Week 9 Weigh In – Down 3 pounds – That’s 2 stone 7 pounds total!! *

The sun is shining and Im delighted to announce that I lost 3 pounds this week! Yay!! Go me! 🙂
*Results may vary, this is not a guarantee.
That brings me to a grand total loss of 2 stone 7 pounds in 9 weeks. I am very happy with that, especially as I had a few weeks when my weight losses where quite low (between 1 and 2 pounds). It just goes to prove that you can’t get hung up on low weight loss results, so many people give up when they don’t get the result they wanted to get, especially if you have stuck to it 100%, it can be disheartening, but when you stick with it, it is so worth it.
[quote style=”boxed”]People give up because they tend to look at how far they have to go, rather than how far they have come already.[/quote]
My weight now is 13 stone 3, and I would LOVE next week to get into the 12 stone bracket. So fingers crossed I lose 4 pounds this week so I can achieve this!! 🙂 I am sure you will agree that nothing quite beats the feeling of getting into the next stone bracket, same as getting into the next clothes size!! All these little milestone are exciting, and help to keep me focused on the journey.
Being successful on a TFR diet, is more about CONSISTENCY than BIG WEIGH IN RESULTS. Obviously it is IDEAL to have BOTH – consistent big weigh in results. But being consistent is more important, because as long as you stay on track YOU WILL GET TO WHERE YOU WANT TO BE. So what if it takes you a few more weeks? If you are planning to stay slim, then how long the journey takes does not really matter.
I am so happy to be 2 stone 7 pounds down now, other people who started the same time as me have lost 3 stones, and one girl who is on her 4th weigh in today has announced she has lost 31 pounds! There are also a lot of people who started the same time as me, who are back to where they started.
One thing I have learned in weight loss and in life in general that comparing yourself to other people is a road to no town. Really there is no point! The only person you should compare yourself to is yourself. As long as you are improving, then you should be happy. 🙂
I LOVE to read other people’s success stories, look at the photos of amazing transformations, and see the weigh in results every day in New You Secret Slimmers, the reason I LOVE this is because IT INSPIRES ME! So if you see someone who loses 12 pounds in one week, let it inspire you, but if you don’t achieve the same result, don’t feel like a failure or feel like it is not working for you, just because you only lost 6 pounds. At the end of the day, you are 6 pounds lighter than you were last week, and that is amazing!!
I just loved reading all the posts in Secret Slimmers, so much so that it inspired me to write this blog post – I LOVE MONDAYS. 🙂
If you are seating on the fence about whether to join new you or not, I really hope you will!! I will be on TFR myself until June, and there are many people from across the UK & Ireland in Secret Slimmers – so there really is no better time to join us!!