![[PHOTOS] Check out the 6 Week Summer Transformation Photos* [PHOTOS] Check out the 6 Week Summer Transformation Photos*](https://blog.thenewyouplan.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/06/Clo-Final.jpg)
[PHOTOS] Check out the 6 Week Summer Transformation Photos*
What difference could 6 Weeks make on The New You Plan? Check out the photos of our customer transformations below!
*Results may vary. This is not a guarantee
Hey Everyone, I hope you all had a lovely weekend. Can you believe that it is almost the end of June? Summer is most defiantly here! Pity the weather wouldn’t agree with us on that one!! I hope you have all submitted your entries in for our new Challenge, it is called the 21 Day Summer Blast off Challenge. Click here to sign up now!!!
The Summer Holiday Transformation Challenge was a HUGE success, we have been truly AMAZED by some of the transformations. The inspiration, dedication and the real drive in taking part meant a lot to us all at New You and you have all done so well. We have spent hours looking at your photos, reading your tips and comments and getting to know you all that bit more. There is such a SPECIAL VIBE within all of you in TEAM NEW YOU and I really am happy to have such a GREAT job and to share it with you.
Julie-Ann is in the process of picking her £1000 makeover prize, this prize is truly amazing and I bet its a very tough decision to make. The winner however will be picked early this week so GOOD Luck to you all.
The Summer Holiday Transformation Challenge was a great Success. So we thought why not share some of these inspiring successes with you all. 6 weeks isn’t that long but within The New You Plan so much can happen in this time. You could lose a couple of dress sizes, exercise could be getting a lot easier, you may be able to shop in the shops you were too big to shop in before, your confidence could have grew. So much can happen and I have watched this first hand, the changes have been AMAZING and the girls below deserve so much credit for their achievements. These girls our definitely what we love most about our Team New You, they are the members who have participated with us day in and day out. I hope they are as proud of themselves as much as we are of them. Such a beautiful bunch of girls and they have so much energy, commitment and drive to keep going! I hope all you guys sitting on the fence see how AMAZINGLY WELL these girls have done and you to can realise that you deserve to make yourself HAPPY and PROUD that you can achieve what you want…
COME ON TEAM NEW YOU…. lets do this for YOU!!!!!
Huge well done to these girls… Julz, Lisa, Ellie and all of the guys in the HQ are so proud and honored that you are with us in Team New You!
Here is some of the snaps of the 6 weeks differences and what these wonderful ladies had to say. Thank you all for letting us share your successes xxxx
Kate Hackett
Delighted to have achieved above & beyond on my Summer Holiday Challenge, not only did I lose 24lbs but I dropped a dress size too. Thanks New You for making the “New Me”.
Caitrin Ryan-Cooke
The last six weeks have gone sooo fast, doing the daily challenges have made the time pass so quickly, and more importantly they have kept me focused and motivated…. I have enjoyed reading every bodies stories, and I’ve learnt how we have so much in common but my favourite I loved all the positive comments… Everybody helped by staying positive x
Hannah Parry
The last 6 weeks doing the summer challenge has been fantastic. When I started the challenge I couldn’t image how much my body could change in just 6 weeks! The daily challenges set out by Julz and her team were a great help. They kept me focused and taught me ways to keep on track once I come to the end of my journey. Seeing my before and after picture really made me see how far I have come during the challenge. My body has changed dramatically and I am now at my lightest and able to get into clothes that I didn’t think I would ever be able to. I am ready to smash through my goal!
Karen Greville
The last 6 weeks have been super motivational within the challenge and the results speak for themselves!!!
Melissa Gordan
The Summer Transformation Challenge was a fantastic idea, and really helped me keep my goal in mind when tempted to cheat. The fact that I had to take a photo at the start and the end was incredibly motivational, but being able to get the support and lovely comments from the SSers & New You team was the cherry on the ummm… Strawberry Wafer
Watching the fun videos and completing the tasks daily was a brilliant way to stay in the zone psychologically, and it was exciting to have the chance to win a prize each week too: this really kept me on track!
I just want to say a MASSIVE Thank You to all involved with the challenge, and to the very sexy Secret Slimmers: couldn’t have done it without you!!
Clo Aylward Nee Webb
When I started New You 6 weeks ago, I really didn’t think that in a few short weeks I could change so much! I sent in my “I’m In” photograph, and decided to give it my all, I decided that for the 6 weeks I would commit fully to the programme and give it my all. I was pleasantly surprised by how nice the products taste, and how filling they were! Having a soft spot for the orange water flavouring with hot water and peanut crunch bars!!! However, I would by lying if I said it was easy, but it is most definitely worth it!! There were times when I was delighted and other times I felt like I would “blip” each time that came I reminded myself of 2 things….. where I was coming from and where I wanted to go! As the weeks went by and the lbs fell off, that was motivation enough for me to keep going! The support from the whole New You Team, and the wonderful Secret Slimmers Facebook group, not the mention the summer challenge itself, really helped on my summer transformation!! Sending in my “I did it” photo, I feel like a new person, I’m 32lbs lighter, healthier & more confident! I have far more energy for running after the kids and have gone from a tight size 16 to a comfortable size 12 in just 6 weeks! Thank you New You, I’m really enjoying the New Me! x
Lara Lawson
When the Summer Challenge started I was very excited about it and a bit apprehensive as I was a bit scared of not being able to complete it or being able to lose the weight. I picked my goal dress in size 14 and at that moment I was size 16 and thought could I really do it and drop a size in 6 weeks? The worry soon disappeared as I started to lose the weight, my clothes were getting loser and I was feeling fantastic. I have completed the challenge and fitted into my size 14 dress. It was the best challenge yet and if I could do it so can anyone. xxx
These girls have made EXTRAORDINARY changes within 6 weeks, they have shown some great dedication and determination to make the 6 weeks count and I think you would all agree to say they have succeeded. 6 weeks can change your life forever the difference you can make in that time is UNBELIEVABLE!
Whoop go us!!! So proud of what we all achieeved in just 6 weeks ♥