Day 28 Motivation Monday – Be Congruent, Be Happy!
It is the FIRST MONDAY OF JUNE so if you are just joining us – YOU ARE VERY WELCOME! Jump in and have some fun and let’s give June all we have got. x
I started the plan 2 weeks ago myself (if you are new to the blog, I have lost around 8 stone altogether and this is my final push to get to my ultimate target). I wore this dress the night before I started the plan, and then when I tried it on again today, it was soooo much looser! I love seeing the changes and I am motivated to keep going and get to my ultimate goal! My Ted Baker jeans are looking much better on me now, another week or so I am sure they will be fitting me better. It is my wedding anniversary on 15th June so I definitely want to be wearing them on that day!
[highlight]What is your goal outfit?? Make sure you keep it somewhere you can see it and keep trying it on![/highlight]

If you are HAPPY when you are dieting then everything just flows, it feels easy, you feel in THE ZONE, and life is good. If you are not happy when you are dieting then it really can be a struggle, you are fighting yourself every step of the way, you feel frustrated, deprived, negative, and generally down in the dumps. What way would you rather feel?
Today’s challenge topic and task is AWESOME! I think this is a very important concept to grasp, so please do take the time to read it and do the action task today.
It is Day 28 Of our Challenge! It is an open challenge so you can join anytime, if you want to join today, CLICK HERE, and get started! A warm welcome to everyone who has joined the challenge for the start of June!
Mahatma Gandhi said…
[quote]Happiness is when what you think, what you say, and what you do are in Harmony.[/quote]
So let’s think about YOUR DIET….
What are you thinking???
“I want to lose weight”
“I want to be slim”
“I wish I was size 10”
“I need to get healthy”
“I need to change my eating habits and lifestyle”
What are you you saying??
“This is too hard!” OR “I can do this!”
“I have too much to lose, it’s impossible!” OR “Day by day I can achieve ANYTHING!”
“A little won’t hurt….” OR “Nothing or noone will stop me!”
“I can start again tomorrow….” OR “I want to wake up in the morning feeling slimmer and proud!”
“Feck it!” OR “I am worth it!”
What are you doing?
Are you being 100% OR blipping your way to kingdom come?
Are you lying around feeling lazy OR taking every opportunity to get some extra activity into your day?
Are you forming healthy habits to set up a foundation for a new you OR counting the days to get back to your old lifestyle?
Are you doing the daily tasks and challenges to help keep you focused OR are you opening the fridge door every 30mins?
Are you rewarding yourself with pamper treats OR rewarding yourself with food and drink?
If you want to be happy creating your New You and doing the diet, then you need to have all 3 in sync. What you say, think and do all need to be working in unison towards your goal. This is when you feel unstoppable.
If what you say, think and do are all the same, this is called BEING CONGRUENT. Being congruent means sticking to what you set out to do. If you set out to lose 10 pounds this month, then NOTHING, will stop you from achieving that goal, especially not yourself. Every part of you will focus on achieving that goal, your thoughts, words and actions will all be in harmony.
Think about it…
If you are thinking “I want to be slim”, then you say “It is too hard, I can’t do it!” and then you order a chinese takeway. There is no harmony here. If there is no harmony then there is unrest. And this is why some people really struggle emotionally. Noone likes conflict. And if you are in conflict with yourself… it really is emotionally hard.
So many times I see people say – that’s it… I am giving up… this diet is not for me. They think that by not doing the diet they will be happy again. But really want needs to change is they need to be in harmony with themselves. Most people who say they do not want to do the diet anymore can enjoy a guilt time… but more often than not they will soon start wishing they were slim and healthy and able to change their habits, and they will feel unrest again.
When all 3 parts of us are in harmony, momentum builds, excitement builds and the feeling of being unstoppable builds too.
Like everything in life, it takes some commitment and perseverance to make this happen.
When you start to be aware of what you think, say and do, and be aware of BEING CONGRUENT & BEING IN HARMONY. Then you can start to check yourself when you are going off course, and YOU WILL GO OFF COURSE…. A LOT! The key is getting yourself back on track pronto.
You can only think one thing at a time. So anytime a thought comes into your head that is not in harmony with where you want to go… you need to replace it with something that will take you to where you want to go.
The more you build self discipline into your life, the more self esteem you will have. The easier it gets and the better it feels to be self disciplined.
When you know what you want, and every part of your being is working towards that goal. Life just gets easier. If you have the mindset that nothing or noone will stand in your way… you will soon find that nothing or noone is even in your way. It’s the way the universe works… if you have a clear mission, and get out of your own way… exciting things can happen in your life. The more you go after what you want, the more you get what you want.
If you are thinking one thing, doing another, and talking about another, then you are not on a mission. You are confused. You are stuck. You do not know what you really want. You are in conflict with yourself. And if you do not know what you want…. then how can life give you want you want??
Get clear on what you REALLY want. And make it your MISSION to get it.
And understand that SELF DISCIPLINE is choosing about what you want NOW and what you want the MOST. You are going to sometimes feel tempted by the NOW…. but you need to stay focused on what you want the MOST.
What is EASY now is HARD later.
What is HARD now is EASY later.
Invest the work, effort and determination NOW. Be Congruent. Be in Harmony. Be Happy.
What do you want your life to be like when you are slim, healthy and wearing all your fashionable summer clothes?? Imagine it, feel it, see it… it is a very short time away really. If you can BE CONGRUENT this month you will achieve it.
So today our task is…
Please put the quote page somewhere that you can see it everyday to remind you to be congruent and to be happy.
Please take a photo of the quote on your wall/fridge/mirror and show us 🙂
If you can take a photo with instagram / twitter please tag #newyouplan or upload it to our facebook page or secret slimmers group.
For example…
I am going to weigh 9st 10 – I will be congruent and achieve this goal.
I am going to be 100% for the month of June – I will be congruent and achieve this goal.
Start today to be aware of your thoughts, words and actions, and keep bringing yourself back on track so that you are being congruent everyday. x
Don’t forget about our latest special offer – Free Blender Bottle with all orders over £75 ends tonight…
I will get to my ideal weight of 9 and a half stone,
I will carry stay 100% committed to New You plan, I will not blip.
I will drink my recommended amount of water per day.
I am determined and know I can do this!!!!!
I will post my poster on SS group as soon as I can today x
I will be congruent, I know I can achieve these goals!
I will stay positive for the month of June
I will wear my summer dresses from last year
I am fitting in size 14 +I was nearly 16/18 but I will wear my size 10s again
I will find my mojo and lose the craving devil
I will wear my bikini without scaring the village in the outdoor pool
I will be congruent !!!!!!
I’ve had a really tough week and found this, my 8th week the hardest by far!!!
I stand to lose my home, financial security and to top off my week my closest friend was in a serious car accident on Saturday! I’ve tried my hardest to keep a hold of my Mojo and I truly hope it has not up’d n left without me.
However, I promise to stay positive for my children and for my mum who is my rock!
I am going to weigh my goal weight – I will be congruent and achieve this!
I am going to be 100% – I will not blip – I will not let my emotional demons take victory – I will be congruent and achieve this!
☺ X
Hi Julz,
Great task today, I know exactly what you mean about being congruent and how difficult life can be if you are incongruent with yourself.
My promise to myself is:
I will get to my healthy goal weight of 8.5 stone and I will be congruent in achieving this.
I will be 100% for the rest of the challenge and I will be congruent and achieve this goal.
I will exercise 3 times per week and I will be congruent and achieve this goal.
I will stop negative thinking and I will be congruent and achieve this goal.
I will be a size 10 for my holiday in October and I will be congruent and achieve this goal.
I will love myself more and work on this every day, I will be congruent and achieve this goal.
Have a great Monday. Love. xxx 🙂
Hi Julz,
Thank you for your mention, well done on the pronunciation 😉 I’m so jealous, that Isabella can sit by the sea to slurp her shake, while I am stuck at home!
Another great task,
I want to be healthy
I want to look good
I want to reach my goal weight
I am healthy
I will stay focused
I will get to my goal
I am 100% on plan
I am half way to my goal
I am succeeding
I will be congruent so I can reach my goal, and be happy!
I will get to a healthy weight
I will get active
I will be a better role model for my child
I will be a 100% im June
I will be a better me
Thanks to New you plan
My promise is:
To stop thinking negative thoughts
To always remember my goal of being slimmer, healthier, happier
To enjoy this challenge
To believe in me
To commit 100% to The New Plan
I promise to be congruent with the above statement!
My promise to myself.
I will get into size 12.
I am going to be 100% in June
I will drink my 3 litres of water
I will do my daily exercise
I will be congruent so I can look healthy and sexy on my holiday.
my promise to myself,is that this is my year..
i will get to the end of my new you journey this year.
i will do this program with full welly and push through.
i will take advantage of my secret slimmers group.
i will be motivated each day to do excercise.
i will reward myself with little prizes.
i will change the way i speak to myself, about myself, more positive nice compillments.
i will get to my ideal weight of 10 and half stone,and be a size 12.I am going to be 100% for the month of June – I will be congruent and achieve this goal.
I will give 100% for the whole of June
I will keep working out everyday
I will be 11 stone
I will get into that wedding dress and look FANTASTIC!
Hi Julz, great blog. Being congruent makes so much sense, but it’s easy not to be congruent.
Albert Einstein said ‘Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results’. I think this ties in really well to the message of being congruent – so many times I’ve said that I want to lose weight but then I fall back into old habits because that’s the easy option, and then I’m disappointed when I don’t lose weight! So, no more! I’m only on day two but enjoying the plan and I think this time I’m ready to give it 100%. So…
I will take this one day at a time
I will follow the plan 100%
I will drink 4 litres of water or more per day
I will make time to take exercise every day (even if its a short brisk walk)
I will get to my goal weight of 11.5 stone (started at 15 stone!)
I will not get discouraged if my weight loss isn’t as quick as I would like – this is a marathon, not a sprint
I will seek support from and provide support to my Secret Slimmers friends
Have a great week all!
I will keep going.
I will not give in to temptation.
I will spread the word of New You!
I will keep positive and enjoy the diet- enjoy my transformation!
I will be congruent and I will stay committed to the new you plan . I want to become a new me. I think once I control my mind I can conquer my body.
I am going to weigh 9st, mainly for to be healthy around my little girl. she is my life and shes gonna help me stick to this the whole month of june for me to achieve it!(but she doesn’t know that because shes only 21 months) I say to myself when i’m tempted if i eat that now i’ll fail, it’ll still exist once i shed the weight and i can have a small bit then. Food isn’t controlling me right now 🙂 I’m loving this plan and I’M GOING TO DO THIS! I’ve been too long down about my weight i’m now gonna kick in the bum from this point on. I’m finally happy with where i’m going 🙂
I will be congruent and achieve this goal.
Fitting into a smaller size by my hols in August…..priceless.
Not averting my eyes while looking in the mirror…..priceless.
Enjoying shopping for holiday clothes…..priceless.
Feeling great when all dolled up for a night out….priceless.
Using my new energy instead of slobbing on the couch…..priceless.
The New You Plan…..priceless!
1 stone down. Lots more to go, but KNOWING WE CAN ALL DO IT…..PRICELESS!!!!
Hi. I am struggling at present to get into the right frame of mind to restart the new you diet plan but after reading your motivational Monday
I will give 100%
I will stay positive
I will be slim again
I will wear the beautiful dress never yet worn
I want to be healthy
I will be congruent!!!!!!