Thought For Thursday: ‘Always Pass on What You Have Learned’ ~ Yoda | VLCD
- VLCD Success is a team effort
The New You Plan is a family not a company
It does not matter if you are talking about our staff or our customers when you talk about support, we are all there for each other as much and as often as possible and that is what makes us who we are. Being a part of this family means that if you learn something that could help make someone else’s VLCD journey easier then we will share it. This is one of the few social structures in existence I believe where everyone is interested in the success of others in a genuine and selfless manner. Our Secret Slimmers group is powered by this deep routed ethos that has been cultivated and nurtured by Julie Ann and Lisa and then supported by Ellie and myself.
We have made weight loss a team event, where the person taking part beside you will want to see you succeed as much as them as we all know now from experience that true strength and success is built on the victories and experience of others. Every day you will find a person who has hit their goal come back to the group to make sure that those people who are starting out on the diet know that it is not only achievable but that success is closer than they think.
One of our customer’s Dawn who has a fairly inventive nature and cares so much about the other customers and our plan, has even gone to great lengths to share her meal tips on her YouTube channel which is free service she offers to others. You can see just how much effort she has put into this by viewing her channel [Here]
Tools and tips are also shared every Wednesday in our weekly Webinar hosted by Ellie where she offers a live online seminar on topics related to succeeding on our diet. When one of our Webinars has been set up you can register for the free service just by clicking [Here] to take part and see just how supportive our customers are! Please note if you are not able to register try again the following day as this only works once the next one has been set up.
Always aim to pass on what you have learned as there is no greater reward than knowing you have genuinely helped another person!!!
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Thanks for reading and have an awesome day!
Kind regards
my tips are old hat now but s,s preparation is the key to a sucessful new you journey i always set my four packs out every day now i might change my mind half way through the day but i always have four out, for the water i have 2-2 litre bottles in the kitchen every morning plus a litre in the car i have even been know to carry my new bottle up and down the stairs with me as i go about my routine thats a litre right there ,use s.s. not only is it full of tips and encouragement we have great fun too ,if you have a question even if it seems really silly ask it someone will have the answer if s.s. dont know new you team def will they are a fab team and we love them xx