Week 29: “I’ve Lost 6 Stone In ONLY 6 Months!”
29 weeks into her New You Plan journey, customer Hele reveals that she has lost an amazing 6 stone in only 6 months!* That’s an average of a stone a month! Here, she shares how she’s feeling this week and her top tips to help you succeed with your own diet.
I was struggling a bit with hunger over the week but I kept on going. I had a lot of water and I also decided to start taking multivitamin.
Once again there were many things in my personal life that I had to face, which is usually when I would comfort eat. There were couple of days when I had an extra pack but I always think it is better to have an extra pack than to turn to your fridge and eat whatever you see there.
My meal plans were a bit different than last week. I didn’t have a proper routine and I couldn’t wait to have my breakfast until early afternoon. But I also had to face the consequences – I was hungrier in the evening.
So my mission for the new week is to try to get into my routine again, have a system and organised approach to my meals. I need order and a systematic approach, otherwise it will fall apart.
I am not far from my goal anymore with just around 1 stone to go. But I also feel that it is all getting a bit harder now. Not loss wise but my own will. There is always more than one reason for things to happen. And also one of the reasons is that my weight is not as big anymore, so loosing the last bit will take more time. Also it is now autumn, which has usually been the time when I have gained weight. Maybe I am in the same rhythm with nature and my body is trying to get ready for the winter.
I will keep on going though and see how it goes. I’m considering doing the 3+1 plan as I approach the end of my journey by having 3 packs and one healthy, low carb meal a day.
It is important to listen to your body and I think I will need to take it slow and easy and be friends with my body. I need to listen to it and try to understand what it tells me.
Once again – 6 stone in 6 months!! I try to repeat that to myself because it is just unbelievable. If someone told 6 months ago that in half a year I would be 6 stone lighter, I would have laughed. But it is doable – it really is!
We need to be stubborn and keep on going – not looking back, not looking too far ahead. Being here and now and making today count. That’s what it takes to make it work!
*Weight loss results may vary. This is not a guarantee.
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