Day 26 – Summary Saturday – The Best Tasks Of the Challenge So Far!
Day 26 – Summary Saturday – Reflect on the past week!!
Hey Everyone – I hope you are all having a Great Weekend and staying Super Focused.
Today is our Summary Saturday , it gives us the opportunity to reflect on the past week. You will be able to catch up on this week’s Videos, Blogs and Daily Tasks.
Don’t forget by completing the daily tasks you could be in with a chance of Winning 1 of 2 100 Bundles this Tuesday 4th June.
This is our Fourth week of the Summer Holiday Transformation Challenge. It is so Great to see so many people in the challenge and the Leaderboard proves that the weightloss is a great success. WELL DONE TO YOU ALL AND KEEP IT UP!!!!
We have really enjoyed reading all your comments.. If you have missed out on any of this weeks Videos, blogs or tasks now is your time to Catch up. Remember again by completing the daily tasks you could be in the running for a Great Prize.
[box type=”download” size=”large” style=”rounded” border=”full”]Missed a day??? Click below…[/box]
Thought for Thursday- Are you giving you all you got??? Lets give you all you got!!!!
[box type=”download” size=”large” style=”rounded” border=”full”] If you are just joining the challenge or you are thinking of joining,we have had some brilliant tasks, and you might want to do these as they will super charge your focus and success to slimdom! Here’s our top tasks for you to get stuck into this weekend :)[/box]
D0 Want to Register for the Summer Holiday Transformation Challenge???… Click here!
Introduction to the Summer Holiday Transformation Challenge!
Day 1 -Summer Holiday Transformation Challenge.. Lets do this!!
Day 2 – Take your before photo with the ‘ I am in’ and get involved!
Day 3 -Thought for Thursday’ How to Win the Battle of the Mind
It is Day 26 of the Challenge and you guys ARE KILLING IT …. WOOHOOO!!!! KEEP IT GOING!!!!!
Todays Task ….
[box type=”download” size=”large” style=”rounded” border=”full”]Today I want to know what you love about the challenge so far!! What is your favorite blog this week and how has it helped motivate you in Challenge?? We just love to hear from you and remember the best comments will be entered into Tuesdays Prize Draw [/box]
Hi guys,
Having a great weekend, and well into the challenge now. Have been trying on my smaller size clothes and they almost fit so I’m hoping that at the end of the challenge they will be just right.
My favourite part of the challenge are the daily tasks that Julie-Ann sets up for us every day. It really keeps me motivated to keep going. I am also really starting to notice change in my body, my clothes are getting loser with each day and although the scales are not showing a great loss, inches are melting away, so I’m very happy about that.
My favourite task this week was eat that frog Friday. There were some great comments about doing lots of walking, sorting out clothes, sorting out some bills and doing a garden make-over. They were all great and I hope that people will achieve them this weekend. It will make you feel great, productive and proud of yourself.
Have a great weekend everyone. xxx 🙂
Love your commitment to the challenge but most of all you commitment to YOURSELF. You are killing it, keep it up! xx
My favourite part of the challenge is taking part in the daily tasks. It making me think more and more about my diet everyday and keeping me focused on my weight lose. I cannot wait to take that Photo on June 20th and see how far we all have come! I also cannot believe how quickly its flown by so far as well! Even though the tasks keep you thinking about the diet, it also helps it pass faster as well!
My fav task this week also has to be yesterday frog task! Ive said that I am going to cut the grass so now I know I have to hehe!!
Hannah I am so glad to read how much you are enjoying the challenge! Makes it all worth while when I know people are enjoying it 🙂
I cant wait to see your photo tooooo!! 🙂
Exciting times ahead 🙂
i love this challenge eventhough I only came back this week,i love the motivational videos,but Julie ann always my favourite,as she keeps it REAL.i have too many favourite tasks as to make a choice.but it keeps me excited and loving logging on,,,,keep up work guys
🙂 Ahhh… I feel so chuffed 🙂 So glad you like the challenge!! Thank you for your words of encouragement xxx
Hey guys
My fave task was rewriting my story that I tell myself which helped me focus on the reasons why I’m on the NY plan! Very motivational!
Hey Karen, I am glad you said this one, as to me this task was SO POWERFUL, when you do it, and really think about the consequences… and all you need to do to… it makes it a NO BRAINER to take action to make your dreams come true!! I did this task several years ago… with smoking and lots of other things too… I really have changed so much because of this task. I am glad you liked it too.
Love <3
Julz xx
I love all of the challenges but Julie-Ann’s are the best because she is also on the plan and doing the challenges with us, she shares the highs and the lows and can be empathatic.
p.s I was a bit late doing the challenges this week due to news that we received that as a family have needed time to process. I hope it is ok that I joined in late.
I love the Sunday challenge when I can organise what I have to get done for the week, I’m the type of person who needs structure, or I’m a mess, I need routines, I need post it notes, I’m real OCD so I hate not getting things done too…. Which brings me to me FAV blog this week…. Focus Friday, without it I wouldn’t be getting the job done that I’ve been putting off for too long now…..paperwork for work…. Once that’s done, I can chill for the summer, so it’s really important…. Thank you NY xxx