
Tuesday Tips – Protect your Ketones!!
One of the biggest reasons people fail on their diet is because they feel “freakin hungry!”
Does this picture relate to you? lol
One of the biggest reasons our customers have so much success is that New You Plan diet meal replacements have been specially created to make you lose your hunger pangs and appetite! This is because our products have been created to put your body into a natural safe fat burning state called KETOSIS.
It can take 3-5 days to get into ketosis, but once you get there, everything becomes much easier and being “Freakin Hungry” becomes a thing of the past! Your energy levels also dramatically increase, this is because your body switches its main fuel source from food to your fat. So as long as you are overweight your body will be burning fat and have plenty of energy, hence you won’t feel hungry and you will feel more energetic than you have done previously!
It is SO IMPORTANT that when you are following The New You Plan Total Food Replacement that you stick to the products only, as they ensure that you get the right nutritional balance to keep your body healthy while losing fat rapidly without hunger. You need to take 4 packs per day.
Some people find that they lose hunger so much they forget to take a pack, but you must make sure that you take all your packs, even if you are not hungry at all, to ensure that your body gets all the nutrients it needs to burn fat and keep you healthy!
PROTECT YOUR KETONES – They are the key to your SLIMMING SUCCESS. When you do not feel hungry you will not want to eat, you might have some emotional attachment to food but most people will find that after 21 days they learn new habits to deal with life/stress/emotions without turning to food.
Your task today is to share your tips and help someone who may be struggling today:
1) How do you feel when you are in ketosis?
2) How did you deal with the hunger?
3) If there was a person struggling on the diet today what would you tell them?
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1) How do you feel when you are in ketosis?
It feels amazing. The hunger just disappears, the day suddenly passes and you realise it’s not all been about food. Energy levels are surprising on such a small amount of food and my nails always grow fast and strong!
2) How did you deal with the hunger?
Getting in to ketosis for me is tough, hungry, headaches, feeling tired. It’s just pushing through, I always ask my family to understand and help, my husband gets me lots of drinks of water to help!
3) If there was a person struggling on the diet today what would you tell them?
Push push push! The benefits outweigh those hard first days, you’ll surprise yourself with the strength you can find.
1. On day 6 and feeling great….sleeping great and not hungry at all!! Can’t believe it!!
2. I was a terrible snacker and would graze all day, even when I wasn’t hungry I would eat. Even when eating would think about what I could eat next.
3. If you are struggling just think why you started, and why going back will only make you stay the same or worse. Try on clothes that were too tight but now fit or maybe too big and remind yourself of how far you have come! Never doubt the power of your mind!
Have a fab day!!! Xxx
1) On ketosis I fell fantastic. Plenty of energy to the point where I cant seem to wear myself out some days.
2) when I was hungry before New You, I used to eat all round me and all the wrong stuff. Now I make a coffee or have my water flavoured jellies.
3) If there was a person struggling on the diet today what would you tell them? You are doing this plan because you want to loose weight. Life is going to throw everything at us daily weather we are on plan or not. Don’t give up on your dream just because your mind is playing tricks on you. Our minds like us seem to hate change. By doing TFR you are changing for the better. The benefits of TFR isn’t just weightloss. Its improved health, improved mobility if very over weight, you self confidence will grow and you will get to the point where you feel comfortable in your own skin. When I feel hungry I have a hot drink or one of my NY water flavour jellies. Boredom can lead to over eating also so try and keep busy. Most of all remember that you are doing this for you because you are so worth it. Time will pass anyway so why no stick with NY and see the benefits of what a week can bring, a month can bring. You will be glad that you stuck with it. Remember “Those that indulge Bulge”
1) when im in ketosis I feel amazing. Full of energy and like I can take on anything.
2) I do feel hungry at times and I drink water. I always have a bottle with always drinking water. Sip sip sip. It distracts you.
3) it’s tough for the first few days but you have to keep going because it’s all worth it I the end.
1) How do you feel when you are in ketosis?
Motivated and determined
2) How did you deal with the hunger?
I don’t find myself hungry – and if I do, I distract myself with a colouring book and a cuppa!
3) If there was a person struggling on the diet today what would you tell them
Drink more water!
1) The day before ketosis, I always feel so cold that the tips of my fingers are sore. The following morning, I wake up full of energy. no more hunger pangs or rumbly tummy! 🙂
2) Before new you, I was an emotional eater. Eating from boredom or because I was stressed etc.. Since New You, if I find myself struggling (usually around 5pm!), I go for a relaxing hot bath or colour in my adult colouring book!
3)If you’re new to this diet, you’ve searched for the answer to your weight for a reason. No craving will last longer than fifteen minutes. Prepare with things to occupy yourself, some nice new bath things, nail polish, colouring books.. Anything to get past the craving. New you is the first step to a completely new you. I always tell myself, 12 weeks to a new me is no time at all.
Also, keep tapping in to the Facebook group. It’s been a wonderful help and although I’m relatively new, I feel such an attachment to some on the group already.
Most of all, good luck and enjoy this new journey ❤
Being in ketosis is so incredible, I actually have endless energy and I just feel so clean and healthy on the inside and glow on the outside.
If i ever feel hungry I drink water or make a pineapple fat burner. If these don’t solve the hunger or cravings then I have gone for a walk, rang a friend, meditate coloured in my book, give for a bath, anything at all to keep the mind busy and to prevent blipping. Its not failed me yet.
If you’re struggling please try all the tips I mentioned, stick at it for at least a week as once you’re into full ketosis you will find things so much easier as you’ll never be hungry, the energy boost is magical and you’ll want to use that energy so you’ll find you start trying exercise activities you’ve never heard of before let alone tried. Get involved on the secret slimmers page it will benefit yourself and others xx
When I’m in ketosis everything seems easier… I put this down to the fact that I’m no longer hungry and am full of energy and am at the point where I have a can do attitude as I’ve made it into ketosis.
When hunger strikes, which it always does at some point I ensure I have water of any variety to hand. Sipping helps as does keeping busy and always having something to do. At the start I ensured I always had a new you bar chopped up in a tub so if I did get to the point I felt I couldn’t get past is go have a piece and then the hunger mwas gone.
My advice to anyone on the NY plan is start positive and believe in yourself and believe that you can do this… That attitude goes a long way. After that I’d say prepare for every eventuality, chop up a bar, make up some jelly, stock the fridge with water and keep busy…. As soon as you get past K day it’s all smooth sailing but you need to believe you can get there x
It feels amazing being in ketosis, although personally i dont get the huge rush of energy but i do feel a million times better.
I havent had any major hunger pangs to be honest. If my stomach is growling its feeding time but havent felt hunger in ages. The worst for me is cravings and dealing with that is mind over matter. I find hot drinks help lots and keep sipping.
My advice to anyone struggling would be to stay strong. The diet works if we are 100%. If u need an extra pack take it but try and stay strong xxx