Summary Saturday: There was no going to the dark side this week | VLCD
Summary Saturday:
There was no going to the dark side this week | VLCD

We shared Briony’s amazing interview story where she almost halved her dress sizes in just a few months. If you think there is any reason why you cant lose weight this interview will change all that. Please click [Here] to listen to the interview and please remember to leave Briony a comment.

Maximise Monday was all about the simple recipe to success that needs to be followed to get to your goals and this does not matter if you are on a diet or just trying to work towards something. I am fascinated by successful people and I always take on board what they say when it comes to achieving their goals, to find out what the simple recipe is please click [Here] share your own recipe in the comments section at the bottom of the blog!

Ellie had her week 17 weigh-in, she is so so close to hear goal weight. Ellie looks amazing and you can see just how much she has changed in the time that she has been on this plan. All of us have loved watching this transformation as it is one of our very own. Make sure you watch Ellie’s weigh-in on camera [Here] and leave Ellie a comment at the bottom of the blog.
With Ellie being off for the day, I stepped in to host this weeks webinar which is all about smashing your way into ketosis. I loved every minute of it as I was supported by so many of our amazing customers and the amazing Lisa from our Secret Slimmers page. These webinars are really a great way to get some mid week motivation and best of all they are a free service we offer our customers. In case you are reading this and kicking yourself for missing it, don’t worry there is another one next week, so make sure you don’t miss it by registering for it now [Here]

On Thursday I wrote a blog based on a Yoda quote that states, ”Always Pass on What You Have Learned” in which I outline the culture you will find when you join our New You family. Our Secret Slimmers group has a warmth to it that has been cultivated over time by Lisa that see’s every person in our Family get the care, time and dedication they need to smash their goals. Make sure you click [Here] to find out more and leave a comment of your own to serve as testament to the awesomeness of our family.
I share my last video FAQ for a while which is based on the age old question of, ‘Why is water so important?’. Water is life and in a diet water is weight loss. There are so many amazing things about this magical liquid that you need to know as it will change the way this diet works for you, make you a healthier person and even if you know how important it is but are struggling to make your daily allwance there are some facts here that are going to help keep you motivated and on track to get your 2.5 – 4 l per day. Click [Here] to watch the video, read the blog and leave me a comment.
[box type=”download” size=”large” style=”rounded” border=”full”]Please comment below which was your favorite day and why[/box]
Thank for reading and I hope you have a great weekend
Kind regards
im going for broke this week i loved them all they show all aspects of the plan and thats why im chosing them all well done grant and new you still loving melissa as darth x
Hi Pauline, I have to agree that it was an awesome week! I hope you had a rocking weekend 🙂 Thanks for all the support as always.