*Results may vary. This is not a guarantee
One thing I love to do at the end of each week is have a summary snapshot that means that those of you that have missed some or all of the tasks for the week still get to be a part of it all 🙂 So here we go…
On Monday we had my interview with the lovely Lorna who I got to meet in person and share a few words with, she cast a warm glow over our offices for the day and provided us with an interview that we are truly proud to share.
Tuesday was ushered in with our Team Tips, the response to this was awesome in that I asked everyone to share their tips on routine, I was delighted to see over 40 comments in the blog and everyone put their heart and soul into the comments!!
Wow Wednesday was my favorite part of the week due to the fact I got to share in all those fantastic moments that people have had on the plan so far. One that was really warming, and was something I wanted to share with you today came from Deirdre O’Keeffe – this was:
[quote]my wow moment was when my son came home from Australia in october at the airport he whispered in my ear Mum you have lost loads of weight and you look fantastic . i was so chuffed[/quote]
Thought for Thursday was my choice of quote which was “If you do not change direction, you may end up where you are heading ” Lao Tzu
For Grainne Thomas,
[quote]My new direction is changing my life style and eating habits. As a family we have promised we will climb the galtee mountains together and I refuse to be the person to hold everyone back. New me new life.[/quote]
Finally on Friday Ellie and I got to draw the name for our winner of this weeks task, which I am not going to spoil for those of you who have not watched it yet. Check out yesterdays blog to see who won 🙂 We also had Michael and Ryan come swooping in yesterday with pressies for the Christmas appeal which blew me away and has certainly kick started my Christmas cheer.
I for one am deeply humbled to be able to share in such a cause as I think this is the one time of year that everyone should get to have that sparkle of something magical, the jitters and anticipation that is the prelude to the magic that is a child’s Christmas. Check out below what will greet some of the kids this Christmas and we have you to thank:
Today’s Plan:
To really keep us pushing forward I would like to hear from you what tasks really struck a cord with you this week and why. It is great to have you involved in planing the tasks and challenges as I am always learning new ways to structure this content to best effect. I hope you have a rocking Saturday and I will see you tomorrow!
Thanks for reading, Grant 🙂
[box type=”download” size=”large” style=”rounded” border=”full”]Comment Below:[/box]
My favorite was thought for Thursday everyone changing something negative into a positive and really getting motivated great to read everyone’s thoughts and great to feel part of a team and Helping each other reach our goals x have a great weekend everyone.
Have a lovely weekend Rachael xxx
Great week! Well done to Ellie & Grant the challenge has got off to a fab start, and Ellie has lost 7 pounds woohooo!!!
My favourite part was reading all the WOW moments, I love to read the non scale victories…. so inspiring!!
Really looking forward to seeing the pile of toys growing over the next 5 weeks!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Mine was a new direction. For years I have just sat at home watching the world keep moving on. Also to scared to go out in case someone commented on what I looked like and people do that’s why I stayed at home. I read this the other day and this and NY started my new direction.
“We are products of our past, but we don’t have to be prisoners of it.”
I finally feel I can re-join the world and have a happier life and get out more. I know I have still a long way to go but I feel different in myself and starting to get my confidence back. Thank you to SS, NY and all your challenges!! xx
I really love that quote Wendy – do you know where it is from? I have really enjoyed reading all your comments!
It was by an author called called Rick Warren. Just before starting NY I was very down on the internet looking for some inspiration when I came across this quote. I thought I am a prisoner of my in my life because of what I have done in the past. So I needed to change my future and be a prisoner no more x
Loved reading all the wow moments 🙂
Me too Alison 🙂
Mine was the ‘routine’. I actually hadn’t realised that I did a routine, never mind the impact that it has had on my weight loss. it has made me focus even more on the plan – thanks NY!
Glad that worked for you Brenda 🙂 it makes a big difference!
Grant, there’s a career for you in TV presenting something , definetly 🙂 You’re a pro 🙂 my favourite part was the wow moments because they keep me motivated and give me a kick reading about other people’s moments. Also, It’s amazing to see just how different everybodys routine is. And it just shows how flexible and adaptable the diet is to suit everybody’s schedule. Xx
Bless, thank you Siobhan 🙂 glad you gained so much from this!
the wow moments are so inspiring – i read with a big grin because as we’re all experiencing the same journey although in different ways, i could almost feel the joy people must have felt when their wow moments happened. i got another leather jacket buttoned up today and i just can’t get over it. i love those moments and hearing of others’ moments too 🙂
Well Put Shirley 🙂 have a lovely weekend and I look forward to your wow Wednesday next week!
wow moments….all inspiring!!! Just reading someone else’s stories, however meaningless they think it might seem, it helps me. This s such a wonderful family to belong to and I cant imagine being on this journey without you all. I don’t want to leave when my time is up, If its ok with you all, I will stick around 🙂
Another fan of the Wow Wednesday Nicola and I hope you will stay around!
I loved reading everthing everyone wrote really help me. Thank you.
Super Amanda 🙂
Defo the WOW moments for me too! It just shows we’re all making changes and seeing the results. For most of us these results are things we never thought we’d see or achieve and we’ve proven ourselves wrong. We’ve proven what we can achieve when we are strong and put our minds to it xxx Grant and Ellie your videos have been fab this week! You are our rocks xxx <3
Thanks Sarah and you are ours! looking forward to seeing you back next week!
The Wow moments were amazing , enjoyed all the videos this week , hearing about everyone’s routines too 🙂
Wow moments were awesome Oonagh 🙂 have an awesome weekend!
It has to be all the tasks, it was such fun and it made you think about what we do and how we are changing our attuide towards food and life style.
Two thumbs up Grainne, that is what I like to hear!
I have to say it has been all the tasks. I love coming on and doing the tasks- keeps me motivated, inspired, focused and really makes me smile 🙂 Wonderful to feel part of such an amazing and friendly gtoup. Thank you xxx
Thanks Aimee 🙂 hope to see you back next week!
My favourite piece was thinking about changing direction. I found that very powerful and I feel will be integral to my success. Thank you Grant, Ellie and all at New You xx
Fantastic Anna, I would love to hear from you in the future to see how much this did stick 🙂
The WOW Wednesday task struck a chord with me. It showed me that everyone on the New You plan is in the same boat and even the smallest thing on our weight loss journeys means so much…receiving a compliment, fitting into a pair of jeans that have been tucked away in the back of the wardrobe and just feeling so proud of ourselves for what we have achieved 🙂 x
Completely agree Clare 🙂 it seems to have been a big hit with everyone!
My favourite part was reading everyone’s routines.
I read a particular girls comment and ran home to sort my box into 4 products a day, these go into zip lock bags which are dated, then I pull out a bag a day – so my meals sorted till I reach my goal!
Well done guys living all the video clips 🙂
My fav task was new direction . Basically it sums up what we all need to do in order to reach our destination i.e. goal weight. I have taken the wrong direction for way too long but now I am in top gear and ready to finally reach my goal weight. All the posts were so inspiring also.