Success Story Photo Shoot Winners*
*Weight loss results may vary. This is not a guarantee.
We love celebrating the success of our New You Plan customers and so last year held a competition for the chance to win an amazing professional photo shoot, complete with hair and make-up, plus styling. The fantastic four ladies who were the winners of this amazing prize were Maria, Jasmin, Emer and Dawn, who collectively lost an astonishing 27 stone 4lbs. Wow! These ladies are the faces of our website and are regularly seen in Secret Slimmers, motivating others to smash their goals and complete their weight loss journey. These ladies are proof that with hard work, determination and the perfect diet meal plan, amazing weight loss results are achievable. So, how did they do it? We’ve put together a short profile on each lady, together with a video interview so you can get to know them a little better and pick up some tips for staying on track and getting to your target weight.
Name: Maria Murphy.
From: Dublin.
Weight lost: 3 stone.
Time spent on plan: Nearly a year on and off.
Reasons for joining New You: I joined New You on a recommendation from a friend. She had lost so much weight and was constantly telling me how easy it was. Having tried so many other diets and failed, I was drawn to The New You Plan for its simplicity and the very structured regime that I knew would keep me on track. I couldn’t believe how easy the diet was and the support I received from The New You Plan was amazing!
Reasons for getting started: I used to hate clothes shopping. I would try on clothes and they just didn’t feel comfortable. I also began to realise that I was part of a vicious cycle. I wouldn’t go out because I didn’t feel comfortable about how I looked so I would stay in and end up snacking and eating. And so the cycle continued. I’ve also never been on a sun holiday! I would think about the clothes that I would be required to wear and the thought just made me shy away from it. All of these factors added up to me finally realising that I needed to make a change.
First fist pump moment: Fitting into a size 10 dress for the first time.
Fav non-scale victory: Being able to shop with confidence in ALL shops and feel good about myself.
How The New You Plan changed your life: The best thing about a Very Low Calorie Diet (VLCD) is the quick results. As I began to lose weight quickly, safely and easily my confidence began to grow. I absolutely love shopping now. I love the fact that I can go into a shop and literally pick anything I want. My newfound confidence also means that I look forward to work nights out. The New You Plan has given me a new lease of life. When I look back at where I was and how I was feeling compared to my life now, I feel like a totally new person. I finally found my new me.
Top tips to staying focused on a VLCD:
1) Know what you want and why you want it.
2) Take pictures to help you keep a visual record of your progress.
3) Exercise.
4) Use The New You Plan Facebook Secret Slimmers support group.
5) Focus on your achievements and make promises to yourself that you intend to keep about not going back!
Check out Maria’s inspirational video below!
Name: Emer McKenna.
From: Sligo, but living in Dublin.
Weight lost: 11 stone.
Time spent on plan: I lost the weight in tranches over a few years and had two babies in between.
Reasons for joining New You: I knew I wanted to lose weight & I’d heard of Lipotrim, so I Googled it and New You popped up as an alternative! From the website, I instantly knew that it was the better option.
First fist pump moment: Being told in a pub that I “wouldn’t understand what it’s like being fat” – I laughed and laughed and laughed!
Fav non-scale victory: Finding the determination in myself to actually lose all the weight. I found strength I never knew I had.
How The New You Plan changed your life: One word: completely.
Top tips to staying focused on a VLCD:
1) This too shall end- TFR isn’t forever.
2) Try on something slightly too small when you’re feeling down or tempted and it gives the impetus to keep going.
3) Brushing teeth is great for when one is tempted.
4) Sip sip sip.
5) Have reasonable mini goals
Get more inspiration from Emer below!
Name: Dawn Pratt.
From: Redditch, Worcestershire.
Weight lost: 6 stone 4lbs.
Time spent on plan: First week loss of 10lbs and sticking to the plan 100% for two full 12 week phases.
Reasons for joining The New You Plan: A Facebook ad came up and I had a look at the website and loved the zingy bright layout and so I began researching the site – I read pretty much everything on there! I did look at other ketosis plans but kept coming back to New You. I decided to bite the bullet and buy a bundle. It arrived on Monday 13th January 2014 at around 11am. I had already eaten breakfast but (for the first time ever when it comes to diets), I decided to start that day.
First fist pump moment: Trying on party dresses and not having to go to the back of clothes racks.
How The New You Plan has changed your life: I am a lot more confident than I used to be, although my social life could do with a boost! I am a size 10/12 and have been since 21st July 2014. I actually enjoy shopping for clothes, however, I still find myself reaching for the back of the rack before realising I don’t need to do that anymore, thanks to New You. I wasn’t much of a photo person either (I still get nervous if someone else is taking it!). I now seem to have SO many on my phone I must appear vain to some! I have made several very good friends and got the opportunity to meet the gorgeous Julie-Ann, Ruth and Grant when I was invited over for the photo shoot. I also met a lot of members at The New You Plan Christmas Party and I’ve made some very good friends!
Top tips for staying in track:
1) Read everything on the website, including the success stories.
2) Watch the 7 Day Kick Start videos.
3) Drink 4 litres of water per day.
4) Keep a diary.
5) Stick photos of yourself at your largest on your fridge. As you lose weight, take after photos & add them too. They’ll remind you how far you’ve come.
Find out what other words of wisdom Dawn has to share in her video below!
Name: Jasmin Hattab.
From: Christchurch, Dorset.
Weight lost: 8 stone 7lbs.
Time on plan: Approximately 7 months.
Reason for getting started: In 2011 I was diagnosed with a blood clotting disorder and as a consequence I have to take medication for the rest of my life. I knew that being obese would contribute to the condition – that was my prime reason for wanting to lose weight and I think about that everyday.
Why I choose New You: Last year was our first holiday abroad in about 20 years. Going on holiday was a big deal for me and I was quite depressed before we went because I could only buy clothes in a size 24 and they had to be from a plus size shop. I went on holidays, came back & looked at the few photos I was in (I had avoided being in the majority of them). I looked at them and realised how big I was. I felt awful. When I went back to work one of my colleagues was drinking a shake. I knew she had tried various diets & I asked her which one it was now. She told me it was The New You Plan and that it actually worked. She had already lost a stone and a half. I made the decision there & then! I couldn’t wait to get home & order it!
First fist pump moment: Being able to buy size 12 jeans and wear them! I was previously a size 22-26.
Fav non-scale victory: Being able to wear a bikini on holidays.
How New You has changed your life: New You has changed my life in every way! I can’t believe the place I am in now compared to this time last year. I don’t want to go back to that dark place where I felt so troubled inside. My colleagues have noticed a surge in my confidence. I don’t ever want to go back to how I was before.
Watch Jasmin’s inspiring interview below & find out why she loves the plan so much!
If like Dawn, Maria, Emer & Jasmin, you want to create your very own success story, start your New You Plan journey today & change your life forever! Click here to Get Started!
Just ordered my 1st bundle, can’t wait to start my transformation.