Day 30 – WOW Wednesday – Update your weigh in and share your WOWS!
WOOHOO!!! It is Day 30 of Our Summer Holiday Transformation Challenge!
Big Congratz to Monika and Karen WINNING YESTERDAYS PRIZE DRAW – 100 Bundle for you both 🙂 Have you seen yesterdays Teams Tip Tuesday Video and blog???? Watch it now … There is some GREAT taste tips! Remember to complete the task with a chance of being NEXT WEEKS WINNER!!
The leaderboard will be updated TONIGHT with Lisa – so make sure that you add your weight loss to our weigh in thread. Just scroll to the very last comment on the page and enter in your weekly weigh in result. CLICK HERE TO UPDATE YOUR RESULT!
It is SO GOOD to see you all losing weight with the weekly weigh in results, YOU GUYS ARE DOING AMAZING SO FAR, as we already know sometimes the BEST RESULTS are our NON- SCALE VICTORIES, those small differences that we notice that make this Journey so much more AMAZING!
It can be easy to feel overwhelmed at the start of your weight loss journey, but when you start to realise the little differences to your clothes, your wedding ring, your face, so many little differences, just make the journey so much more exciting. We do not have to wait to get to our ultimate goal to have those little WOW MOMENTS, that REALLY HELP and keep us motivated in our Journey.
Day 30 already the time is going in so quick and you guys are all KILLING IT!!!! It is never too late to join the Challenge so Click here to Join now and enjoy this Journey along side us <3
Remember when you complete the daily tasks not only will it help motivate you, give you some top tips and inspiration it will also give you a great chance of winning an AMAZING PRIZE!!!!
Todays Task ….
[box type=”download” size=”large” style=”rounded”]So today I want you to share your WOW moments, that you have had in the last 7 days! What are your non-scale victories that have made you SMILE & SAY WOW! The best comments today will go into our next prize draw! :)[/box]
Some of my favourite weigh ins from last week 🙂
Tracy Hughes Says:
Michelle Murphy Says:
Woohoo…Week 2 done…and I’m down 8 lbs!!…Yippeeeee!!
Annie Says:
week 1 and I was 16st 1 lb. 10 lbs off and I am 15st 4lbs.
Goal weight 10stone
Kelly Says:
Week 1 weigh in and can’t believe it lost 12lbs thanks new you. You are giving
Me my life back 🙂
Well I got my new belt on Tuesday, coz the old one was threadbare and couldn’t fit anymore holes in it!
The next one was getting in the car today and not having to adjust the seat coz my lovely thunder thighs slid right on under! With a gap may I add! She sings “Zippidee do Dah zippideeday my oh my what a wonderful day”
Oh and I actually went into the nursery yard 5 mins early, which I normally don’t do to avoid having to speak to anyone #reallybadnanny #cantbelieveitgotsobad. Ps and I did join in the yard “chit chat” with a smile.
I really really love this….. so inspiring and great too see… i am only on day 3 and this alone makes me excited for whats to come… have a lovely day Leanne xx
Thankyou Ellie, I think you’re doing a amazing job on the videos Hun well done x
My WOW moment, this week came from my brother, who since we were small never got along with me! He is always right, I’m always wrong, he always puts me down, and try’s to make me look stupid.
Anyway sitting down in me mams last night, and he actually said in front of everyone… “You’ve lost a lot of weight, have ya?”
Made my day!
AWWWWH thats lovely ..I always find your siblings tell the truth too bet you were well pleased 🙂 <3 xxx
I’m still in shock! He never says anything nice about me or to me…. So I’m chuffed!
Ok so another funny one for this week, I was in a shopping centre on Monday and when I came back to my car another van had parked very tight to my car, 3 months ago there is no way ever that I would have squeezed into the driver seat with the small space that was left to get in, so there I was turned sideways trying to squeeze in when a man walks by in a big loud voice he says
“Well it’s a good job your skinny love”
Some people just don’t know how to park..
.Well I can tell ye I held me breath and belly and squeezed everything together til I got in lol…So def another wow moment been called skinny by a stranger and I wouldn’t mind but I’m not lol “YET” …
YEAHHHHHH 🙂 This i definitely a WOW moment…. BRING ON MORE XXXX
hi my weightloss this week was twelve pounds
hi all my starting weight was 17.6, when i got to this weight i came across new you and decided to do something about it, was at the point of desperate as have my dads wedding in august, was dreading it, now im not thanks to new you.
I have not put in my previous weight loss’s as when i first received new you and entered this challenge i started but was adding in bits of protein as thought that wont hurt and indeed it didnt,much, however very gradually i did put some weight back on,you see you cant mess with this plan without knowledge, I was of the opinion that i knew best and the truth is I dont and lets face it if i did I wouldnt be here, I dont know best. but what i do know is that last wednesday i started at 16.13 and seven days later i am 16.1 and already reaping the benefits, because of it i have that little bit of confidence to write posts and comment on all you lovely peoples stories, I cannot wait to post what i have lost next week,it now doesnt matter how big or small, its for me and right now i feel great. big love xxx
So the above post i put on a different page i think, but for me, that is my wow moment this week. Writing this post, made me finally realise that i am no longer a spectator but that i am a participant in not only the changes happening in my life and my body, but in everybody else’s journey too and i really do feel quite proud of that and look forward to not only my success but everybody elses too xxx big love xxx
AWWWH this was really a lovely read. I am so Happy that you have found New You and that your weightloss was so good…. really big WOW moment. KEEP IT GOING <3 XX
My wow moment came when my husband commented on how my belly had srunk. am only on day 6 of wk 1 so that made my day.
i cant wait to weigh in friday morning.
YAYYYYY bring on the next few days and the tummy getting even flatter 🙂
Mine was during exercise. I was able to go from a standing position and walk down on my hands to a press up positions, DO A PRESS UP, and then walk back up with hands to a standing positions
That is a WOW moment for sure …. i am still attempting to do it haha WELL DONE XX
Hi everyone,
My wow moments for the last week were:
1. My clothes are even loser
2. My walk up the hill is getting easier every day
3. I started my kettle bell training this week and although I’m sore and aching all over, it’s getting easier with each session and I’m less out of breath
4. My ring on my finger got bit more lose again, it’s great
Have a great day!! xx 🙂
Really good WOWs you are doing so well. I have started doing the 30 day shred now and its getting easier every day too! WOOHOO we are all killing it xxx
My Wow moment involved my ten year old son just standing there whilst I was in my bra and knickers saying ‘WOW, Mumma, your knickers are so big they are hanging off you like a hammock! I think you need to buy some much smaller ones this very minute!’ That’s the best compliment I’ve received so far to go with my 37 and a quarter pound loss over the last 9 weeks. Bless him, he was deadly serious and earnest too! x
my wow moment this week is that my old clothes are too big and I have an excuse to buy new clothes!!!!!
the moment i put the day’s meal/exercise/weight totals into myfitnesspal.com and realised that i’d lost my first stone. i’ve tried everything under the sun to drop the weight i gained recovering from cancer, but i hadn’t been able to shift even a single pound over the last 2 years. i was beginning to think it wasn’t actually possible, and i would be stuck this way forever. every pound i lose is one step closer to getting my life back.