What does a New You Plan mean to you?
What does a new you plan mean to you? Your New You Plan will be unique to you.
In essence it means being the person you want to be and being the best you can be.
- Some people want to be the “old me” – and want to get back to the way they used to be.
- Some people want to be the “real me” – the person that they know they are deep down inside.
- Some people want to be the “new me” – and transform themselves inside & out to be better than before.
Really we all want to pick the best of all 3. There will be parts of the “old you” that you want to reignite again, there will be part of the “real you” that you have hidden away and now you want to have the confidence and shine, and there will be inspiration and determination to create a “new you” and a brighter future.
Get clear on what YOUR NEW YOU PLAN means to you. Get clear on WHO the REAL YOU is;-
- Who do you really want be?
- What lifestyle do you want to have?
- What habits do you want to have?
- What mindset do you want to have?
- How confident do you want to be?
- How socialable do you want to be?
- How fashionable do you want to be?
- How ambitious do you want to be?
- How fit and healthy do you want to be?
- Who do you want to spend your time with?
- Who do you want to learn from?
- What hobbies and interests do you want to have?
- What do you want your legacy to be?
- What do you want to spend your days doing?
Creating a new you takes inner and outter work. The new you plan offers our nutritionally complete meal replacements (VLCD / TFR) to help you lose weight fast and achieve the healthy weight and look that you want. We also want you to believe in yourself and change the way you think, and change your habits to support your new healthy slim body. Get clear on what your personal new you plan is for you. Get clear on what you need to change and work on and get started and make it happen. Day at a time you can achieve anything. Focusing on losing weight, helps you to see real change fast, it impacts so many other areas of your life and gives you the kick start to creating your new you in every area of your life.
This is a beautiful exercise that really helps me on my personal new you journey.
Imagine that you are in a room, and in walks the “old you”. This old you could be from 5 years ago. You hug the old you, and let them know how great things have worked out, and how all the problems and challenges they faced all turned out for the best. You reassure the old you that everything is going to be OK and you give the old you advice on how to move forward.
Then you see a figure walking towards you, and this is you in 5 years time, it is your new you. You see yourself as you want to see yourself in 5 years time. Your “new you” warmly hugs you, and then goes on to tell you how all your problems and challenges that you are facing today are going to fade away and you are going to be OK, and how great everything is going to turn out. Your new you gives you advice on what to do to make your dreams come true.
The the old you, your now you, and your new you – HUG 🙂
This is a lovely exercise to do, try it tonight before you go to sleep.
I love this exercise because it helps me on so many levels….
[quote]It makes me feel grateful for the progress I have made and makes me feel proud, happy and content. Feeling gratitude for where you are today is the best way to move forward. It also makes me look at the old me with compassion and love, and makes me feel proud for who I am today and how far I have come. It also prompts me to visualise my new you, what I am working towards, who do I want to be, and it gives me the confidence that I can achieve my dreams, and be the best person I can be, and that everything is going to work out for the best and I am going to be OK.[/quote]
I hope you do this exercise tonight, make sure you let me know how you get on with it.
Julz xxx
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Love love love this….… can’t wait to visualize before bed!!!
Thanks Julz
Oh I love doing this before I go to sleep Kate, hope you like it 🙂 xx
I just did this – very emotional, but what a brilliant exercise!
Recently I have really felt the need to change massive things in my life, and it is almost like I can see my new life wrapped up in a big bow in front of me, but to get what I want requires change, and risk.
How do you get the courage to strive to get what you want and deserve, but with the possibility of losing what you have now? I’m scared…
Hey, I am glad you did this! It is a lovely mediation, and always makes me feel good, I always have a good sleep after I do this 🙂
When you feel scared it is hard to know what it means. I have been confused in the past, is this feeling of fear, me having to step outside my comfort zone and into my expansion zone, or is it my intuition telling me that this is not right for me at this time? I have got it wrong in the past.
When you feel scared, see if you can determine what that fear is. If you sit up and feel open when you feel the fear, then this is probably a good sign that it is GOOD FEAR. If you kind of feel your body closing up and feeling like going into the fetal position, this is probably a clue that your fear is real and you should not move forward!
You are talking like the future is a present that you are ready to open, and that suggests to me that your fear is your good, it is something you want to “open” up, not shy away from. It is your fear and only you really know how it feels.
Also remember that you can’t move forward while looking back. Sometimes you have to let go of the old, so that the new can come in. It is the Law of Vacuum. You need to create a space so that it be filled. If you hold on to the old, for fear that it will not be replaced, then you are not giving the new opportunity to come in.
I hope that you make the right decision for you Melissa <3
Big Love
Julz xoxo
Thanks Julz. I have tried so many times to unwrap the bow and open the box that I know is filled with such joyful things…. And often I have tripped over my own emotional baggage, but thanks to you and the team I keep getting back up. Every step forward is a step towards unwrapping my new brilliant future!
Jay this is amazing 🙂 I am SO glad you are feeling this way, life can be an exciting adventure when you look at life this way. #keepgoing #youarekilling it
Julz xox
Apologies for taking so long to respond, I just really wanted to mull everything over and try the exercise a few times more.
What really struck me is how enlightened and wise you are Julz, it is very scary going through a big period of change and even more to analyse whether the change needed is right for me – however I think this is the right time for me to embrace it.
I know it will take a few tough months, but anything that is worth it is hard, and I know I can do it: especially with the amazing people in my life 🙂
I had a dream last night that I was going up a large treacherous staircase to perform in a dance performance where I was the expert… But halfway through I forgot the steps.
I had a look in the dream dictionary out of curiosity (I don’t usually go in for this sort of thing, but the dream was so intensely vivid) and what I read – whether true or nonsense – struck a chord.
It’s time to go and accomplish the goals that I know that I can, even though I feel like I’ve forgotten how to live, strive or love.
Now just to do it 😉 xxxx
<3 big love to you xoxo
Sounds like you are on the right track for you xxx