Ellie’s VLCD Blog – Day 36*

*Results may vary. This is not a guarantee Ellie’s VLCD Blog – Day 36 Ellie week 5 weigh in | VLCD Welcome to my Week 5 weigh in, WOW I really cannot believe that I have been on plan for 5 weeks. The time is really flying in, as you can see from the video I had quite a small

Ellie’s VLCD Blog – Day 31*

*Results may vary. This is not a guarantee Ellie’s VLCD Blog – Day 31 Thanks for joining me, I have just took a look at all my measurements after four weeks and thought I would share them with you all. I started the plan on January the 6th so these are my measurements after  4 weeks 🙂 Remember that’s its

Ellie’s VLCD Blog – Day 29*

*Results may vary. This is not a guarantee Ellie’s VLCD Blog – Day 29 Ellie day 29 weigh in | VLCD Hey Everyone, Oh WOW the days are just FLYING in. I am absolutely BUZZING at the moment. Yayyyy 🙂 Can you believe 4 weeks have passed already?  As weird as it is writing this I am SUPER motivated and

Ellie’s VLCD Blog – Day 25*

*Results may vary. This is not a guarantee Ellie’s VLCD Blog – Day 25 Ellie Day 25 | VLCD plan Hey Everyone, Sorry for being so quiet the last few days. I have been keeping myself super busy with work, gym and socialising. At the minute my days are just packed out and I actually quite like it that way

February Love Your Body Bundles|VLCD

February Love your body Bundles The New You Plan |VLCD This month is all about learning to love your body again. There are so many things that you can do to make this happen and we have designed some extra special VLCD bundles to help you do just one – follow a proven Very Low Calorie Diet system. These bundles

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