The Real Reason Why You Will Break Your Diet

Here, we discuss self-care, self-comfort and self-indulgence so that you can determine why you break your diet. Let’s cut to the chase. No matter how determined you are at some point you are going to come off plan or break your diet. This might be a planned break but more often it will be because you are seeking comfort. Whether

4 life-changing reasons to lose weight

Here, we share 4 life-changing reasons to lose weight that you probably haven’t considered before. Losing weight is always seen as a drop in numbers on the scales or in a dress size, but have you ever considered the true impact of weight loss? What difference it will make to your life? Even a small reduction in weight can have

3 Ways To Prevent Weekend Overeating From Sabotaging Your Goals

Are you ‘good’ all week? Perhaps you have a treat at the weekend…then start back with the ‘goodness’ again on Monday? A quick Monday morning jump on the scales to check your progress…only to find that your weight loss is non existent. But you’ve been SO good… apart from Friday’s takeaway… Saturday’s brunch and a Sunday roast that is… but

4 Ways Being A Nice Person Makes You Gain Weight

We love our customers at New You HQ. They really are the nicest of people. And that’s part of the problem. Being nice can actually lead to you gaining weight! Here’s why… Research has shown one common behavioural pattern seen over and over again among people who are unable to lose weight is the People Pleaser.  A People Pleaser is

First 7 Days To A New You

If you have ever wondered what your first week on The New You Plan would be like, sit back and soak up Ciara’s frank and unedited 7-day diary. Very often our customers ask “What is the first week on plan actually like?”. While everyone will have their own unique experiences in their first 7 days of The New You Plan,

What Is Family Focus?

At The New You Plan, one of the ways customers choose to follow our diet is using our Family Focus approach. So what is it and how does it work? Here, our Customer Transformation Coach Candida shares why Family Focus might be the best option for you. At The New You Plan, there are a few different ways to follow

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