Spring Transformation Challenge: WIN £1000
This spring, we are on a serious mission to keep our customers motivated to SMASHING their goals so that they can start summer feeling FAB-U-LOUS!

Picture this – fast forward to June 2019; You are wearing jeans a few sizes smaller and you just got £1000 cash deposited into your bank account! BOOM!
Sounds good? Well that IS going to happen to one of our customers this Spring, and why should it not be you?
Today we are are launching our SPRING TRANSFORMATION CHALLENGE for 2019 and we would LOVE you to take part!
You have 11 weeks to create your best transformation and the opportunity to win £1000 cash prize. 🙂
This could just be what you need to give yourself that extra oomph to get you head in the game this Spring.
Summer bodies are made in SPRING!
11 weeks on Total Food Replacement is LIFE CHANGING. SAY HELLO To A New You This Summer!
- Hello to getting on the aeroplane and buckling your seat belt comfortably.
- Hello to enjoying swimming with your family without a care in the world!
- Hello to lots of family photos that you can treasure for years to come.
- Hello to summer clothes that show off your body and not hide it.
- Hello to great health, vitality and adventure! No more sitting on the sidelines.
- Hello £1000 cash to spend on whatever you like! 🙂
The challenge kicks off now, and all entries should be submitted for the last day of May 2019. So you have 11 weeks!
11 weeks on plan can create a jaw dropping transformation!!
You do not have to do the full 11 weeks – maybe you only want/need to do 6 weeks, that is OK, the goal here is for you to create the best transformation you can between now and the end of May.
The winning transformation will win £1000 cash prize, we will also have 2 runner ups winning £100 New You credit, and every week we are going to be giving away spot prizes to the best challenge photos posted on social media and secret slimmers.
Spot Prizes include; Nutribullet, Jo Malone, New You Products, and more! The better your photos, the better the spot prizes! So have fun and get posting and tagging us!

Take a clear full length “before photo” holding the front of this poster that says I AM IN!
You can join the transformation challenge at any time, the sooner you join the more time you will have to create a WOW transformation that could help you to win the cash prize of £1000.
You can share your photo on your social media or in our secret slimmers group for a chance to WIN A SPOT PRIZE or if your prefer not to show it until you complete your transformation, that’s ok!
If you are sharing it on social media, make sure the post is public and you tag us so that we can see it! 🙂
Take your “after photo” using the other side of the poster that says I DID IT.
Submit your before and after photos holding the 2 posters to [email protected] before midnight 31st MAY 2019 for your chance to WIN £1000 CASH. Runners up will win £100 credit to use on our website. Terms and conditions apply. See our blog for full details.

To compliment the Spring Transformation CHALLENGE we are launching a Spring Transformation MEAL BUNDLE.
PLEASE NOTE: You do not have to buy this bundle to take part in the challenge! You can use the meals you already have, but if you need meals and you are motivated to create a WOW TRANSFORMATION this Spring, then this 6 week bundle is perfect!
6 Week Spring Transformation Bundle ONLY £199.99
Look what some of our customers have achieved* in 6 weeks on our plan. Imagine what you can achieve in 6 weeks and how great it will make you feel to finally feel relieved that you are making progress and not making excuses!
- Week 6 weight loss 3lbs = 32lbs. I’m delighted – Ann
- 6 week weigh in today!! Only gone and lost a whole 2 stone!!! Yippeeeeeeeeee!! X – Charlotte
- Week 6 loss -3lbs In total 2st 1lb Over the moon – Dawn
- Week 6 weigh in and I’ve lost exactly 21lbs (1.5 stone) in 6 weeks. Half way to my goal so here goes to another 6 weeks!!! – Nicola
- 6 100% weeks 2stone 3lbs down – Cheryl
Kick start Your SPRING TRANSFORMATION with our Brand New 6 week meal bundle!
As well as your choice of delicious TFR Meals for the next 6 weeks, we’ve added in FREE gifts worth £43.65 to really enhance your New You Plan journey. With your bundle, you’ll receive:
- Berry Blast Water Flavouring (£5.99)
- Pineapple Boosts 10 pack (£9.99)
- Mini Blender Bottle (£3.99)
- New You Tape Measure (£3.00)
- New You Pen (£1.20)
- New You Gift Gym Bag (£8.99)
- Magical Month Journal (£7.99)
- New You Plan Blueprint (£2.50)
If you give the next 6 weeks your all, you could end spring over 2 stone lighter, ready to embrace the summer months looking and feeling amazing!
You’ll need to be quick though! This bundle ends at midnight on Thursday 31st March.
How do you enter the competition
Hi Tracey, Thank you for your comment, we have emailed you all the details and you can also find the information on our amazing competition here
Please let me know if you have any questions and I will be happy to help, you can contact me on [email protected]
Best wishes
The New You Team
Please can you tell me where I can find info on refeed & the different ways of doing New You ( like what is ff?!) I have seen it all somewhere & now can’t remember where or any details. Thank you!
PS Thanks a million for a wonderful product & service. Just over 2st down & falling ( I hope)
Hi Pat,
Wow! We are so please to hear of your success on the New You Plan, a huge congratulations to you on your 2 stone weight loss!!! Your well on track to reaching your goal now.
Your return to conventional food is something you don’t need to be concerned about – you will have our full support through us here in customer services and there is a small guide that you can familiarize yourself with before then on the following link which will get you through the important first few days of refeed:
When you get to your goal or decide to stop a total food replacement plan it is important to do a correct refeed introducing certain food groups slowly to ensure that your body adjusts to the intake of conventional food and maintains your weight loss. Please contact us on support@thenewyouplan if you have any questions as we will be very happy to help.
Kind regards,
The New You Team