Customer Noah’s Mouthwatering Ice-Lollies Recipe

Customer Noah has been cooking up a storm in the kitchen and this recipe is sure to go down an absolute treat! Check out his mouthwatering ice-lollies creations and create your own at home.
No, your eyes don’t deceive you! Yes, these are ice-lollies created using New You Plan products, meaning you can easily enjoy the warmer months without sabotaging your diet.
They’re the ultimate, guilt-free, TFR summer treat.
We know our customers will be keen to try these out for themselves, so Noah has very kindly sent us his recipe. Below, you’ll see the basic instructions and we’ve also added some combinations that are definitely worth trying. Or, of course, you can absolutely come up with your own. And if you do, make sure you tag us in your photos.
Mouthwatering Ice-Lollies Recipe
First up, you’ll need some ice-lolly moulds and sticks. Silicone moulds like these ones on Amazon work best.
If you are doing New You Plan SWITCH or following Slim & Save’s Lifestyle Plan, you can use 50g yoghurt and 75g of almond milk, mixed with the powder from the Shake of your Choice.
Or, for Total Food Replacement, mix the dry shake pack with a pinch of powdered gelatine and then add 125ml water.
The gelatine is optional but it helps stop large ice crystals forming for a smoother ice cream*

Fancy staying cool during the summer? Here’s some ideas to help you create your own…
🍰 Caramel Cake pack with Fudge Bar pieces
🍥 White Chocolate & Raspberry Shake with half a Raspberry Wafer
🍫 Chocolate Brownie & Truffa Bar
🍎 Blueberry & Apple shake with Apple + Cinnamon Biscuit
🍊 Choc Orange Shake with Orange Truffa Bar pieces
🥤 Vanilla Shake with half a Protein Balls pack
🍓 Strawberry Shake with half a Protein Balls pack
We can’t wait to see what you come up with…