Back to school, back to your routine, back to you! Starting a VLCD/TFR Diet!
Back to school, back to your routine,
back to you!
Its that time of year again! The Summer is coming to an end, kids are back to school and you are back to your routine! Routine is so important when you are dieting too! The New You Plan takes the thinking out of dieting. All you need to do is choose which 4 TFR meals you are going to have each day! Easy Peasy.
The important thing is to plan out your day in advance so there isn’t a huge gap between meals and so your meals fall nicely into your daily routine. Here is an example of my daily routine –
8am – coffee
9am – start water
10am – Oatmeal
12am – Have 1 litre of water done throughout morning
2pm – shake
3pm – have 2nd litre of water done in the last 3 hours
4pm – coffee
6pm – Hot meal and have 3rd litre of water done in last 3 hours
8pm – Cup of tea & NewYou bar
9pm – Have 4th litre of water done
So that’s how my day goes! As you can see everything is spaced out really well so I don’t have big gaps between meals. Filling up on water really helps too!
I find it easier to wait until I have the school run done before I have my breakfast. Do what works for you and your routine!
I find it much easier to focus on myself when the kids are back to school! Make sure you make time for yourself. Set aside half an hour each day for some “you time” Whether you go for a walk, do a workout DVD, have a hot bath, go for a swim…ANYTHING just to take some time out to do something just for you!
Your NewYou journey is an exciting one! September is a great time of year for people to get committed and focused on their diet as Christmas is fast approaching. Just think what you can achieve between now and then?????
Think sexy fitted dresses
Think glitz and glam for your office party
Think of skinny jeans and knee high boots that zip up!!!!!
Think how you WILL look and feel when you get to your goal!!
It’s the best feeling in the world and its within YOUR reach!
Back to school, back to your routine, back to YOU!
With The New You Plan you will get to the weight you have dreamed of!
Get excited! Your NewYou is around the corner!!
Love Lisa xxx
Brilliant video and blog as usual guys, they never fail to cheer me up! 🙂 xx
I will shortly be going back to my routine after a little planned break, but I tend to leave all of my products a little later as I am not really a morning food person 😉
– So I would have about 2 or three black coffees in work at my desk with 1 litre of water before 1pm
– I would keep sipping the 2nd litre of water until around 3pm, then have a shake
– at 6pm I would usually eat half of my bar with another coffee in the office
– around 8/9pm have a soup and sip 3rd litre of water until I get home
– finish the day at around 11pm with my DELICIOUS curry noodles, a cup of rooibos and the rest of my bar 🙂
Can’t wait to get back to it next week – save me some Hazelnut shakes please? 😉 xxxx