Summary Saturday: The Force was strong with us this week | VLCD
Summary Saturday:
The Force was strong with us this week | VLCD

I had an epic phone interview with Daniel who has lost a whopping 16 stone with The New You Plan. In this interview we cover so many things from menu plans and exercise through to tips to help you stay on track at the start of the plan, right through to your goal. Daniel was so much fun to talk to, I hope you enjoy this interview as much as I did! Click [Here] to listen to the interview and leave Daniel a comment.

Maximise Monday was my last installment of Tools, Tips and Tricks which gives you hints and advice to ace your way through the diet. In this blog I cover your weekly planner and prepare you for life after TFR, also tips on how to forge ahead into ketosis and finally a trick that is so simple to help speed up weight loss and curb hunger you will not believe it. Click [Here] to read the blog and leave a comment.

Ellie has her second weigh in since returning to TFR after her scheduled break. Another cracking result has her on track to nail her goal in no time! Make sure you catch up with her on this video [Here] and please don’t forget to leave a comment supporting her on the home stretch. Come on Ellie we know you can do it!

Ellie rocked an amazing Webinar entitled ‘A Trip Doesn’t Have to Mean a Fall’ which looked absolutely amazing on our new webinar system. This was such a fun, fast and energy packed webinar we all can’t wait for the next one. Just in case you missed it I have uploaded a full recording of you to watch [Here] and make sure you don’t miss next weeks one by clicking [Here]

I turned a quote from the lovable character Yoda, “Train yourself to let go of everything you fear to lose.” into a blog. This was all about setting yourself up to accept that a diet is of process of gaining things rather than losing them. So many people phone me each week concerned that being on a diet is going to disrupt their social life and put them under to much pressure. This is the furthest thing from the truth, click [Here] to find out why.

My FAQ for this week was all about the need to supplement on a TFR programme such as The New You Plan. I look into the reasons why this really isn’t necessary and give more information about which types of multivitamins are best if you still feel the need to take one while you are on plan. Click [Here] to watch the video and leave me a question should you have one.
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Thank for reading and I hope you have a great weekend
Kind regards