Day 16 – WOW Wednesday
WOOHOO!!! It is Day 16 of Our Summer Holiday Transformation Challenege!
Today Julie-Ann is sending a video postcard from Crete in Greece. The theme for today is WOW WEDNESDAY -FULL OF WEIGH INS AND WOWS!!!
The leaderboard will be updated TONIGHT – so make sure that you add your weight loss to our weigh in thread. Just scroll to the very last comment on the page and enter in your weekly weigh in result. Lisa will be updating the board tonight. CLICK HERE TO UPDATE YOUR RESULT!
It is SO GOOD to see so many people losing weight with the weekly weigh in results, YOU GUYS ARE KILLING IT SO FAR, although sometimes the BEST RESULTS are our NON- SCALE VICTORIES, those little things we notice that make this journey soooo exciting!
It can be easy to feel overwhelmed at the start of your weight loss journey, but when you start to realise the small little differences to your clothes, your wedding ring, your face, so many little differences, just make the journey so much more exciting. We do not have to wait to get to our ultimate goal to have those little WOW MOMENTS, that spur is on and keep us motivated.

Todays Task….
[box type=”download” size=”large” style=”rounded”]So today I want you to share your WOW moments, that you have had in the last 7 days! What are your non-scale victories that have made you SMILE & SAY WOW! The best comments today will go into our next prize draw![/box]
Join our challenge and order one of selected bundles to receive free water flavourings! OFFER ON NOW!! Click here to buy.
I bought jeans a week ago that I couldn’t button or even over my thighs nd I got them on the other day!
I said wow when I put on a top & my arms weren’t trying to bulge out.
I have collarbones!
Within one week I went into new jeans, down a size in top.
I’m able to run up and down the stairs now!
OMG!! In one week!! Amazing the difference!! I cant wait to get into my ted baker jeans!! I hope i get into them soon too Orla! xxx
There have been a couple of wow moments but I hate to let myself get too carried away…
First one was when I put a Monsoon top on that I had to wear out just a few weeks ago thinking it would be no good and WOW it fit, more so my daughters nursery teacher said to me “WOW, look at that waist coming”
Then my friend saw me and said – “WOW your going well, I can see it in you face”
Finally my hubby comes in to the bedroom last night, comes up to me and says – “Its going down, nice to see you doing so well” I was the one that said WOW as normally he doesn’t do nice!!!
A lot of WOW’S for you this week Sara!! LOVE IT!! It is so important to recognise these wows along the way!! 🙂 xx
So something i always used to say to pretend i was happy with myelf been over weight was
“well its better to say there you are than where are you”!!
it was a silly way of me making myself believe i was ok and i didnt want to be like all my skinny minny sisters lol..
But my wow this week was i met a friend i had not seen since i started this plan, and she says
Jesus karen “where are ya” You look amazing losing the weight has taken years off you!!
So i guess my silly saying that i used for 10 years is exactly that (silly ) lol…
Love it!! We can all tell ourselves stories, that make us feel it is OK to stay where we are!! I am so glad you are stepping into your NEW YOU AND LOVING IT!! Well done Karen and thanks for sharing xxx
I had few wow moments this week, first I noticed that I can now take off my jeans without undoing them and when I checked I lost 2 inches off my waist since last week. Today I had an interview for a little part time job so that I can have the extra money for my holiday in October. It went really well and I felt really comfortable in my clothes, the top which I wore was always so tight on my arms that I had to undo the buttons on the sleeves. Today I actually had the room on my arms and it felt really good. Also my usual black trousers don’t dig into my waist anymore so these are my non-scale victories for this week. Roll on next weigh in. xxx 🙂
WOW 2 INCHES LOST IN ONE WEEK MONIKA!! That is amazing 🙂 Soooo happy for you hun!! Love it when tops get looser, soooooooooo motivating!! You really are on your transformation journey!! So happy for you!! xxx
Had a real WOW Wednesday today…. I couldn’t decided what to wear, and have some red size 14 skinny jeans from Pennys (primark) in the press that I’ve never been able to wear, I had a little think and said, “sure i’ll just see how long it will before they fit…..” well…. I’m still wearing them right now! they fit perfectly! definitely a wow moment!
Having lost 10lbs last week, weigh in is tomorrow, and I hope to have lost another few lbs (it certainly feels like I have) ….
WOW! Love it 😀 Such an amazing feeling when you try something on expecting it to be tight and then you are like WOW CHECK ME OUT IT FITS!!!! YEOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO LOL XOXOX
What made me smile, and say WOW this week, was listening to my weddings ring, engagement ring, and eternity rings jingle…. They are so loose on my fingers, they keep falling off, and twisting around …. It’s actually starting to annoy me when I’m driving
Another huge smile, I had and an ever bigger WOW, was to finally be back in sexy lingerie, and my normal fabulous knickers, …… I have thrown out all my Bridget Jones ‘tents’ NEVER to be seen or wore again….. I’m actually regretting not having a ceremony and burning them! Lol
Two WOWs in one week! Lucky me xoxoxo
Oh I moved a ring from my 4th finger to my middle finger this week as it was getting too loose! 🙂
Make sure you don’t loose them hun, get them resized soon! 🙂
Enjoy your sexy knickers 😉 x lol
My wow moment this week has to be …. wow to not caving in on friday. It was Such A difficult day and normally i would go and binge but i didnt. So WOW me 🙂
WELL DONE!! I am so glad you are feeling empowered and recognising your strength and willpower as something that inspires you and makes you go WOW!
My wow moment this week is the Unbelievable support and Encouragement from the New You team and every member of the plan without you all I would have given up ages ago so thank you all I may blip many times but you have kept me from giving up xxx
WOW!! I LOVE THIS COMMENT!! Thank you so much for being part of our community and appreciating our support!! Big love and success to you! We are here for you anytime you need us!! WOOHOO 🙂
Julz xx
My WOW moment was definitely hit the 13’s! I haven’t been in the 13’s since I was 13 years old! That makes me sick!!!
I am soooo happy for you!! You really are on a mission, and I just love the fact that I am watch your transformation unfold!! xx
I have one simple wow! When I started NY, I couldn’t even think about exercise without sweating :O and I did try go on treadmill but just felt big and round and got tired very quickly to the point where I just gave up… this may sound like an exaggeration (but it’s not).. within one week I felt so much better and walked faster and longer on threadmill without feeling like a big balloon and since my confidence has grown and now I have done 50 minutes on the treadmill walking, fast walking and light jogging (and yes I was wrecked after it) but the point being I DID IT..!!! Definitely the biggest WOW moment for me. If you eat right and follow the New You plan you will have more energy and confidence to do the things you couldn’t. Simples <3 <3 xxx 🙂
My wow moment is a bit different but to me it is a wow. After the emotional posts on Monday I had a bit of a blip but not too bad. Normally, on other diets that would have been the green light for me to give up and go back to my old ways. This time though I woke up yesterday, gave myself a shake and a good talking to and am back to 100%. I weighed myself and am 4lbs down, so I have went from 12st 6 to 11st 9 in 2 weeks. It may not be a huge wow for others but getting right on track 100% is a definite wow for me and it feels great to see my tummy which is my biggest problem area getting flatter. I WILL get in a bikini for my summer holiday. Thanks for all on SS as you are my crutch xx
My wow moments this week have been:
How good I feel about myself
My skin is glowing
The motivation I feel!
I feel so positive knowing that I am actively participating in all the challenges and on the road to loose my goal of 21lbs!
I’m back out exercising again! Walked 7km last night with Mia (baby) in tow. Felt so good afters and while I was doing it. Made me wonder why I hadn’t been doing it all along!
I LOVE READING THESE!!! So happy for everyone’s little victories, and love being part of all of this through the challenge 😀
My wow moment this week was funny:
I went to bed pretty tired after a MENTAL week at work, and could’t sleep because something was uncomfortable on my side in bed. I jumped out of bed and started searching the mattress as I was convinced there was something in it / under it.. to no avail.
Got back in and realised it was happening over the whole mattress…!
Turns out it was my hip bone.
Never laughed so hard or manically at 3am to myself as I did that night 😉
my week was going a bit boring and kind of feeling like stuck in a rut? have,nt been doing the challenges! but to perk my self up went through my wardrobe and wow 2 of my blouses that had not fitted in years were a little loose on me 🙂