without you Julz, you are such a massive inspiration xx 🙂
My Wow moment is the amount of energy I have 🙂
Love it 🙂 Buzzing with energy and excitement for future – best feeling EVER! x
There seems to be a new WOW moment everyday on this diet! At the start of the week I found Photos of me at 23 stone and then looked at a photo of me today…. 8 stone down, that is a massive WOW moment for me!!
Waking up each morning and being able to feel more of my waist and less of my flabby tummy!
Looking in the mirror and seeing a completely different person!
Being able to get my leg further and further over my other leg everyday!!
Having my Fiance saying “WOW Hannah, look at you” and me being able to say it back to him 🙂
You have been a member of our community for a while and I just feel so happy to have seen your total commitment to getting to your goal. You and Jamie are going to have a wonderful life together! Let the good times roll 🙂 xxx
Beginning to feel my clothes a little looser that’s a wow for me roll on Fridays weigh in x
Woohooo! Love that feeling xx
Wow someone thought I was 35 not 45 probably because now I am slimmer I’m happier and more confident. Wonder if I will look 25 at the end of June? Too far? Ok I will settle for 35 :o) xx
LOL!! 🙂 LOVE IT 🙂 Losing the weight definitely takes years off you xx
My WOW moment this week has to be last Saturday when I realised I had no coat to wear to the Beyonce concert, as my favourite coat was cut off me in the car crash two weeks ago….I was devastated, to lose my coat, I went into the guest bedroom, to rummage around the wardrobe full of ‘small’ clothes I bought in New York in 2007 (I swore when I bought them, I WILL lose weight to fit into them) I cam across a fab Tommy Hilfiger coat in white, with the tags still on $260 I paid for it! I couldn’t afford that now…. I tried it on…..on WOW….it fits perfect!
Amazing wee story 🙂 Love it – enjoy your NEW jacket sweetie xx
Oh and this didn’t happen the last week but the night of the car accident, the news reports and newspapers had me noted as female 24 year old!!! I’m 34! Two WOWS lol
Im sure having the weight off you has helped your recovery hun… So glad you are ok after that x
Hi everyone,
I had the most amazing WOW moment at the weekend when my wee girl said to me as I stepped out of the shower – ‘Mummy, you always had a big jelly belly but it doesn’t wobble like jelly as much as it used to!’
Oh the innocence – I was laughing and crying at the same time! She got the biggest squeezy hug ever!!! xxx
LOL! 🙂 Big hugs from me too lol xoxoxoxoxo
Just a few wows for me…
I put my size 16 skinnies on only for them to be loose and baggy… In just 1 week!!!
My 3 year old asked me where my big belly had gone to!!!
My 7 year old telling me and others how good I am at being healthy!!!
My wows, superb in my eyes!
My wows for this week are…
How much my husband keeps complementing me on my weight loss after being away for 3 weeks
How many clothes i had to give to charity that did not fit
Buying a size 14 swim costume and a size 12 jumper
Having bags of energy to wizz around n get things done i have put off for years
My mum telling me u dont need to loose anymore weight ur great as you are ( from a woman who never compliments people)
My 3 year old daughter calling me pretty
All the above have made my week one big WOW… love this diet n love the new person im becoming!
My WOW moment was taking part in the 5K Darkness into Light walk at 4a.m. with my daughter and 3,000 others to raise awareness and funds to prevent suicide and self-harm. In these hard times, to see so many people of all ages rally together for such a good cause was uplifting and motivational. It made me realise I have little to complain about and need to get up off my behind, get my act together and learn to be happy about my lot. It was a Eureka moment which has made me even more determined to get fit and fix things for myself for once, instead of making excuses to stay the way I am – overweight and unhappy. I’m so lucky to have come across this website by chance and on week 3 I am 10lbs closer to a happier, slimmer me. Onwards and downwards! Good luck to everyone – we all deserve this.
So glad you came across us by accident too! Sounds like you are at an exciting time in your life where you are taking massive action and having big mindset shifts about creating your new you! I am so happy to have you with us 🙂
Love your post Ruth xx
Me too 🙂 x
The WOW happen to me last night i done a 3 to 4 mile walk i just have all this energy i could walk all day Good Luck Everyone xxx
I have been working a lot of night and weekends recently and had not seen people at work who work monday to friday so i got loads on comments on my day shifts last week then i noticed my uniform is getting really baggy wont be long before i am down another size in that too.
my wow moments this week were
getting my head around drinking all that water and realizing that every time im going to the toilet thats more unwanted weight gone forever
fitting into a dress i tried on a couple of months ago that barely went over my head and it was loose
getting loads of comments (at a funeral of all places) of how well i was looking
being able to teach my little 3 year old not to stuff her face with chocolate like i used to, now i could lead by example.
thats me in the last comment just thought id add my surname!
Well with 4wks in with a few blips I have lost 19lbs and so happy, 13wks till Florida and I would love to have at least 40lbs off which I know is totally do-able, so excited 🙂 xx