Day 25 – Focus Friday – Let’s Eat Some Frogs!! Yummy!
Woohooo!! It’s the weekend, and that means it is TFI FOCUS FRIDAY!
Last weekend was a Bank Holiday for our UK customers and this weekend it is a Bank Holiday for our Republic of Ireland customers! The weekends require EXTRA FOCUS! I hope you enjoyed yesterday’s video and task, because I really want you to make sure that you UP YOUR GAME & GIVE YOURSELF 100% OF EVERYTHING YOU GOT!
We like to give you a good task at the weekend, something that will keep you focused and occupied and help you on your weight loss journey. I think today’s task is a BRILLIANT TASK! And if you do it, you will feel lighter in more ways than one!
Today’s task is to EAT THAT FROG! Yes I know that you are TOTAL FOOD REPLACEMENT, but frog eating is VERY GOOD FOR YOU!
The term “Eat that frog!” refers to the things that you are procrastinating about… you know those things that are always niggling you at the back of your head and you just can’t seem to motivate yourself to get round and do them. We all have frogs to eat, and when you eat them, you feel GREAT!
Eating frogs – Doing those things that you keep putting off – when you actually accomplish it – you feel so much better, your mind is clearer, you feel satisfied, happy, elated, and proud for doing it. The weight off your mind will help you to feel more relaxed, and enjoy life more….
Just think how much time you have spent thinking about;
- Decluttering your spare room
- Dejunking the garage
- Sorting out your home paperwork
- Calling your credit card company
- Doing that report for work
- Doing your coursework for college/uni
- Going and seeing your relatives
- Weeding the garden
- Sorting out your wardrobe
- Going to the gym / going for a jog
What have you been putting off?
What is the thing that you keep thinking YOU NEED TO DO, but don’t get round to doing it, even though you think about it every night, and know you should do it.
This weekend, I want you to commit to eating at least ONE FROG.
[box type=”download” size=”large” style=”rounded”]Please share below now what you are going to do… and once you accomplish it over the weekend, please leave another comment (reply to your original comment) and let us know you have done it. If you could also share a photo of your accomplishment that would be super awesome! We would love to add your photos to this blog post of you eating your frogs! So if your frog is to weed the garden, take a before and after photo and share it with us![/box]
By Monday I want everyone to be slimmer on the scales and also have a weight off your mind that you have accomplished something that has been in your mind for a while!
Tommorrow is SUMMARY SATURDAY – we will summarise the last week, but we will also summarise the BEST TASKS TO DATE. So if you are just joining the challenge now you will have a quick reference to the best tasks to complete to get you super focused and motivated for an amazing June!
Going to get out in Garden and cut grass, sweep paths, and paint garden shed, the cutting grass I don’t mind but painting the garden shed I just keep putting off
Hope you got out in the garden Louise?? Let us know your update! xx
omg I am going to go through my wardrobe I actually am excited as seriously I don’t know whats in it,,,ive too much clothes,it will be interesting to see,i want to be excited about clothes,i want bright colours,and more fitted,i want to feel younger(I am young) but I dress old.i tend to wear a lot of casual for work,i hide then in black…..its miserable. I also want my first weekend back on plan to be more organised water wise,ive been leaning on aqua mans post for inspiration and that helps.im buying sparkling water and my flavours should arrive today so that will be like a treat for the long bank holiday weekend.enjoy everyone.xx
How are you getting on?? Would love to see a photo of your new wardrobe! And your drink of sparkling flavoured water 🙂 x
I have an exam on Monday so I need to get this revision finished and stop finding distractions! Xx
GOOD LUCK!! Im sure you will pass with flying colours. I find my concentration is top notch in ketosis xx
I have been putting off changing my wardrobe and getting rid of my massive clothes. I am so gonna do it and bin the old clothes and in with the new sexy ones… I am so excited. That would be a massive distraction – Bring it in x
Woohoo!! Out with the old, in with the NEW YOU! xxx
Oh Julie-Ann, what a brilliant task, I have just been thinking of the things I have to do today and already been trying to put them off, but no, I will do them today and then I can relax and focus on my diet 100% this weekend.
My main task is to call my credit card company which I have been putting off for ages, I need to arrange another payment plan as the one I have got at the moment doesn’t suit me. So I will do that today.
Second task is to do a good chunk of revision done today for my Biology exam on Monday, which I have been putting off most days saying that I’m just too tired, but now I really have to do it as I know that it will make me feel a lot better if I accomplish it.
Third task for me is to call my hairdressers and re-arrange my hair appointment. I know, you probably say what’s up with that, it’s not that difficult, but I had to postpone it few times and I think that they might be getting fed up with me now. But I will just do it as I think that they be ok, and it’s better to give them a lot of notice than call up and cancel an appointment a week before.
These are my frogs which I have to eat this weekend, I will post on here again when I have accomplished my tasks. Have a great weekend everyone and stay 100%, it will be so worth it. Love. xxx 🙂
SO glad you are doing all these tasks 🙂 Really makes me happy!! 🙂 xx
Oh yes must admit this is a good one. My frog is to finally get my butt in gear and send out some of the nasty letters piling up waiting to be sent. Its time I realised its for the good of our family and our business and man up and get typing!
Do it Katherine!! It is taking up too much negative energy in your head. Get strong and feel determined to solve these issues with a successful outcome for you and your family. Good luck xxx Please let us know when you have done it x
My first frog is to have my hair cut today.. Iv been putting it off cause I have really long hair and always think that of I cut it I will look fatter! My 2nd frog is to start walking everyday. I hate walking but it’s something I can do with my hubby and boys ! And my 3rd frog is to go back swimming.. Going to buy 3 months membership this weekend! Thanks for the video and all encouragement! Tanyth
Love these!! How are you getting on with your frog eating?? xxx
I have kept all my smaller sizes of clothes on the top shelf of my wardrobe with the hope that one day I would squeeze back into them. They haven’t fitted me for a few years due to excessive weight gain during two close pregnancies. I intend to pull all the wearable stuff down and kept it somewhere handy as a goal & reminder that “I MUST FIT INTO THESE… I WILL FIT INTO THESE”. Seeing all the pretty smaller sizes of clothing is definitely enough motivation for me to lose weight plus swallow that damn frog and make sure he stays down.
YOU WILL FIT INTO THEM!! Love it 🙂 I take it you are familiar with eating frogs 🙂 xx
Hi Julie-Ann,
Just a quick message to say that I have accomplished the tasks I set out myself to do today. It was bit of nerve racking to call my credit card company as they were not very helpful, but I did it and sorted everything out today so that I am all clear in my head and can enjoy my weekend. I have also just finished my revision for today and called my hairdressers, so I’m all done.
Tomorrow I will be going for another long walk and can relax and enjoy my weekend. Have a great weekend. Much love. xxx 🙂
WOW!!! GO YOU!! That is just amazing, really well done Monika xxx
I will clear out my daughters bedroom tomorrow, if I don’t come out can you sent out the search party Julie as gawd knows what I will find in there!!!!!!!
LOLOL!! SO FUNNY!! Did you get it done?????xxx
I have started it but my god it is going to take me all week, she should be on one of those secret hoarder TV shows lol!
Going to sort out my wardrobe to say goodbye to alot of baggy clothes i cant wait. Shoul i by more clothes or should i wait oh i m so excited xxx
YAY!! Bring in the new skinny clothes 🙂 it is going to be a FAB SUMMER X
My frog that needs to be devoured this weekend is my accounts. They should have been finished months ago. I have been off work for 10 weeks in and out of hospital having scary tests. Anyway the good news is its not a brain Tumor. This has given me focus on my life, and made me sign up for NY. NY is helping me with the weight loss, but this is a reminder to start looking at other things I have been putting off. So this weekend I will finish my accounts. It will be a huge relief when they are done. I can then enjoy the lovely weather, will my family.
Oh Lorraine I know the feeling! I hope you get it done, maybe you can get someone to help you. Its a big weight off your mind. So glad to hear that you have positive news and a new lease for life! So happy you are with us too xxxx <3
My from is to mow the lawn!!! It is also to continue painting the house! Not something I will be able to do all at the weekend as there are many rooms but i can get through as many as I can!!
I want a picture of you nice lawn please 😀 lol xxx
I’ve a frog that’s turned into a poison toad… my back garden…i could lose a playschool of 3yr olds out there !!! To high for mower so strimmer first gonna be back breaking but worth it…like everything we need to do…b nice to get a tan while eating that frog xxx
🙂 Hope u got your jungle sorted out! After everything you have achieved recently I am sure this will be an easy one for you! Get it sorted and then hopefully the sun will come out and you can enjoy a nice summer in your garden!! xxx
PS I want a photo with you going for it with the strimmer! LOL X
oh which frog to swallow first, I had never heard that saying till now, but since starting the new you plan I have swallowed some frogs unknown to myself !! but one thing I keep leaving to chance is my very small garden! (1 long flower bed)it is full of weeds and I keep putting it off because I have a fear of spiders! but come tomorrow I go armed with gloves and trowel to catch and swallow this frog ?
woohoo!! 🙂 Good woman, when you get into the habit of eating frogs it feels GOOD 🙂 Hope ur little garden is looking pretty today and you did not scared with any spiders lol xxx
Well there are kits of things I keep putting off but need to get sorted… First things first, go through my wardrobe and sort out clothes, anything too big or stupidly small will be sold for my new wardrobe
Then going to put all the baby clothes I’ve been horsing up for sale, I can’t have more kids so what am I waiting for!
I’m going to stop telling myself that I will do these tomorrow and do them now!
I love wardrobe sorting… I think it is a brilliant thing to get done!! Hope u made good progress??? xx
Well hello everybody, I read this task yesterday and didn’t have time to sit down and write, my youngest daughter is 14 months old and still was sleeping in our bedroom, iv been saying for a few months I need to move her in with her sisters and into a cot bed, my bedroom has been invaded by the little people in my house for the last couple of years, so after I saw the task yesterday I decided it’s now or never!!! So I started on the task of moving everybody and claiming back my space, well I’m delighted to say I’m the proud owner of a clutter free baby free bedroom, I have never heard the saying “Eat that frog” but I am delighted I ate that one even though I don’t think I’d like to actually eat a real frog, and I keep getting a vision of Kermit sitting on a plate lol…..Have a lovely weekend everybody xxx
HA HA HA!! Love Fat Fairy Mary!! 🙂 So funny!! Keep er lit Aqua Man x
LOL!! 🙂 Glad you like “Eat that frog!” and you have a wee vision of Kermit ha ha 🙂
I think I need to follow suit – Isabella is 24 months old!!!
Enjoy your SPACE xxx <3
I have so many chores to do, but they are just must my normal routine. The one thing I keep putting off is the paperwork for work! I hate paperwork, I’m fine once I get a bit of peace, to concentrate on it, I then fly through it, but I can never find the time to sit down, and get it done, I always get distracted, by dishes, kids, washing, you name, I do everything to avoid getting paperwork done
I should be doing it now, but I said I will just come on here for a few mins!
Problem is I have a deadline for the free preschool year, and all my pricing, contracts, school calendars, everything to do with the next school year has to be by……OMG 31st May 2013 and today is the 2nd June!!! So it has to be done this weekend, then I will have to drive to Nenagh, to drop it into the County Childcare Comittee in person! Cos I’m late