Share Your Story and Win a Beautiful Piece of Handmade Artisan Jewellery
Share Your Weight Loss Story and You could win a beautiful piece of Handmade Artisan Jewellery from Louise O’Dwyer
Louise is from the South East of Ireland and designs and hand makes sterling silver jewellery, you can see her full range of jewellery at her shop
One Lucky Person Will Win a Piece of Louise’s Jewellery as we want to hear your stories about why it is important to you to create a new you!
Why have you started on your journey?
What does it mean to you to start living a slim healthy lifestyle?
What are you looking forward to when you get to your goal?
What keeps you going?
Please leave a comment below to share your story about why you want to create a New You.
We will pick a winning story at the end of October and one lucky person will win a beautiful piece of jewellery.
When you leave your comment below you do not have to use your full name, you can use a nickname, your email will not be shown, but we will be able to email you and let you know if you have won.
Good Luck & I can’t wait to hear your story!!
Much Love,
Hi, I’m grainne and I’ve just begun this week. Let’s say I’ve been through a tough time, I’m 31, and over the last five years a lot of life events , mostly downs have or had changed me.. I had a beautiful little daughter in 09 and I raise her by myself- I work full time and after a massive let down when laragh was one I lost me. I really did. I love clothes and fashion but my heart had died and lets just say I lost me – I stood on the scales a few weeks ago and I couldn’t believe that my weight had creeped up a stone and a half. I struggle with confidence, something that never was an issue before. So I said – no more, I need to bring me back, found new you and sent for the pack. To be in charge again and happy and confident is all I want as well as healthy and I’m determined to get there and show the people who have commented and had been smart that I am the same girl, it just got cloudy. ;-). Thank you new you – this is my start and I’m 13.3. Can’t wait to step on my scales Sunday x