Share Your Top Tips to Get Through the Evening without BLIPPING! PLUS This weeks PRIZE DRAW WINNER ANNOUNCED

What an amazing start we are having to JUNE! Â We have had a record breaking week with new customers joining our plan! Â If you are NEW to NEW YOU then make sure you start to join in with all our tasks! Â Get involved and make this a life changing journey!
We are committed to helping 1000 people drop 2 dress sizes in 6 weeks! And we are well on our way to doing that! Â Make sure you get our SPECIAL 6 WEEK BUNDLE and save 48%
To keep you motivated we are going all out to make this month, motivating, fun, exciting, and transformational for you! Today we are giving away a FIT BIT FITNESS WRISTBAND to one lucky winner! Â Watch the video to find out if it is you! Â All you need to do to be in with a chance of winning a prize every Tuesday is to keep commenting on our blog. Â Every time you take part you have a chance of winning, so the more you get involved, the more you increase your chances of winning!
WIN AN IPAD MINI AT THE END OF JUNE! Â AT THE END OF THE MONTH WE WILL BE PUTTING THE NAMES OF THE TOP COMMENTERS INTO A SPECIAL DRAW FOR AN IPAD MINI!! So the more you comment throughout the month, the more chances you have of getting your name in that draw!!
Today we want yourTOP TIPS ON HOW TO GET THROUGH THE EVENINGS. Â The evening time seems to be a common time when people BLIP! So what do you do when you feel like blipping in the evening time? How do you make sure you wake up the next morning feeling PROUD for STAYING STRONG! Â Please share your tips and strategies to help others.
Please leave your tips in the comments below for your chance to win next Tuesday’s prize draw…. don’t forget we will be giving you a task every day!
This photo is one of our customers showing the amazing difference they have achieved with a slimmer waist.  This is our NEW YOU BMI TAPE MEASURE, with green for healthy waist size, orange for caution, and red for risk of obesity illnesses.  The best comment today will get a BMI measuring tape for free – you can also buy these for £5.99 on our website.
Leave a comment today, and everyday until our next draw, every time you comment you increase your chances of winning!
Slendertone belts are great for toning your abs! The thing is if you have a lot of fat over your abs you won’t be able to see much of a difference, however if you are aiming to get to your healthy BMI then you should definitely start working on toning your abs NOW!! A couple of months using the slendertone belt will start to make a difference. Â Get started toning now and you will reap the rewards when you are at your goal! Â WE ARE GIVING AWAY A SLENDERTONE BELT NEXT TUESDAY… SO GET INVOLVED THIS WEEK TO WIN!
Make sure you leave your tips and help other new people today! DON’T FORGET TO SIGN UP FOR OUR SUMMER MAKEOVER MISSION FOR YOUR CHANCE TO WIN £1000 AT THE END OF THE SUMMER!! So many people are posting their I AM IN photos in our secret slimmers facebook group, the buzz and excitement is so motivating!! If you want this summer to be the summer you finally lose the weight, then you have to join us!
My tips for getting through the night times, usually I’m kept busy with my daughter but I do try and watch tele ,read a book, go on to secret slimmers, I’ve been known to sell things on eBay or tidy or shop online ha ha late at night to keep me busy. Generally I will Leave my last shake till 8pm then I won’t be hungry. And have a coffee or water . Early nights are good in the first week, and positive thoughts for the morning !
Great tips Carys! You seem to be flying it 🙂 Great to see!! xx
Well done to the winner also 🙂 zx
I put my boys to bed then have a nice big cuppa then a bath or shower then I have been going through my clothes throwing out anything too big and lots of early night’s
Throwing out big clothes!! Love this one 🙂
I am delighted to let everyone know I’ve managed to go through my first 3 days, which are always the worst. So I’m hoping I’ll keep on the good work till the end of the week…. but lets not jump in front of ourselves: one thought at a time.
I have to vigilant of every single thought that passes through, especially in the beginning. I literally became the guardian of the moment, because I think “if I am doing OK now, all I need to do is multiply this moment – and moment by moment I’ll get there”
Love this… so simple and powerful xx
I used to be a dreadful evening picker before I started the NY plan . I was really worried about blipping but I found that saving one of my 4 until just before bed stops me doing this. I have my 3rd meal around 7 then fill up on broth during the evening before having either a choc shake heated or a vanilla shake with a spoon of coffee heated up. It really staves off the hunger having something scrummy to look forward to. Last night I discovered the choc truffa bar and have now ordered enough so that I can have that as my 4th meal during the evening with a cup of tea. It a so choccy and tasty that it feels really naughty but I know it’s not which is heaven. I’m a real happy camper and I’m only in my first week 🙂
Like the idea of having some broth!! So excited that you are a happy camper in week one!! Woohoo 🙂 Well done xx
Great video guys!!! 🙂 Huge congrats to the lucky winner!!!!!!!! :):):)xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Best advise I can give is; Drink an extra glass of water and then do something to keep yourself busy. The best thing is to leave the house and go for a walk as that way you are away from temptation! if you don’t want to go out then stay in and go through some old clothes and have a good sorting session. It is great to throw our clothes that are too big for you as it shows you how far you have come! Stay strong everyone x
I think walking is one of the best thing to do! Decluttering is also great! espcially sorting out big clothes!! Love these ideas Rosa xx
Top tips or getting through the evening…save a bar for the evening, cut it into thin slices and savour it. Also keep busy busy busy…the huge enery surge that being in ketosis give you makes it easy.
Busy busy busy! 🙂
Love the energy from ketosis!! so important to protect it isnt it xx
I don’t usually have my 3rd pack until around 7.30 which is the time we have our evening meal and then I keep one shake or bar to have during the evening, usually around 9.30pm. My favourite is a chocolate shake made with hop water, ie a hot chocolate drink! yummy. I always have a large glass of sparkling water with ice next to me and keep topping it up during the evening.
I also try to keep myself busy usually on my ipad trawling through thing on the internet or facebook and I always have a look at the secret slimmers page a couple of times during the evening which keeps me inspired.
Sparkling water is lovely! I never used to like it myself but love it now!
Love your idea of having a hot chocolate shake 🙂 xx
My tips for getting through the evening are … Get into a routine. Walk the dog. Have a bath. Organise your life. I’ve noticed how much more I take care of my things now. It’s like tidy body. Tidy mind. Tidy life. I get the wii fit out or go swimming. When i need a nibble. Cold nights I have a huge cup of broth with chilli flakes in front of a DVD and when it’s really bad. I make chocolate ice cream with a shake and chop up half a hazelnut bar stir it in and freeze it in an ice cube try. When I’m craving something sweet I pop a couple out and use them as a treat. It’s a lot better than a family sized bar of chocolate and tastes just as good.
WOW!! Loving your ideas.. this is just fab!! Love love love!
Eveings are the worse for me especially when Jims away working. So I always leave a shake or bar to enjoy watching my favourite box set or movie…sometimes I HALF the shake powder and HALF the bar that way I think I am have TWO products but only costs as one. Try your best not to let boredom sneak in…as your NOT HUNGRY your just missing the sensation of eating. I spend my evenings surfing the net looking at all the lovely clothes I AM going to be able to wear…and SOMETIMES I get the card out and yes you’ve guessed it purchase something. Try not to be alone too much as that is when the SABOTEUR comes to visit….make that phonecall you’ve been meaning to make….treat yourself to a lovely soak in a pamper bath…I will at the weekend SHOULD have one by then lol…listen to music…read a book…take up a hobby painting, sewing knitting. we’ve all resurrected forgotten skills…or learn some new ones…and it goes without mentioning. Come on HERE to SS there is always someone to motivate and encourage you…or give you the GENTLE nudge you need to keep focused. We’re a nice bunch and I for one am truly grateful to each and every one of them and the amazing NY team and product for giving me my life back. xxx
Try your best not to let boredom sneak in… TRUTH!!!
surfing the net looking at all the lovely clothes I AM going to be able to wear… LOVE!!!
ovely soak in a pamper bath… YES!!
listen to music…read a book…take up a hobby painting, sewing knitting. we’ve all resurrected forgotten skills…or learn some new ones… BRILLIANT ADVICE!
Come on HERE to SS there is always someone to motivate and encourage you…or give you the GENTLE nudge you need to keep focused. SO TRUE!! GOD SEND!
my top tip for getting through the evening is save a bar and cut it up into small pieces – i can get 15 pieces out of a bar , and nibble on this through out until bedtime . a long soak in the bath , cup of broth or tea and my NY bar .lovely .
i also make nom noms and have half during the day and half to watch tv with if i don’t have a bar that day .
15 PIECES!! Wow i must try this 🙂
my tips are 1) i always have my water to hand.2)i keep a meal or bar for evening time to stay on plan.3)have a lovely bath with relaxing candles to pamper myself,4) and always get on ss to have a cjhat the ladies are great craic and always someone there to keep you on track if you are struggling x
You are an expert at keeping on track with your amazing result Pauline xx
Thank you for sharing your tips x
My top tips for blip free evenings, are 1) keep either a bar for the evening to have a big mug of coffee, or I have one wafer bar every other night with a cuppa instead. That way I don’t feel like I am missing out. Also 2) another tip is I read a lot in the evenings and now I have my new Kindle Fire HD , I am using it every day and have downloaded loads of free books to read 🙂
Glad you are enjoying your new KINDLE HD FIRE!! wooohoo 🙂 xx So glad you won it!x
I up my water intake, and I save my bar til the evening. On days I feel blippy, I hide in the bath!! Things smell good in there, but I’m so so desperate to eat them!!
I love a bath too x
Hi there – my top tips to get through an evening are:
1. Keep 2 products for evening
2. Drink black coffee before 9.00pm
3. Login to Secret Slimmers for daily catch up
4. Register for Ellie’s webinar
5. Give myself a mini facial
6. Do 30 day squat challenge
7. Go online dress shopping and visualize
8. Have a bubble bath
9. Phone a friend
10. Look in the full lenght mirror and remember why I signed up to begin with
WOW 🙂 PERFECT LIST… totally up my street 🙂 xx
Louise Says:
June 10, 2014 at 1:44 pm e
My tips for getting through the evening are … Get into a routine. Walk the dog. Have a bath. Organise your life. I’ve noticed how much more I take care of my things now. It’s like tidy body. Tidy mind. Tidy life. I get the wii fit out or go swimming. When i need a nibble. Cold nights I have a huge cup of broth with chilli flakes in front of a DVD and when it’s really bad. I make chocolate ice cream with a shake and chop up half a hazelnut bar stir it in and freeze it in an ice cube try. When I’m craving something sweet I pop a couple out and use them as a treat. It’s a lot better than a family sized bar of chocolate and tastes just as good.