Andrea’s Interview: A Jaw-Dropping 108lb Weight Loss!*
*Results may vary. This is not a guarantee.
When and why Andrea started her weight loss journey:
I started on January 28th 2014 with a starting weight of18st 6.6lb and a BMI of 41.7.I was sick of feeling unhappy with my body, I avoided getting photographs taken (looking back there are very few photographs of me and my little boy from his birth up until a couple of months ago, nothing fitted and I was generally miserable. We also knew that we didn’t want a massive gap between our son and another baby and there was no way that I was going to try for a baby at such an unhealthy weight as it wouldn’t be fair to the baby. I knew I had to start and commit to it otherwise our little boy would never have a brother or sister!

The results Andrea achieved:
18st 6.6lb and I am currently 10st 10.6lb with a BMI of 24.3 having lost 7st 10lb. At a rough guess I was probably a size 22 but squeezing into 18’s! I’m a size 10/12 down bottom now and a size 8/10 up top.
The reasons why Andrea wanted this so much:
I wanted to be happy with my body, have more confidence, enjoy clothes shopping and not avoid photographs! Most of all i wanted to get to a normal BMI so that we could start trying for baby no 2.
I love getting photographs taken with my hubby and little boy and don’t wince with embarrassment when looking back through them. I could order clothes online in a size 10/12 and know they would fit: in fact some of the items were too big and had to be exchanged for smaller which is a first! I’m so much happier and confident in myself and having gotten to a normal BMI I am pleased to say that we are already 4 weeks pregnant! 🙂

Andrea’s experience of the New You Team:
Ordering the packs has always been easy and hassle free, I’ve never had any problems with my deliveries. The forum was really good to be able to ask questions, previously I have done Lighterlife where you had to attend a session once a week for an hour which was a real pain but being able to order online and ask questions at any time via SS’s was a real bonus in the first couple of weeks!
Andrea’s words of wisdom to those starting out:
Stick to it. A couple of months after my little boy was born I tried another online TFR and started and stopped that many times I ended up putting on more weight. Looking back if i had just stuck with it then i would have been happier and healthier earlier. Life isn’t about the enjoyment we get from food, life is about getting out there and enjoying being happy and healthy: and not avoiding the camera!!
Saving my milk allowance and bar until the evening helped as it gave me something to look forward to of an evening. Also the wafers and can of coke zero of a weekend felt like a reward for being good all week, and were my naughty days! Also i used an app called monitor my weight so i could keep track of my weight loss and BMI.
Andrea’s daily menu:
Of a week while in work I’d have a shake at break time – 10.40, a shake at dinner – 12.45 and then once the baby was in bed I’d have a hot meal about 7.45 and a bar about 8.45 with a cuppa.
Of a weekend I might replace a shake with a hot meal or a bar if we were out all day.
Andrea’s favourite products:
Chocolate and Vanilla wafers
All choc bars
All water flavours – the broth is really nice added to hot meals
All hot meals bar the pasta broccoli.
Undecided? This is Andrea’s advice…
Do it now and just do it, don’t put off a happier and healthier you just for the 5 minute satisfaction we get when eating something that is bad for us.
Wooh! Andrea, U look like a different person, What determination and motivation, U have just given me a (kick in the back-side) so to speak, I only have a stone and a half to lose, so I CAN DO IT,if u can do all of that, CONGRATULATIONS!
Andrea, it IS jaw-dropping success!!!!! I am so very happy for you, congratulations!! xxx
Andrea. That is an amazing weight loss. Congratulation. You look fantastic
well done andrea you look amazing like a different person just shows what can be achieved with determination well done i wish you all the success in the future xx
Congrats what an achievement and on the baby to a happy healthy mum
What a great story and you look fantastic!!! well done for sticking with it! It also proves to me that you must just stick with it and keep going. I took a break and ended up putting it back on through bad habits and illness, but this time I think I shall do what you did and just stick with it till the end! it is great to read about your success, thanks for sharing!
Wow, what a fantastic achievement Andrea, huge congratulations to you. You are a real inspiration. Just reading your story I can feel the happiness. What a wonderful reward too of getting pregnant with your second child, just lively. So so happy for you. Wishing you a happy and healthy pregnancy.
Enjoy being a yummy mummy!! Xxx
Amazing achievement, you look like a different person.
Hope baby no 2 comes along soon :)))
You look amazing and your story actually makes me feel like I can get back to a healthy weight after having 3 children. Im only on day one but feeling positive 🙂