Day 32 – Focus Friday – Julz last Video Postcard from Crete
Day 32 of the Summer Challenge… Focus Friday – Julz gives us her last video postcard from Crete!!
At The New You Plan we want our customers to lose weight, but we also want them to CREATE THEIR NEW YOU. This is essentially what the new you plan is all about, helping people to change their mindset, lifestyle and body.
One word that is commonly used when our customers lose weight is CONFIDENCE.
[quote]”I feel so confident since I lost 3 stone!”[/quote]
As our waist line shrinks, our confidence grows.
When our confidence grows we are not living in FEAR anymore.
Living in FEAR SUCKS!
Who wants to live in fear???
- Fear of what other people might say or do.
- Fear about how we will feel.
- Fear about getting stuck.
- Fear of being too fat to take part.
- Fear of bad health and illness.
- Fear of being alone.
SO what I want you to do today for our FOCUS FRIDAY TASK is to give me 5 – 10 THINGS YOU WOULD DO IF YOU HAD CONFIDENCE AND WERE NOT AFRAID.
Think about all the areas of your life….
Health, Fitness, Clothing, Holidays, Adventures, Travels, Hobbies, Experiences, Family, Friends, Children, Romance, Love, Career, Business, Education, Entertainment, Fun, Passion, Crazy things!
Some of my recent fears that I have overcome are…
- Making videos!! They scare the living daylights out of me, I am a camera shy person, so it was a big step for me to do the videos, but I am glad I got started! I have wanted to do the videos for years!
- Doing the Challenge LIVE! I lost 8 stone, and have another stone or more to go to get to my goal. After more false starts that I can count this year, I finally got started while doing the videos, and doing it LIVE. No backing out for me now. Scary to commit to it, but I am so glad I did it.
Here’s my list of things I want to do when I have the confidence when I am at my goal 🙂
- Get a new you photoshoot done with me and some of our customers
- Get a family portrait taken
- Go swimming every week with Isabella
- Improve my camera skills and continue making videos for new you tv.
- Start a refeed and maintenance blog and program for new you customers to move onto if they wish
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Please share with me your 5-10 things you will do when you get the confidence from losing weight and are no longer afraid.
LIFE IS FOR LIVING NOW!! So I would love you to pick ONE THING that you have been putting off because of your weight, and make a commitment today that you will make progress that that NOW, rather than waiting!
Don’t forget the best comments from each daily task go into our weekly prize draw.
Hi Julz,
Great postcard today, just love your videos.
Well, the one thing that I have been putting off because I’m obese is swimming. I just love water and swimming but haven’t been for years as just feel too self-conscious and think people will look at me and laugh. I don’t like the look of myself in the mirror and in swimming costume is even worse with all the wobbly bits. So, I really want to start now that I lost some weight and go swimming with my boyfriend, it’s also excellent exercise so really good for me.
The things that I will do when I get my confidence back from losing weight are:
1. Swimming
2. Going on holiday
3. Exercising in the gym
4. Swimming with dolphins and sharks (but not at the same time)
5. Going out with friends
6. Wearing nice clothes, dresses, skirts, tight jeans, little tops
7. Get a new job
8. Apply to university to study medicine
9. Have a baby
10. Stop being afraid of what people will say when they meet me
Have a great day!! xxx Love. 🙂
I always love your comments Monika 🙂 Im rooting for you 1000000% I can’t wait to you get to your target, I will be celebrating with you xxx
Hi everyone the more thing that i would love to do is going in to a clothes shop and be able to buy something that fits me and go out with friends to show it off ,would love to get back swimming i will not have time when kids get off school in 3 weeks so when they go back in september i will be back in the water,next thing i would love to do is to get back into a pair of jeans i do legging now because nothing else fits,i have a pair of jeans here at home but can’t get into them:-( there are so many things i would love to do but these are my first 3 goals don’t care what come first but i’ll keep on going one day at a time stay stong everyone Good Luck xxx
Oh Clothes shopping is a biggie for me too Lesley 🙂
Keep focused and achieve those 3 goals hun x
1) wear a wetsuit
2) so I can then swim with dolphins
3) as well as deep sea dive in Egypt
I have to go now, but i will finish my list later….. School runs! Lol
LOve this list 🙂 You LIKE marine life 🙂 My dream is to have a marine fish tank! A massive one! lol x
A skydive…..worried IM still too big id flatten the Instructed!!!! 😉
LOL! 🙂 I want photos or even better video of you doing this!!! I will share it on our Facebook page to our 50k fans!!!
I would love to bring my 4 girls on holiday. We haven’t had a holiday ever so I would love to say we are going on holiday and mammy will fit in the seat on the plane and the security belt will fit. And mammy will come in the pool and we can create memories.
This is a lovely reason Jessica, hold this close to your heart, make it happen xxx
things I WILL do when I complete the Summer challenge:
Ehh boast about my weight loss!
Reflect how I change,
Show off my arms when I’m out ( I never do)
Smile more often
See a different side of people & life
To wear a skin tight dress
Let Julz be so proud of me!
One thing I’v been putting off it running. I feel people will stare & talk about my “skinniness” when I run.
Tomorrow I will do my first jog/run and il wear loose clothes till I feel much more comfortable but every little counts!
LOve —> Ehh boast about my weight loss!
LOVE MORE —-> Let Julz be so proud of me!
Shucks I want to hug you so bad xxx
Good luck with the running, let me know how you get on x
Oh wow this is a great challenge! Ok heres my list:
1. Get a new tattoo
2. Show off my arms
3. Look in the mirror everyday
4. Weigh myself every week and dont be afraid
5. Be confident in my skin
6. Have a baby…or 2… or 3!!
7. Dance and dont be afraid who is watching!
YEOOOOOOOOOOOOOO 🙂 Love this list – sooo much fun! xx
Bring my son swmimming
Go on a date : )
Smile every time I look in the mirror
Get some photos taken with my son have none
Get my life back
Oh I get ya with the photos, Im just getting my confidence for photos now with isabella…. its a lovely feeling to get a photo taken with your child and think, awww i like this photo xx
1. Not to care about what people think when I’m out in public
2. To stop my OCD making my decisions
3. Make more time for me
4. To stop being a complete stress head
5. When I’m closer to my goal weight take my baby’s swimming
Number 5 is my ultimate goal, that is what drives me to
Keep going with NYP x
Love this list Kate, it is great to have a reason that drives you… we all need those big reasons… xxx
1. try out being funny for real…my ss is my safe space don’t know if others would see me that way
2.stop worrying about what people think!!!!
3.spiders haha…if i was a size 10 maybe that fear would leave toil
4.confident to be able to introduce food and it not b the enemy!!!
5. more spiders haha…i think the more ur confidence grows the less fears that were huge will b…xxxxx
LMAO!!! Hey if I burn calories everytime you make me laugh no wonder my size 28 jeans are getting loose! You are on fire with your jokes… you really should go to a stand up open mic night or something, bring SS with you, and we will get the crowd going for you!!
Hi everybody I would love to
1. Join a running club
2. Buy that “little Black Dress” that all the skinny ladies seem to talk about,
iv only ever had a “Big Black Dress”
3. Wear a dress that does not need to be hidden with a big jacket or cardi to hide the lumps and bumps lol.
4. Take my babies swimming.
5. Stop worrying what everybody thinks of what I’m wearing. (A weird one I know) but its always a battle for me…
Great List Karen! You wil be in that LBD in no time xx
🙂 We all have our own battles and mindset issues.. me included. xxx
Sorry late back on Friday, and away for weekend, so parlaying catch up…. I did 1-3 on Friday son on with 4)
4) show my daughter just how good her mam was at Irish Dancing, and show her a thing or two!
5) buy a bike, and start back cycling
6) do a sky dive
7) wear a dress! Lol
8) look good in photos
9) get skin removal surgery
10) get a boob job!
the things I would like to do once I have more confidence are:-
1) Have a photoshoot with my family.
2) Walk back into a boutique I was in last week and have a pretty woman moment!!!!
3)Wear a bikini on the beach
4) take part in a zumba class
5)eat healthily once on refeed and not be scared to eat food
6) talk to others about my weight problems and hopefully help them to lose weight.
7) get my honours degree in Applied Social Studies in Social Care (going into year 4 this September)