Day 23 – Wow Wednesday
Make sure you watch to the end of the video today to see the Greek Dancing night! x
Day 23 of The Summer Holiday Transformation Challenge- Wow Wednesday!!
Today Julie-Ann is sending a video postcard from Crete in Greece. The theme for today is WOW WEDNESDAY -FULL OF WEIGH INS AND WOWS!!!
The leaderboard will be updated TONIGHT – so make sure that you add your weight loss to our weigh in thread. Just scroll to the very last comment on the page and enter in your weekly weigh in result. Lisa will be updating the board tonight. CLICK HERE TO UPDATE YOUR RESULT!
Wednesday is the day of the week that we want you to reflect on the past 7 days and what you have achieved in this time, we want to know all the small achievements that you have noticed in your body, your clothes, mind-set and even your energy levels that have changed.
It really is AMAZING the difference that 7 days of complete commitment can make. Always take the time and look back at ALL YOUR WOW MOMENTS and remember them as goals that you have achieved.
I can’t wait to read your comments today, don’t forget that the best comments everyday are automatically put into Tuesdays Prize Draw for another Great Prize. Big well done to all of Our Winners so far. Yesterday Sara Davies won a Mini Ipad along with Karen Week one and Tracey Week 2. THIS WEEK we are mixing it up a little and our prize will be for two 100 Bundles… So this Tuesday there will be TWO WINNERS each winning a 100 Bundle each.
If you want to be in with a chance of winning one of these Prizes all you need to do is interact on our blogs leave a comment completing the Task and all the best comments will automatically be entered into Tuesdays Draw.
If you are a new customer, then please feel free to come join us! Click here to join the Challenge. We also have a FANTASTIC online support group on Facebook called Secret Slimmer’s…. Just private mail The New You Plan on Facebook and ask to be added into our Secret Slimmer’s Group which will be anonymous and provide all the support and advice you will need. This is an amazing group of people, who will inspire you motivate you every step of the way.
Have a great day everyone xx
Julz’z Wow’s!
[quote]I have just completed week one on the plan myself, and I have so many WOW moments. After just a few days I really felt slimmer and less bloated. Last night we went out and I wore a pair of bright yellow size 10 trousers. This is the first time I have been able to wear these, as they are so bright, and they looked too tight, but I felt great last night wearing them, and my family all commented that I was looking slimmer! Feels good to get the compliments coming in! Roll on my Ted Baker Jeans!! I am coming to get you next!! Hopefully this week!! Woohoo xxx [/quote]
I am looking forward to reading your WOW’s! xx
[box type=”download” size=”large” style=”rounded”]So today I want you to share your WOW moments, that you have had in the last 7 days! What are your non-scale victories that have made you SMILE & SAY WOW! The best comments today will go into our next prize draw![/box]
Hi Julz,
Great video thank you! Loved the Isabella dance, so cute!!!
My WOW moments of last week were:
1. My current jeans that I’m wearing are completely falling off me, so I tried on my smaller pair of jeans and they do up, still bit tight, but another 3 weeks and I’ll be able to wear them, yay!!
2. My bra doesn’t dig into my back anymore
3. I can now walk up the hill here and not get out of breath
4. I can now comfortably cut my toe nails
5. I have gone up one more notch on my belt
Happy days!!! Have a great week. Love. xxx 🙂
Oh gawd.. your number 2 sounds oh so very familiar :(:(:(
Love these …. Such small things make such a BIG difference ..WELL DONE XX
Hey, so glad you liked her wee dance! He he!! 🙂 You are killing it!! GO YOU! XX
I fitted into a size 12 yesterday. I’m over the moon. I didn’t buy anything as I still want to lose another stone. This has given me the strength to carry on to my final target.
Good luck everyone xx
Such a big deal when you fit into the size you have wanted to <3 Love this xxx
Hiya everyone that is one great day not to be sitting inside if you don’t have to be well my energy level is way up this week can’t sit still have to be doing something or going for walks my dogs are very happy this week too as i take them out with me and the walks are getting longer too Roll on summertime Good Luck Everyone xxx
Keep the ENERGY LEVELS UP…. makes you feel GREAT!!! yeahhhhh Well Done xxx
I have had several WOW moments. Im into week #3 now. After the birth of my first daughter two years ago I had lost 2 stone. I had bought a couple of new tops to celebrate. However the weight soon piled on again and I fell pregnant with my second daughter putting on even more weight. So after 2 weeks on the plan with 100% commitment, low & behold the tops I bought to wear after daughter #1 FIT ME!!!!!! And it feels flippin’ fantastic. Iv also noticed a surge of energy. Im no longer shattered after doing a 4am feed and feel so much happier. If I feel great now, I cant wait to lose another few stone!
How Cute was little Isabella at the end of the Video Dancing …LOVE IT XXX
LOL! So cute 🙂
My huge wow moment this week was meeting another friend i had not seen since i started this diet and she told me i was TINY… Now im far from tiny i can tell ye, BUT,…. THE FEELING WAS WOW WOW WOW, to be called tiny. Iv been called a alot of things in my time but never tiny lol…
Goes to show how big i was… Anyway hope you are all haveing a lovely day, im still living up in the clouds after been called tiny lol xxx
“Now im far from tiny i can tell ye” I love the pure irishness of this I tell ye!! lol 🙂
Love this comment x
My WOW Wednesday Moment was realising that I am worth it. I didn’t lose weight this week but I have made loads of positive changes. I’m back at the gym, my pilates and yoga classes are booked and I start tomorrow. The best thing though is that I have dropped a dress size 🙂
Wow – that is the best thing to realise!!
Soooo happy for you Tina x
My wow moment has been going the doctors for repeat pill and NOT being told my weight is a risk! X
I feel normal now & my bikini is looking well
Woohoo!! Bikini!!! AWESOMENESS X
hi all,you have gotten great at the vids julz,,,,,thats a great wow moment,you doing fabulously. im back again after break, and my wow wednesday moment is being back in my supportive group,were everyone supports, encourages,and praises me,they have my back and a listening ear and another wow moment for me is the ease in which i get back on new you plan.it feels like i found my plan and that makes me feel empowered…….
Love it Mareee 🙂 Feeling empowered = ROCKS!!!
And yes I think I am starting to find my feet with the videos, thank you so much for your encouragement and feedback. It has been a scary thing for me to do this, but I am sticking at it and determined to improve.
Thank you and I am so glad to have you with us xxx
Congratulations on everyone’s WOWs. My WOW this week is actually getting to the end of DAY 2 WOOOHOOOO !!! I have had sooo many false starts but I allowed myself a wee sneaky weigh in this morning – after day 1 !! I’d lost 3lbs !!!! The Carb Withdrawal is MEAN but WE CAN ALL DO THIS !!!!! xxx
Lets do this xxx
My WOW has only just happened, and although ye are looking non scale wows, I’m sorry this is just too good to not mention!
Since I’ve met my husband he has always been lighter than me, at my heaviest there was around 9 stone difference between his weight, and mine…. He eats what he wants, and has a very sweet tooth, and it has never affected him….. Until now
Today he weighed himself after over indulging in London, and he got a WOW as there is now only 2 stone difference between us, I’ve lost nearly 5 stone, and he has gained 2!!! I’m delighted I have the motivation for the rest of the week to smash this, I’m on a race now to be lighter then him, for the first time EVER! WOW to me mwahahahahaha
LMAO!!! Soooooooooooo cool 🙂 Go get him!! Brilliant 🙂
You are such an inspiration Caitrin,I love all your comments – keep them coming hun xxx
Ah Julz Isabella is so Cute!!!
My WOW moment this week was my Mother telling me she was Proud of me for Loosing so much weight, i was trying on my Bridesmaids dress for my Sisters wedding and while i wasn’t happy at how i looked in it both my mum and sister were very complimentary. Spurred me on to keep on my NY Journey!!!
Awww ty, I love that wee video of her dancing – had to include it – got another super cute one for tomorrow’s too! he he 🙂
It is SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO NICE when people you love tell you how far you have come and how proud they are of you. I am so happy for you hun xxx Keep er lit xx
My WOW moment was getting into size 16 super skinny jeans which I’ve never been able to do!
My non scales victory has to be 5 days so far of the 30 day shred, still going strong a not feeling the pain do much!
OH 5 DAYS!!! Well done Hannah!! I so need to do that DVD!! xxx
My biggest wow moment happened today, it was beautiful sunny and hot here in Tipperary for once!! so going around doing my housework (which is another wow for me,never had enough energy before)dressed in 3/4 pants and sleeveless top, my friend called, all she could say over and over was “wow you look really small,”I had not seen her for a week and we had gone to sw together for 6 months and I lost and gained all the time,so she could not get over the change in me in 3 weeks 🙂 and saying that I am still over 17 stone! but I am blessed with a bit of height 🙂
Late again I know!!! Sorry! Another great video Jules, such a cutie you have there!
My wow moment was nothing huge but for my husband to compliment me and give me encouragement is not something that happens, so after his weekend away from me this week just gone he came home and told me how proud he was of me not walling off the TFR wagon and then he put his arms around me and said “where’s my wife gone to, you’ve dost so much weight!”
That alone has made this diet worth every moment x
My huge WOW victory was my exhusbands new partner calling me a skinny bitch!!!!! Know its short and sweet but hey she isnt hahaha xxx
I’m late too 🙁 had “grandpa troubles” all day/night yesterday so only had access on phone (and can’t type properly on it lol)
Also, your little Isabella is absolutely beautiful (even if I am a bit jealous of the budgie top lol) What a cutie, I bet you’re having an amazing time!!
Ok, so wow Wednesday… it’s kind of been a wow week really…
1. People are noticing now that I’m loosing weight, in fact, on Tuesday someone jokingly told me to “go away, I’m jealous of you lol”
2. My mind set is now changing, I’m realising now how much I used to eat, and how much I need to eat… this is preparing me for when I eat “real” food again.. to know that I’m only to take in what my body needs and not just cos I “feel” like it!
3. Had a wow evening on Saturday, went out to school night out and sipped on fizzy water… very proud of myself!!
I’m now looking forward to another week… the thought of being even slimmer next week excites me, and I’m too excited about going bikini shopping for the holiday – but think i’d better hold off until the week before 😀
My WOW moment for this week is I have my high cheekbones back for the first time in 17 years!!!!!
Well they were always there but my chubby face was hiding them!!!!
They are handy when putting on make up, he he.