Day 31 – Thought for Thursday
Take pride in how far you have come, and have faith in how far you can go!
- Maybe you have been with the challenge from the start
- Maybe you were on a roll and already half way through your transformation
- Maybe you had already got to your goal before the challenge started and you have just been following along
- Maybe you just got started for the 1st June
- Maybe you haven’t got started yet…
It is important to remember that no matter where you are NOW, that everyone had to start somewhere. We have had some amazing transformations in our new you plan weight loss community, everyone has their own story, but they all had to work through the emotions of their weight and get pumped about doing their diet.
If you are even reading this blog, then you are more than likely NOT on the bottom step! You are already making your way towards the top with your weight loss journey. I hope that you are starting to build your confidence and starting to believe that you can do this.
Whatever step you are on, whatever stage of your diet you are at, it is soooooo important to feel proud for what you have achieved.
- Maybe you have 2 stone to lose – and that is all you think about – BUT MAYBE YOU HAVE ALREADY LOST 6 STONE!
- Maybe you are on week 2 – but maybe that is the longest you have ever done!
- Maybe you just placed your order – congratulations for taking that first step and committing to YOUR NEW YOU!
- Maybe you just went your first day without drinking a litre of coke.
- Maybe you just signed up for a half marathon!
- Maybe you just got your wedding rings back on.
I have to remind myself of this quote a lot.
If you have been following the challenge you will know that I am also taking part, I joined a couple of weeks ago. I can sometimes focus on the weight I have to lose and feel frustrated. I need to remind myself (or my husband has this job sometimes) about how far I have come! I have lost 8 stone so far. I feel proud for what I have achieved, but sometimes I feel frustrated that I am not where I really want to be. When I actually get to my goal I will have lost more weight that I weigh. That kinda blows my mind a bit! It will be a very happy day for me when I get there 🙂 I hope to be celebrating that with you soon!
[highlight]I am on the step “I WILL DO IT”… I am so close to my goal now, it can be easy to sometimes to relax a little when you get close to your goal, but I am so determined to get to my goal, I have faith that I can do it, and my aim now is to stay focused and keep going, to be congruent and to be happy. I want to be standing on that last step shouting from the rooftops “I DID IT!” Watch out for that video lmao!!! [/highlight]
Good afternoon ss. I placed my order this morn…..day 1 round 3 for me. I lost 36lbs & 33″last summer. I started on June 27th. IM hoping to make 100 % effort for next month & hopefully get to my goal if 20 lb. That would give me the best feeling…..I know I can do this once my heads in the zone….so here’s to the new slimmer more confident happier me. 🙂 My step is I will do it!!!!! & super proud of myself for keeping 2stone off with the last.10 months…..go me. 🙂 🙂
I am on the “I’ll try to do it” step!!! After, finally accepting that I WANT TO DO IT!!!! It is a great moment when you finally realise that this is what you want… not something you “have” to do or “must” do or even “do for someone else” It is something “I want to do” and after finally realising that I moved on to the “How do I do it” step!!!! This is where Secret Slimmer’s page and NEW YOU really came into play here.. it helped me understand how to do it … what motivation I needed to do it and I constantly come back to read the blogs… to find motivation if I feel like I am beginning to slip.. I am currently on Day 2 and “I’ll try to do it” !!! Next step “I can do it” 🙂 🙂
I am on the I WILL DO IT step. I lost almost 4 stones on a similar diet a few years ago but gained a few back. You would think this would make it easier to follow NY as I know what I am doing and what results I can get quickly. I think for me however it is harder as its the thought of ‘oh here I go again.’ That is why THIS time has to be the LAST time. The time where I will not only do it but i will keep it off. My summer holiday is booked for 7 August and today I have looked at the beautiful summer tops I was wearing just over a year ago. They are now hung up in my wardrobe as further thinspiration. Not only will I look good WHEN I wear them but it will save me a fortune buying new stuff! This is it for me. Goal by 7 August, healthy holiday and maintenance when I come back for a superslim Christmas.I am proud of myself for getting myself onto this diet, not beating myself up for having gained a few stones, that is now behind me and proud of my determination to succeed even better than last time. Good luck everyone xx
I am on the in between I can do it and I will do it steps. I need to keep myself motivated or I just get disheartened, which I’m trying not to do. I have 10/11 stone to lose altogether which can seem like a lot and I need to take it in baby steps so I’m not too scared. Most important I need to believe that I will do it, as sometimes I just think that I will never get there, but now I’m changing my thinking to positive thoughts and start to believe again that I can and will do it.
I am very proud of myself for losing the 4 stone already, for sticking to the diet and persevering with it despite obstacles, for taking on proper exercise this week with kettle bells (Oh I am aching so much!!!) and for being determined to succeed.
Have a great day everyone.
Much love. xxxxx 🙂
I’m on the I Will Do It Step, I started this plan thinking sure I will give it a try iv nothing else to lose only weight… Well lose weight I did nearly 2 and a half stone now and I’m not finished yet, I’m also very proud of myself for getting back up every times fell off the wagon and kept going as best I could, I know my journey has taken me a little longer than it should have but as u say Julie Ann success is not a straight line and mine has had a lot of bumps along the way but hey I’m getting there, I’m not putting added pressure on myself by saying I have to lose x amount every week or month because when I do that I seem to go backwards so I take each week as it comes and try my best, and it’s working for me.. Yaaaah… The summer challenge has been very motivational and inspirational and it has kept me focused, I have half my goal achieved so far for it and hopefully by the end I will be saying “I DID IT”
I’m still laughing about that car moment too Julie Ann , but nice and all as it was think he needs a trip to specsavers lol def not skinny yet lol…BUT I will be… 🙂 hope everybody is enjoying our mini heat wave xx
I’m on the “I want to” step but I think mines an escalator cause I keep finding myself back on the “I can’t ” step….. What’s keeping me going is my 2 little princesses cause I need to find myself on the “I’m doing it” step before its too late!
afternoon, i am on the im doing it step and love it
the obstacle in life is you, if you can dream it, you can do it and i am loving doing it xxx
I’m on I can do it.. Why? Because I’v lost nearly 3stone but I dnt feel comfortable to be on I will do it till I get to my very last stone 🙂
I am right near the top with ‘I Will Do it!’. I am proud about how far I have come. Still 4 weeks to go but I will do it!!!
I’m on the I CAN DO IT step…. I’m proud of how I’ve managed to stay focused through all the dramas I’ve been through!….. It is because I’m a strong person, Ive learnt that now, I always thought I was weak, but I know now I’m not, but it’s also because of this group….. I know this diet would have failed months into it if I didn’t have the support of everyone here…l your are all part of my success xxx
I am on the will do it step as I am on week 5 of the challenge and week 7 of my New You plan.
I pledged to lose 32lbs and I have to date lost 23lbs so I am 71% of the way there with 3 weeks left.
i’m still trying… but the difference is that now i know i can succeed. it’s just a matter of taking things one day at a time, one step at a time, and one pound at a time. i am in control of my own destiny.