New You Plan Blog

Words of Wisdom Wednesday: relate the quote of the day to your TFR journey
Words of Wisdom Wednesday:

Today we want you to tell us how this quote relates to your TFR journey. For anyone who has successfully lost weight this is something you could write a book on so please feel free to share your experience and wisdom here for those who are only just starting their journey. Knowing what to expect smooths the road for next person traveling it. Plus you may win a weeks worth of products. Good luck I can’t wait to read your posts.
Prize Draw: watch the video to see if you won the TFR bundle!!
Don’t Forget the Leaderboard update tomorrow night!
Who’s ready to get their butt in gear to smash those lbs in September?? Register now for our September weight- loss challenge and make it your mission to end the month slimmer & healthier!! <<<Click Here>>> to register.
- Research shows that those who publicly commit to a goal are more likely to succeed.
- Research shows that those who get motivating weight loss results are more likely to get to their goal. VLCD (very low calorie diets) help you to get very motivating results that keep you excited and motivated about your transformation. We have over 30 delicious meal packs for you to choose from. When you use our products as a total food replacement plan you will not feel hungry and you should drop about 1 jean size a month.
- Research shows being part of a supportive community with a common goal, massively increases chances of success!
Thanks for reading and I will see you on Friday
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in a weak moment occupy yourself have a pamper bath, or face pack or manicure and pedicure,,,slimmer and beautifully groomed and yes men can “tidy up” too,, BUT DO NOT THINK ABOUT FOOD!!!!
So true Jill making you feel good about yourself is the best way to keep powering on!! Thank you so much for the support and I hope you have a kick ass week 🙂
even though it was not quote related lol sorry lol
Well … this quote doesn’t speak to me at all … it SHOUTS to me in the loudest voice ever!!! I have been on and off this diet so many times since I originally started in January (OMG, January … where did the time go)?!! What this tells me is that it’s OK for me to keep having ‘day 1’ over and over because it means I’m NOT giving up, if I have to fight this battle 1000 times then I will because I know that if I persevere then that big CLICK will happen and I’ll be on my way again .. skinny jeans here I come 🙂 xxx
I know you are going to get there Yvonne 🙂 You are determined and that is all that matters, so long as you are still moving then you are moving forward and you are getting closer than you were before and once you get there you are going to be able to look back and see just how much you have achieved. There will be no turning back. There is a blog coming up next week Monday that I think will have a huge impact on your success.
Thanks Grant, I was avoiding SS because I was ashamed but that was flawed thinking … it’s all about support so I’m getting involved again and loving all the positivity 🙂 I’ll look out for Monday’s blog.
Awesome Yvonne and it is good to have you back on track and with us. Good luck 🙂
If at first u dont succeed..try again:)
This plan is difficult.. We all have our bad days and good…
If we fail we must get back up and keep going:)
There will be many bumps on the road that will try to slow us down.. But its up to us to keep going…
If you can keep these thoughts in your mind Martina then you are going to succeed. This plan sometime has to be taken a day at a time, sometimes a an hour at a time and sometime you need to just take a minute and reflect on it all.
Your goals, what you are doing, why you are doing it – really take the time to imagine what it will be like to reach your goal and appreciate the achievement.
I was watching a programme on soldiers making it through selection and one of the recruits was reflecting on their final test which was a massive trek. They said at the point when it hurt most they starting marching in their head saying ‘left, right, left right’. Now your whole journey will not be like this but in heat of battle, focusing on forging ahead will help.
Focus on making it to your next meal replacement this is only a small part of something so much bigger! Good luck and thanks for the support!
I originally started in May and had a great two weeks and lost nearly a stone. Then went on a weekend break and took all products with me. The people I was on holiday with looked at me as if I was crazy because I didn’t want to eat or drink so I caved, thinking I could easy get back on track. I couldn’t for 2 weeks. Then went back on plan for a week and then the soccer started and I got caught up in that and went totally of plan. Then back on plan for a week until hubby said “wait till kids back to school”. I foolishly did. Kids started school and I stood on the scales and was back to my starting weight in May. So annoyed that I let myself get side-tracked by outside influences. My biggest battle is saying no to what other people want me to do. I keep saying NO THANKS now and they are starting to listen!!
Thank you so much for the support Rachel and you highlighted such an important issue, don’t ever give up on a winning streak. Take every chance you can to reinforce what you are doing right. Be dedicated to what matters to you! You are doing this for YOU and sometimes you need to do something for yourself in order to be your best for others. I have seen so many people transform not only their weight but their whole lives on this plan and all the changes were positive.
It is so good to hear that you are back on track now and on route to getting to your goals and you are right people will listen if you talk loud enough for long enough. Please keep us posted and good luck!
i thought i had my battle won losing about 6 stone but an accident threw me for a loop so now im battling back to get the last bit of weight off so never give up ss no matter how many times you fall off get back on its worth it when i feel overwhelmed i look back at photos and see how far i have come and it spurs me on to get to the end xx
Almost everything in our world is a little out of kilter, has its dissatisfying side. The more we can tolerate this and work with what works, the easier our experience becomes. For most of us, this requires a mindful attitude.
I started my journey with new you in May and to date I have lost 2 stone and 3 pds . I have had holidays and refeed gaining but when I get back on plan I lost it all again . This plan works , life is not so set in stone we will have our great days and bad days as long as you pick yourself up and never give up . This plan works stick at it x x
You may have to fight a battle more than once to win it, but you won’t win if you are not armed well. I am an experienced dieter, started with low calorie 1200 eat everything diet, through to low fat diet, thousands miles walked, with low fat and carbs diet things improved a little, lipotrim showed better results, but was incredible boring with their limited choices. Well, 15 years later I was still there – overweight and disgusted with myself. Now on the New You Plan I believe I found my perfect arm: weight is flying off so rapidly and effortlessly, it’s like seeing the light through finally and I have very strong ground to believe that I will become slim myself again! Whoever invented the New
You Plan is pure genius and I am forever grateful. xxx
New You has made my journey easy….. I am no longer at war with food ! I love having the control that new you brings…. I have fallen off the wagon many times on my journey to date , but have jumped straight back on and not looked backwards at all ! A new mindset fir me ! Previously I would have given up once I had “failed”, but this is not an exam, it’s a change for life for me, and I can only say that I tell myself this every day, because I feel so much better ! 5 1/2 stones gone forever, and the last couple of stones IM COMING FOR YAH !!!!
This quote tells me that it’s ok to realise it’s a journey, and it may be made up of many stops. I too have lost weight, then regained, and even though since May I have been losing, it hasn’t come off as smoothly as I’d hoped. Therefore I’m refocussing and starting on New You to fight this battle and win it! 🙂
To me your quote means that even though I am only just over a stone over my goal weight, you can never go back to your old ways of eating rubbish food. I now have respect for my body and eat healthily. I occasionally may have a treat but that is only occasionally and I constantly monitor my weight now. I will not allow myself to slip back in to my old ways and continue eating a mixture of reefed and the NY plan meals. It is working for me and I am still losing weight but at a lower rate.
I did write on Wednesday, but it hasn’t shown up. Hope I’m ok to submit again.
Keep trying , don’t let the weak times pull you down.when it goes wrong, be strong and accept what’s done is done and get back on the plan asap.we all have weaknesses, it’s human nature..