Day 2 New You Plan Weight Loss Challenge*
*Weight loss results may vary. This is not a guarantee
Yay!! You are now on Day 2 of the new you plan weight loss challenge for May.
Our theme this month is LET’S MAKE MAY MAGNIFICENT.
Yesterday was Day 1, and our daily message was to take this weight loss journey ONE DAY AT A TIME, and focus on doing 5 simple things every day, that when done will ensure your success!! You can check out the video and 7 day journal download from Day 1 here.
[highlight]I want to give a BIG SHOUT OUT to everyone who left a comment yesterday,[/highlight] especially as so many comments where so inspiring for me to read, as I really want to do my best for everyone this month to help you all achieve your goals, and to know that I am helping you really encourages me to keep going!! So THANK YOU SO MUCH. Every comment means so much to me, and I hope to see your comments throughout the month as we do this challenge together!! Don’t forget that I am also on the diet, and on my weight loss journey, so I am going through this process with you, and together we will get through this month, feeling and looking healthier and slimmer!
Today is Day 2, and to make sure that you are well equipped to withstand any temptation this month, I want you to get REALLY CLEAR on WHY you want to lose weight. We want you to be so clear on your WHY, that no matter what challenges life throws at you (those curve balls can come out of the blue you know!) you will be able to stay strong and stay focused on being TRUE to yourself, and ensuring you end this month FEELING MAGNIFICENT.
Watch today’s video and download the worksheet, please leave a comment and let me know if this task has helped you to get more focused on your WHY. Good luck for today, and I wish you every success on this journey.
Much Love ,
Julz xxx
Watch the video and download the worksheet… grab a cup of coffee and spend some time doing this exercise… it will REALLY help you if you can get clear on your WHY.
CLICK HERE to DOWNLOAD The New You Plan Wheel of Life
[highlight]DON’T SKIP THIS EXERCISE!!! Take 10 minutes and do this, you will be REALLY GLAD YOU DID.[/highlight]
Looking forward to reading your comments today! xxx
Julz that’s a fantastic vid for the motivation. Loved it. Best Of luck for day 2 everyone
Thank you Alan!! I know you are almost at your destination, and I appreciate your comments as you are such a great contributor to the new you community. I am so glad I have had the opportunity to get to know you. Have a great day!!
Julz xx
Well here we are all on day 2 of our challange, come on gang we can do this, just watch us! xx Hope everyone has a good day, one more day closer to our goal! xx
Woohoo!! Lesley you are on FIRE!! Love your attitude, you just go for it!! Have an amazing day Lesley!! xxx
Well here we are day 2! Yesterday was a great day for me, I was confident that I would get through it and I did(with the help of secret slimmers!)
My butt never used to be bigger than my why but in recent years it has taken over 🙁 my parents are overweight and I grew up saying ” I have the height, I can carry it” well guess what……. That ship sailed about 5 stone ago!!! I have 2 beautiful daughters of my own now and my main reason for this(apart from my happiness) is to break the cycle for them. I never want them feeling how I’ve felt about myself over the years. I want to give them the best nutritional advise I can yo ensure they grow up yo live a very long, happy and healthy lives.
We can do this together xxxx
Shinny that is the BIGGEST WHY you could have, to be the best example for your beautiful girls!!! You can show them how to make good food choices and live a healthy active lifestyle. Day at a time you will get there, that 5 stone will be away, and you will have good habits in place.
I wish you every success, I am cheering you on all the way!!!
Keep this in your heart and mind every time temptation comes you way. YOU CAN DO THIS, YOUR WHY IS MASSIVE, get emotional about your WHY so that it grows in your heart.
Julz xxx
Hi Julie – Ann video is great for motivation, i have jotted down in my reminder in my phone why i want to / need to loose this weight to keep me motivated. lovin this programme!!! x Thank you and have a great day all.
Great Idea Vivienne!! Then you can look at this everytime you have a down time, to help you refocus on WHY you are doing this!! What a FAB IDEA!!
I am so excited to have you with us, and feel that you are benefiting from the videos! Means so much to me honey. Keep going, can’t wait to DAY 31!!! WOOHOO!!!
Julz x
Brill video JA im jus sittin here with a hot choc watching…. Ur my hero, thanx so much 😉
Awww big love to you honey!!! SO glad you are on track and taking this day at time!! We are all going to SHINE at the end of this month!!
Good luck for today Im rooting for you!!
Love Julz xx
Woop for Day 2 everyone! Great video, fantastic motivation!! After work I am off for a MASSIVE walk to help me get into shape. I haven’t done much exercise, just started last week. Going to get fit and healthy!!
Want to wear nice clothes, be comfortable and happy in my skin! Now is the time!!
Han!! Ohhhh, good luck for your walk!! Im going for a big one today too!! I walked so much the other day I “sweated” that is a first in a long time, feel so good to be able to walk again, so now that I can I am building up my fitnesss too!! It is amazing how effective walking is, I hope you enjoy your walk, and form the habit of doing it regularly!
Cant wait to see photos of you in your new wardrobe!! You are killing it Han.
Keep flying!!
Julz xx
guzzling water as we speak!i kinda get to the 3litres but find it difficult to fit in 4!! enjoying may challenge so far..its gr8 to have so many ppl in the same boat,gr8 support!with 4stone lost i still hav 2more stone to go..hopefully ill lose 1stone in may!
stick at it ppl..only you are in control of you’re weightloss xxx
Wow I am sure you can hardly believe how far you have already come Lisa!! The next 2 stone will be MASSIVE for you!! Good luck, I know you will do it, your attitude is AMAZING!! 🙂
Julz xx
Well done Julie Ann. Get out of the way but – slims coming through
Woohoo!! xx
Well done Julz 🙂 I’ve been on the plan for over 8 weeks, but to be honest your videos have just given me a great boost. I really want to achieve my goal and by following the plan, your motivational videos and our little secret slimmers group I know I can 🙂 Good luck to everyone doing this challenge, I hope ye are having a great day 2 😉 Let’s do it!!! xoxo
Hi Sharron!! Oh pet I am so glad that they have given you a wee boost, doing them is great for me too, as I am more focused!! You all encourage me too, it is a great community and thank you for being part of it!
Julz xxx
Julie, only started the diet today and found the day 1 video so inspirational that I had to listen to the day 2 one to get me through thge rest of the day! I need motivation!
hey Edel…. Just keep saying to yourself, “I can do it” and maybe reading comments from other bloger’s may help you stay motivated. Find a item of clothing you would love to wear at the end of May and say to it ” your mine”
best of luck..
Yay!! Good woman! Its good for you catch up with us anyway, so you can take part live everyday!! Have a good night tonight, and see you here in the morning for the next video!!
Keep going!
Julz x
Hi everyone !
sitting here eating TFR Irish stew, it’s good !!!
Wow that is some butt, or four.. joking aside, that person’s heart must be under some pressure. video very motivational, I am seeing the 31st May and me 1 stone lighter.
GOOD LUCK to everyone. : )) x
Nom Nom Nom… glad you are enjoying the hot meals Mary – I just had the spicy noodle nosh and it was flipping yummy!! 🙂 Even my husband said when he was making it for me that it smells and looks delish!! ha ha 🙂
Glad you are enjoying the products too. See you tomorrow!! 😉
Julz just listened to day 1 and posted a comment, day 2 even better, funny today in work I wore a skirt that I hadnt fitted or felt comfortable in for a long time and had the confidence to wear my really pretty high heels (3 inch, Im 5 ft 1!!) that I havnt worn before didnt have the confidence, was a bit wobbly on them but loads of people commented on how lovely they were, felt great and it crossed my mind “I can get promoted” while I was in a meeting with very glam younger girls than me! New You isnt just about loosing weight which other similar plans were, its about the whole ME. Looking forward to tomorrows video.
LOVE LOVE LOVE this post Margaret!!!
This is what it is all about!! You get it, and go for that promotion!! Believe in yourself, and work your ass off to make them think they are foolish not to promote you cos you are so fricking brilliant!!
Julz xx
PS. I am 5ft, and havent been able to wear heels due to pregnancy etc, But I got a little pair the other week, just 2 inch wedges, cant wait to get back into proper killer heels. They feel GREAT!! 🙂 Post a picture of them on facebook please!!! xx
Hi Julz and everyone,
day 2 here cant believe it!STRUGGLED yesterday then watched video you sent and felt so much better it gave me a boost,got up today with a more positive attitude,went to the gym and done a half hour spin class and half hour trx class came home ready to take day 2 on!!!had my choc shake yummy and then went and got some jobs done then it was time for strawberry shake yum.went out with daughter and we passed KFC, OH MY GOD it took some will power to pass by but i did yipeeee all thanks to you julz and day 2 video my why was clear in my mind and was way bigger than my but for a change!!i came home so proud of my self and have just now finished a cupa and one of your coconut crunch bars it was delicious.the products are wonderful and satisfying thank you so much for all the encouraging videos and advice and thanks to everyone caus else for yer blogs they help keep me focused and make you realise that everyone is in this together so bring on day 3 !!!! best of luck to you all we WILL do this!!
Shelia!! You rock star!! Such a busy day and such determination!!! I loved reading your post I could feel your determination shine through.
Looking forward to getting to know you better on this challenge and in secret slimmers.
Julz x
Yea..am on day 2. The end of day 1 was’nt a bother and I got thru it on a ‘high’ and feel great.
Day 2 was fine until evening…I was so hungry I would have eaten my socks! I was determined not to cave in and ‘pick’ which is a very bad, and almost automatic habit I have developed. I was very busy from 1300-1900 i had no time to eat, so arrived home at 2100 I had spicy noodle nosh with garlic and red pepper added and twas just great. It was so convenient and Quik to put together I devoured it..yum. Thanks Lillian for encouraging words…will take it all on board. Am doing a lot of talking to myself about not picking, so much so my colleagues think I should book a room for my self In our Dementia wing! But and this is the truth, one of my colleagues already commented I am losing weight and I havnt told anyone yet I am on a ‘serious diet’!..yea… Am thrilled….Rock on Jules
Motivation video and life impact chart BRILLIANT. The chart really helps raise one’s determination level and maintain a firm mindset. Not only that, but I find myself adding more to it and am chewing it over in my head constantly. It’s just so effective. I am reading each challengers comments and have to say you are all a great bunch to be working with!! Your comments keep me going, and it is good to know I am not alone. So far today am doing well, no nibbles:-) and what’s even better is I didn’t want to nibble – Yea. I am today, day 2, feeling lighter in my body, stepping out with more enthusiasm, and can’t wait for my first weigh in. I take my hat off to you Julz, have you any idea just how great a support and motivator you are in all of this?? That shot of the ‘Y’ vs ‘BUT’ is scary but it works for me! Deadly:-0. Am away off for my walk now.
Hey Julz, I am a bit behind, didn’t get to see Day 2 video yesterday so doing day 2 & 3 now. I loved this one, it made me smile, cause my but is getting smaller and smaller every day and my why is getting bigger, I just cant wait to get back into my size 12 jeans, only been married 8 months and would love to be a nice slim newly wed. Thanks for doing this for the month of may its is so motivating. xxx
[…] Day 2 – get clear on your REASONS WHY YOU WANT TO LOSE WEIGHT http://www.thenewyouplan.com/blog/day-2-new-you-plan-weight-loss-challenge/ […]